09/25/20: President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Arrival


Joint Base Andrews


  1. The upcoming debate with President Trump and Joe Biden , we need to make sure that Joe Biden is ( not )given the questions to the debate before it starts like (what was done) when Donald Trump debated with Hillary Clinton , remember Democrat Donna Brazile give Hillary Clinton the questions to the debate before,,, before,,, before it started , and make SURE he is not wearing a EAR piece……

  2. Dios habla x medio de la profecía
    Dios sana libertad hace milagros Dios vivi en espíritu es verdadero Dios gobierna la idmji mira Fundación x todo el mundo
    La obra lo hace el diablo es un espíritu Nuestro señor Jesucristo sana el virus
    La vacuna es llegar a la Iglesia de Dios Ministerial Jesucristo internacional
    Www idmji org. Oficial

  3. allegedly, many who have organized against President Trump, such as: news media, Democrats in gvmt., talk show hosts, foreign heads of states, universities, judges, barack obama, BLM, Antifa, Republicans in gvmt., etc…have been paid by george soros:
    Riding the Chinese Dragon: 
    Birth certificate is a forgery:  https://youtu.be/PFfY6_hcfxk
    Michelle obama biologically a man https://youtu.be/Al_Wa-haozo By BBC about mysterious deaths:https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-43727858;———‐——-
    black racist: https://youtu.be/rZQKM9IIqLw
    latte salute by obama:   
    https://youtu.be/fds4X1YSfXI scumbags: https://youtu.be/OGBbBnYljQU   ——————–

  4. Mt Trumpmore https://youtu.be/r_6PJw1RMPg #VOTETRUMP2020
    #AlwaysRememberTrumpInNovember My God How We LOVE, LOVE, #LOVEPRESIDENTTRUMP #MAGABABYMAGA #MAGA #KINGTRUMP4EVER #PRESSISTHEENENMY #Trump4Jobs #Biden4Mobs #KamalaOwnedSlaves #BARRYTHEFAIRY #BATHROOMBARRY #OBAMASPYGATE #HILLARY4PRISON #BENGHAZI #ThugLife #KingTrump4Ever #RedTsunami #MAGA #MAGA2020 #KAG #KAG2020 #Jews4Trump #God4Trump #IlovePresidentTrump

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  6. To the White House.
    Rich wants to do with the world that this should be the choice in the world that date October 2 that we will fight against corovirus.
    Trump and Mike, Joe Biden
    gets new leader
    this is top secret
    says Rich


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