10/30/20: President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Arrival in Green Bay, Wisconsin


Green Bay, Wisconsin


  1. Recomendations:
    1 THE COVID-19 GENOCIDE OF 2020 – CLAIRE EDWARDS. DO NOT MISS THIS! https://www.bitchute.com/video/eSnj4KvEoewb/
    2 PDF _The COVID-19 Genocide of 2020_ http://ageoftruth.tv/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/The-COVID-19-Genocide-2020.pdf
    3 CDC dok. (page 39): _„[…] _*_no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available,_*_ assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA […]“,_ https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download

  2. ملفات خطيرة كشفت عنها وكالة المخابرات الامريكية السرية تقول ان كوريا الشمالية أجرت اختبارات جيوفزيائية واقمارا حربية الكترونية مغناطيسية لتدمير وتشويش الانظمة الرادارية والاتصالات والاقمار الصناعية الامريكية حيث قال الخبير جيمس باوند ان كوريا الشمالية تحاول زعزعة الاستقرار في انظمة الاتصالات والاقمار الصناعية والردارات الامريكية في وحدات الاكتشاف العلمي الجيولوجي واوضح ان كوريا الشمالية اطلقت اقمار صناعية حربية مغناطيسية للتشويش على النظام العالمي الالكتروني وقال جيمس ان الاعمال التي تقوم بها كوريا الشمالية سوف تهدد النظام الالكتروني والاتصالات والاقمار الصناعية الدولية 🔞🔞🔞📵☢

  3. الرئيس الامريكي دونالد ترامب يعلن لاول مرة في التاريخ عن تطوير صاروخ في مجال الصناعة الحربية الامريكية اطلق عليه اسم إيرناكس DXW 800 لقبه العلماء بالنيزك الذي يدور حول الارض على بعد 100سنة ضوئية من مميزات صاروخ إيرناكس المتطور يحمل الصاروخ نحو 375 راس نووي ولدية اكثر من ٥٠ رادار حربي يتلقى جميع المعلومات السرية للقوات الدولية و العسكرية التي تجرى على الارض ويحتوي على مجسات قمرية تتلقى نحو ٦٧ الف استكشاف سري ويمتاز الصاروخ بسرعته العالية التي تشبه سرعة البرق قوة الصاروخ يستطيع ان يحارب الكرة الارضية والعالم من الفضاء حيث انه يستطيع توجيه ضربة نووية لأي دولة تهدد الولايات المتحدة الامريكية يقول العلماء ان الصاروخ نجح بعد 15 سنة من البحث المتقدم والتطوير الهندسي والتكنولوجي سرعة الصاروخ تبلغ 1400كيلوا بالساعة ليكون الصاروخ اكثر التكنولوجيا المتطورة عبر الزمن حتى وقتنا هذا يتم التحكم بالصاروخ من الارض والجو والفضاء حيث يقول العلماء ان الصاروخ سيعزز قوة الولايات المتحدة الامريكية على الارض حيث يقول الرئيس الامريكي دونالد ترامب ان الصاروخ سوف يضع ميزانية كبيرة بين القوة العالمية والتكتيكية يمتلك الصاروخ قوة لا مثيل لها في صراع الادمغة البشرية والتكنولوجية

  4. War trumpet 2021 – Legion kid = 911.
    War trumpet 2030 – Legion kid = 911.

    China global war 2021 – Nine = 911.
    China global war 2030 – Nine = 911.
    NINE ———->> STAY READY 2020 SAINTS = 911 “””””NO MORE WARNINGS”””!!!.

  5. I would like to inform all the Christian nation that Arzoo Raja’s 13 year old Christian daughter was forcibly converted to Islam. I am going on a hunger strike on Monday, November 2, 2020 in front of the Commissioner’s Office, Sargodha. In order to protect the rights of the daughter, her family and minorities. Christian phobia is now spreading rapidly in Pakistan. This is an important step for me to protect the rights of Christian nation and minorities. Remember this important step in your personal and church prayers. My lifelong hunger strike is aimed at bringing justice to Pakistani minorities, and eradicating Christian phobia. God bless you all.
    From Tariq Iqbal. Sargodha. Pakistan

  6. They are going to kill us simply because we have a different outlook. What protection do we have? Save us Lord. Have mercy on us

  7. Open Letter To The 45th President Of The United States Of America Donald J Trump

    God Bless You Donald Trump and give you the courage, strength and wisdom, to be on the right side of destiny, to be the greatest president the USA has ever had!!

    Sir you have achieved more in your 1st term in office than all the previous presidents combined.

    Once people realise and really wake up, and see your hand in the down fall of the cabal, the global elites, the corrupt bankers, politicians, the various royal families in the world and their insatiable thirst for adrenochrome and other nefarious activities.

    To gain the fountain of youth they have needlessly enslaved young children and trafficked them like disposable goods. All In the pursuit of their own insatiable greed & vanity, they have sacrificed their humanity and are pure evil and satanic to the core.

    Once people realise your great military war against the deep state, and all the 5 million children that you have rescued from dumbs (deep underground military bases). You will become a national & international hero.

    Posterity will confirm and history will record. That You Sir, will be remembered as the Greatest President of The USA. Who has actually given the power back to the people, aswell as their liberty & freedoms. May the sun always shine, on the glorious New Republic, that you have newly created, once the US goes back to constitutional law and away from corrupt marine law.

    Most importantly though Sir you will be remembered as the greatest peace maker and humanitarian.

    I can only reiterate that Donald you are an amazing man and inspirational in your vision. I can only wish you a very long live, aswell as your incredible family.

    God bless the USA and the rest of the world.

  8. 首先,讓我說,我認為金正恩,或金主席,正如一些人說,正在尋找建立一個在經濟上具有強大實力的國家。我認為他非常——我跟他談了很多,他非常喜歡這樣一個事實——他和我一樣相信,朝鮮擁有巨大的經濟潛力,就像世界上其他幾個發展中國家一樣。(2019年5月27日)

  9. I have No more Words to that big Work you do Mr president from a Citizen in Denmark 🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰👍👍👍

  10. ⛅🗽I just wanna see the sun shine tomorrow diamond label vision of before life the source of success is illuminati face the new order de future not history EMEN! Mafia Life Dream Chases Washington D.C. United States of AMERICA is Loyalty illuminaty we some success God bless UNITED STATES. We bless être dad God #Baphomet Shemhamforash.WSHH Exclusive Music.! 🙏🏾

  11. Sehr geehrtes “Amerikanisches Volk”; seid stolz auf einen solch wertvollen Präsidenten und seid klug um Eurer Zukunft und eurer Kinder. Lasst Euch nicht durch die elitären Medien und zweigesichtige Politiker spalten.
    Wir in Deutschland, viele mündige Bürger, leiden unter der Doppelzüngigkeit durch eine manipulierten Presse und Medien und schämen uns für die Art und Weise wie unsere noch Kanzlerin wie deren Kreise aufgetreten sind und noch weiter hetzen gegen Donald Trump.

    Seid “objektiv” – viele in Deutschland wären stolz auf einen solchen Präsidenten – wir hoffen auf Eure Wahl !

    per Google translate:

    Dear “American People”; be proud of such a precious President and be wise about your future and your children. Do not let the elite media and two-faced politicians divide you.
    We in Germany, many responsible citizens, suffer from the duplicity caused by a manipulated press and media and are ashamed of the way in which our Chancellor and her circles have appeared and continue to rush against Donald Trump.

    Be “objective” – many in Germany would be proud of such a president – we hope for your election!

  12. \ ELECTION VALIDITY? /// When media scare Am voters by big COVID NUMBERS – which reflect U.S. big population, more detected tech/methods & inflated reporting by hospitals [paid 4 each….? with or from COVID-19 in %FATALITIES], then blame President Trump for that created nonsense? /// In addition, deleting globally used, scientific INDEX in World Health Order, [WHO], Nov 2: -NL2.11 -Fnlnd2.20 -U.S.2.51 -Brzl2.89 -Frnc2.69 -Spn2.89 -Irland3.09 -AU3.29 -Cnd4.30 -UK4.51 -Swdn4.78 -Chn5.39 -Irn5.69 -Itly5.47 -Mxc9.92; -INDX B -Omn1.1 -Astri1.1 -Jrdn1.1 -Cstrc1.3 -TWN1.3 -NZ1.3 -Azrbjn1.3 -Nrwy1.4 -Mdgskr1.4 -Armn1.5 -Swtzrlnd1.6 -Dnmrk1.6 -Jpn 1.7 -Greece1.6 -Srb1.7 -HK1.97- GRMN 1.97 -INDX C -Sngpr0.05 -Crcao0.1 -Ctr0.2 -Iclnd0.3 -Mldv0.3 -Dbai0.3 -Fr-Plnz0.4 -Slvk0.4 -CmnIlnd 0.4 -Bhrn0.4 -Mnco0.6 -Cyprs0.6 -Isrl0.8 -Arub0.8 -Czch0.9 -INDX B-C Reflect Pninsla/Ilnd/Tght.Brdrs/Lndlckd/GDP/Hgh.Nursing.Care/Frgn.Wrk.Areas/Low.Drug.Food.Sugar.Co.Dmnnc -Sources: JHU, Wrld Bnk/RCP – I recuse myself, as scientist, from debating politics that risk return to 1000 yrs of RETARDED SCIENCE since Hypatia murder [in]; No option is left but to save W CVLZTN 4 more yrs 2 rslv cmpllng fed CRTFCTN, lblty, crms eg CRND WRLD KNG, Twitter DORSEY, Artcl 230. Enough said. Amazon; limited space in; google citations.>

  13. \\ ELECTION VALIDITY BY SC? //// When Media & Dem Camp, [MDC], scare Am voters outside law & precedent? say by weponizing big COVID NUMBERS? – which reflect U.S. big population, more detected tech/methods & inflated reporting by hospitals [paid 4 each….? WITH or FROM COVID-19 in %FATALITIES, then blame President Trump for that created nonsense? WORSE, deleting globally used, scientific INDEX in World Health Order, [WHO], Nov 2: -NL2.11 -Fnlnd2.20 -U.S.2.51 -Brzl2.89 -Frnc2.69 -Spn2.89 -Irland3.09 -AU3.29 -Cnd4.30 -UK4.51 -Swdn4.78 -Chn5.39 -Irn5.69 -Itly5.47 -Mxc9.92; -INDX B -Omn1.1 -Astri1.1 -Jrdn1.1 -Cstrc1.3 -TWN1.3 -NZ1.3 -Azrbjn1.3 -Nrwy1.4 -Mdgskr1.4 -Armn1.5 -Swtzrlnd1.6 -Dnmrk1.6 -Jpn 1.7 -Greece1.6 -Srb1.7 -HK1.97- GRMN 1.97 -INDX C -Sngpr0.05 -Crcao0.1 -Ctr0.2 -Iclnd0.3 -Mldv0.3 -Dbai0.3 -Fr-Plnz0.4 -Slvk0.4 -CmnIlnd 0.4 -Bhrn0.4 -Mnco0.6 -Cyprs0.6 -Isrl0.8 -Arub0.8 -Czch0.9 -INDX B-C Reflect Pninsla/Ilnd/Tght.Brdrs/Lndlckd/GDP/Hgh.Nursing.Care/Frgn.Wrk.Areas/Low.Drug.Food.Sugar.Co.Dmnnc -Sources: JHU, Wrld Bnk/RCP – I recuse myself, as scientist, from debating politics that risk return to 1000 yrs of RETARDED SCIENCE since Hypatia murder [in]; Saving W CVLZTN by supreme court act by law & precedence? [Article at limited space ‘in’; google citations.]…..

  14. Trump spreads false news while also accusing others of spreading false news. It’s like one liar accusing the other of lying. you shouldn’t give false testimony that is God’s command, but Trump is a liar and has nothing to do with God, god was abused so many times out of lust for power and Trump does that too

  15. Victory after victory this is
    Trump family meant to be for the
    highest good of all.
    Mr.President after novin dec or so

  16. PRESIDENT TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.

  17. Our Pres .Donald J.Trump no matter what there doing devilous workin corrupt just continually work for the lord ,you still victory god has plan for you up high more than ,politically issue that no one can touching you and the lord together ,everywhere you go god has giving you an special order more than the. Who are trator for the country .two group will be divided this godly people work for you,alone and the other are devilous corruptible and cheater also Thier group working together all devilous flock together ,because they are not be a friend of God creation ,by separated by god grace.indeed.

  18. This is your remembrance from god accomplishment mission impossible in god covenant that everybody can realize ,that you are god side ,and faithfully done will of his creation you’ve done so will there’s n god we trust our Pres .Donald J. Trump you’re still victory of your mission field ,is not a polically movement ,but god has done a lot of you that you’re in mission to be glory by god grace that no one can understand the holy understanding ,we rebuking those devilous work can’t be near you .indeed.


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