10 days, 20 countries, more than 10 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines – COVAX rollout is here!


#COVAX has delivered over 20M #COVID19 vaccine doses to 20 countries. In the next week, it will deliver 14.4M doses to a further 31 countries. This is encouraging progress, but the volume of doses being distributed through COVAX is still relatively small.

To deliver on #VaccinEquity, we need to urgently ramp up production through:
-connecting #COVID19 vaccine producers with companies who have excess capacity to fill & finish
-bilateral technology transfers
-coordinated technology transfer
-waiving intellectual property rights


  1. When will this pandemic come to an end? 1918 pandemic lasted for 3 years without vaccines.. how bout this covid-19?

  2. What about countries that is no even Such as thing as cowid?
    Cow id mortality is not even 0.05%. Cancer alone brings many more deaths. The truth is coming to light. Nothing can stop it.

  3. I came to this channel literally to see if the WHO was still functioning at all. – Since it is, we wonder when it will be revealed that the college funds of all their children have been paid by their Chinese overlords?

  4. 120 million people infected as March 13 2021 and 2.7 million deaths making it a 3.19%. death rate, WHY MAKE SEEM THE 80 something% or 94% VACCINE SO NECESSARY? THAT’S THE QUESTION IM TRULY TRYING TO ANSWER, I have a better % of living without getting the vaccine?

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