09/26/20: President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure


The White House


  1. My vote is Trump.. but the fraud doesn’t matter in California .. olny met 10 people out of 500 people who voted for newscum. was fixed from the start.

  2. And whatever Nina puts me through is what She put me through – while She said She wanted to meet me – and now She doesnt read my messages and Nick has taken over. Its time to visit Nina at her home. NOW. Its about her videos and Its about who makes them. And Its about who helps her. Which videos I Get to see. Which I dont Get to see. How far we come and not because of others interffering – and thanks for including me into the Family – I am funny and I celebrate with you guys. Its a great Family and we are so thrilled to be here with eachother finally. I am super excited.

  3. I feel covered in feeling today and I accept and I cooperate and fills in all the positions that are needed – new Jobs – new fields – new schools – everything – new.

  4. I think democrats now still insist main in voting is ridiculous as you can take effect five measures like practising hygiene and wearing masks as well as putting more ballot box to solve the crowd traffic problem. Yet they just aim to create chaos! Go vote in person ppl!

  5. What’s it like America? To have a conman as a President.
    To have a tax cheater as President.
    To have a Traitor as President?
    To have a Bonespurs as a President?
    To have a pu55y-grabber as President?
    To have a mass murderer (by negligence) as President?
    What’s not to Like.

  6. 미국북폭공격 완전비핵화 공산체제 무너지고 자유민주평화통일 남북한 국회의원 선출 우파 국회의원 단합으로서 54막강한 압승 위없는 대민주주의길로 나아가니 세계의 찬탄을 받으며 G1되다 도널드 J 트럼프 대통령과 현인정 총인

  7. mr president thank you and your administration for your commitment promise pledge and very effective efforts. mr president america is with you one hundred and one percent, although perhaps, likely, even more disgusted in the criminal clinton scam cowardice and their collaborate illegal interference excuses than you are. regardless, we know that the institutionally corrupt democrat establishment disgrace are cheaters and liars above all else and that their ‘best bet’ is to accuse what they are guilty of. that spans through their legal ‘experience’ married to illegal interference and activist agendas and rigging rules to try and ‘pressure’ democracy when democracy is not impressed or intimidated. and that polluted rigged clinton clubhouse position to be sure will try to play a major part in stealing your promises to the people from america, and give them back to syria ukraine china and iran. thats just not acceptable.

  8. Trump: “He’s (Biden) always different when he comes out. He’s on a different medication.” LOL! Where is Biden by the way? It seems as though Trump is the only one trying to be President.

  9. The only thing theses demon reporters ..aka.. Democrat run media are concerned about is are they still going to have the choice to kill their babies!! So sickening

  10. The United States was born because of the “Declaration of Independence”. Only by establishing legislation to protect the United
    States from the erosion of communism can the United States be truly powerful.

  11. It is so unfortunate that there are so many that are ignorant people who do not realize that their negative words towards others are immediately redirected to themselves. As for me and my house – I can only will Lots of Love and Prayers to both Mrs Trump and President Trump. If they only knew the truth regarding their ill-will. May the grace of Absolute Source be with us all!!!


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