2020 Christmas Decorations at the White House



  1. The “Christmas tree” has literally nothing to do with religion. In fact, adorning a tree is a pagan practice and the Bible itself prohibits it in:

    Jeremiah 10:2-4

    “Thisis what the Lord says:

    “Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are terrified by them. For the practices of the peoples are worthless;
    they cut a tree out of the forest,
    and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel. They adorn it with silver and gold;they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter.”

    On top of that, historians and scholars conclude that there is no way that Jesus was born on December 25th… or even in December at all. Christmas itself is a mix of pagan practices (Mithras, Saturnalia) and hallmark takeovers. Coca-Cola came up with the fat man in a red suit for “Santa clause”. Literally every aspect of this “holiday”, stems from innovations and watered down mixes of pagan rooted practices. Christian scholars and historians admit this.
    Please leave this falsehood and return back to following what Jesus really taught, which was not celebrate birthdays and was not to worship him, rather Jesus taught to worship God ALONE. He himself fell on his face and prayed to God.

  2. \\ GOOD NEWS //// Global NUMBERS collected daily from JHU, WHO, etc., PUBLISHED by ClearRealPolitics and re-ordered herein for 15 of ~100 Countries, unequivocally prove that GLOBAL COVID-19 DEATHS NUMBERS TREND DOWN in 3 Categories: <> (a) DOWN TREND IN U.S. % FATALITIES OF THOSE DIAGNOSED: <> 2.75% on Oct 22; 1.99 on Dec 1 <> (b) DOWN TREND IN % FATALITIES in U.S. and 14 Countries from Nov 2 to Dec 1: <> Germany 1.97;1.57 <> NL 2.11;1.79 <> Finland 2.20;1.60 <> U.S. 2.51;1.99 <> Brazil 2.89;2.74 <> France 2.69;2.36 <> Spain 2.89;2.71 <> AU 3.28;3.25 <> Canada 4.30;3.25 <> UK 4.51;3.60 <> Sweden 4.78;2.75 <> China 5.39;5.36 <> Iran 5.69;5.01 <> Italy 5.47;3.46 <> Mexico 9.92;9.54 <> (c) Reported U.S. 834 PANDEMIC DEATHS PER 1M of its large POPULATION (used for global comparisons) allocate it at 13th-lower position from the highest.]….

  3. *youtube.com/watch?v=Duh4fHe6IrY* — Go to *1 hr 7 min* of the video about William Barr.

    Webb comments on W. Barr’s law firm being the custodian of 29 patents and contracts that Dominion holds & were obtained from the class action law suit against Diebold Nixdorf being broken up. William Barr used the DOJ to execute 3 people on death row, & thus by assassinating the Iranian nuclear scientist is stating *if you talk your going to get executed* ……DOJ seems be in complete control of the Globalist/Establishment and weaponized.


  4. Transition from Law & Order too *Rules & Enforcement* has taken place. Soon or later, the *Judas Goat* will suffer the same fait as the flock.

  5. Love it. The children’s ornaments are perfect. Its about the children these days. Thank you, First Lady Melania and your team. 🌹

  6. ㄅㄜㄜㄜ.化學農藥行的解毒劑.遭竊賊偷竊.掉包.轉售.就叫做毒品.而多項毒品都是竊賊偷竊解毒劑掉包用途.然因此舉間接害死很多人.因此非常強硬態度的查緝毒品.觀看毒品走私數量.研判有人刻意規模性下毒.販賣毒品..請小心注意飲食..青蟹{紅蟳}需交配後才有飽滿的蛋黃.因此集體放養在魚塭的青蟹{紅蟳}肉質較佳.野生的常餓肚子.交配機率較小.沒甚麼肉.有人說在藥廠賣醫院固態麻醉劑.在驗藥時.放在湯匙燒烤.結果湯匙不夠平滑.受熱不均.導致燒焦.而醫院說麻醉劑有雜質.全部退貨.而藥廠為了證明麻醉劑沒問題.將燒焦的麻醉藥調製成嗎啡.卻被醫院評論為毒品.於是藥廠開始找醫院的麻煩.常可在化學農藥的包裝盒上看到中毒後.應注射阿托品解毒劑.那麼在周遭飲食化學農藥含量高時.是否有人策劃轉賣阿托品解毒劑.而製造阿托品解毒劑的顛茄與罌粟和洛神花的形態相似.那麼解毒藥效是否相同呢?軍機墜毀.國家應降半旗.半薪.以示負責.許多國家在國營機械.軍機.船艦 毀損失竊後.國家會降半旗.全國軍公教只支領半薪.直至虧損補平.因為這是軍公教承標及保證的防守.此舉能讓軍公教對機械保養及督導產生責任心.廣受好評.違禁藥品就是毒品.譬如說.一偏鄉居民跟村里長訴說.出入不便.要村里長開證明.然後跟醫院購買固態麻醉劑存放.然而購買後卻高價轉售.該藥品就變成違禁藥品.也就是毒品.此包含詐欺.暴利.藥事法.等罪.常有警察對社會大眾說.警察才是黑道.這是不是警察涉及重大刑案沒被查獲.是不是該叫區長到法院申請調查令呢?經常社會運作是.區域股票.在股東會議後.才會聘請幾各軍警執行公務.而該區沒有軍警時.常跟總局借調軍警.而該區發生案件.軍警需向區長報備.開區域股東會議後.跟法院申請執行.而不是跟總局回報.因為股東會議的性質不同.一直在想.滿18歲與未滿18歲的定義是什麼?什麼時候該跟異性發生性行為?許多人說近年.車禍傷亡.疫情不斷.天災損失.在加上物價上漲.政壇貪贓枉法.投訴無門.簡直有臺灣即將滅亡之象.其實這些應該都是炒股票的人.刻意製造混淆.從中報價取款?.在工商農漁.甚至軍公教職.在營業系統架構完整上市時.為尋找資方.常會釋出股票.而持股量最多的就是董事長.能填寫薪資報表及預算申請書.督察與巡查 常是持股人在巡查營業運作.但在國營尋找民間資方時.應該就不需要國家印鈔了吧!.觀察螃蟹在換殼時.體內會出現大量鹽分.而外省人喜吃鹹豬肉.體型也較高大.那麼生活習性與臺灣人不同的外省人立的法律.應該不適合臺灣人.如果有借錢不用還的銀行.我該去哪裡找這種借錢不用還款的銀行借錢呢?退輔會主委馮世寬.上電視說.當國防部長的時候.沒人找的到他.又說那些都是渣男.不要理會.那麼退輔會主委馮世寬輔導的對象是誰呢?

  7. Absolutely beautiful.

    Such a pleasure to see and it makes my husband and I feel like its Christmas.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU and the President of United States.

  8. I completely agree, Melania, people _do_ make a big deal out of Christmas decor. They’re picky, demanding, overemphasized.
    That’s why I like your honesty, you got your priorities right and are worth the vote. You also did a fantastic job, the selection is beautiful.

  9. How about a shot at the end of the team that put it all together, you know, just as a little shout out for their hard work? 🤔

    Nah, let’s just believe Mel did it all 😂

  10. Wishing the Trump Family a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021. I am going to miss you. Nigel Village, Kent, UK

  11. God Bless President Trump and First Lady Melania. Much love; can’t wait to see what the next 4 years brings with you as our President. 💕
    Patriots are holding the line.

  12. Thank you Melania for decorating OUR WHITE HOUSE so beautifully, elegantly, and with such MEANING for all to SEE. You have been a BLESSING and beacon of CRYSTAL LIGHT. Your strength, grace, and commitment as FIRST LADY is honored and so appreciated. GOD BLESS you and your BRAVE husband. Merry Christmas.

  13. 楞嚴經(Lieng-Ngiam-Gieng)云:阿難! 彼諸眾生堅固服餌而不休息 食道圓成 名地行仙 堅固草木而不休息 藥道圓成 名飛行仙 堅固金石而不休息 化道圓成 名遊行仙 堅固動止而不休息 氣精圓成 名空行仙 堅固津液而不休息 潤德圓成 名天行仙 . . . 是等皆於人中練心 不修正覺 別得生理 壽千萬歲 休止深山或大海島 絕於人境 斯亦輪迴 妄想流轉 不修三昧 報盡還來 散入諸趣!(A-Nan! Bi.-Zu-Ziong-Sieng gieng go hok Ni li but hiuu siek. Siek-Do ien sieng. vieng Dei-Hieng-Sien. gien go Tso-Vok li but hiuu siek. Iok-Do ien sieng. vieng Hui-Hieng-Sien. gien go Gim-Siek li but hiuu siek. Hua-Do ien sieng. vieng Iuu-Hieng-Sien. gien go Dong-Zi li but hiuu siek. Ki-Zieng ien sieng. vieng Kong-Hieng-Sien. gien go Zin-Iek li but hiuu siek. Lun-Diek ien sieng. vieng Tien-Hieng-Sien. . . . Si-Dieng gai u Lin-diong lien sim. but siuu Zieng-Gak. biet diek Sieng-Li. Siuu.-Tsien-Van-Suei. hiuu zi Sim-San hiek(hok) Dai-Hai-Do. ziet u Lin-Gieng. Si iek Lun-Hui. Vong-Siong liuu dien. but siuu Sam-Vui. Bo zin huan lai. san lip Zu-Tsu!)

    楞嚴經(Lieng-Ngiam-Gieng)云:阿難! 由因世界雜染輪迴 欲顛倒故 和合滋成八萬四千橫豎亂想 如是 故有胎遏蒲曇流轉國土 人畜龍仙 其類充塞!(A-Nan! iuu in Sei.-Gai zap liam lun hui. Iok dien do go. ho hap zi sieng Bat-Van-Si-Tsien-Hieng-Su-Luan-Siong. lu Si. go iuu Tai.-At-Bo-Dam liuu dien Gok-To. Lin.-Tsiok.-Liong.-Sien. Gi-Lui tsiong siek!)

    楞嚴經(Lieng-Ngiam-Gieng)云:阿難! 由因世界罔象輪迴 影顛倒故 和合憶成八萬四千潛結亂想 如是 故有想相羯南流轉國土 神鬼精靈 其類充塞!(A-Nan! iuu in Sei.-Gai vong siong lun hui. Ieng dien do go. ho hap iek sieng Bat-Van-Si-Tsien-Ziam-Giet-Luan-Siong. lu Si. go iuu Siong-Siong-Giet-Nam liuu dien Gok-To. Sin-Gui.-Zieng-Lieng. Gi-Lui tsiong siek!)

    楞嚴經(Lieng-Ngiam-Gieng)云:阿難! 由因世界愚鈍輪迴 癡顛倒故 和合頑成八萬四千枯槁亂想 如是 故有無想羯南流轉國土 精神化為土木金石 其類充塞!(A-Nan! iuu in Sei.-Gai ngu dun lun hui. Tsi dien do go. ho hap nguan sieng Bat-Van-Si-Tsien-Ko-Ko-Luan-Siong. lu Si. go iuu Vu-Siong.-Giet-Nam liuu dien Gok-To. Zieng-Sin hua ui To.-Vok.-Gim.-Siek. Gi-Lui tsiong siek!)

  14. 漢人(華人)楊嘉樺(南邑堂)(Han-Lin(Hua-Lin).-Iong-Ga-Hua(Nam-Ip-Nam)) 修文(siuu Vun) 三略(Sam-Liok) 殺生在君 國乃可安! (sat sieng zai Gun. Gok nai ko an!)

    予懷明德 不大聲以色!(U huai Vieng-Diek. but dai sieng i siek!) 聲色之於以化民 末也!(sieng-siek-zi-u-i-hua-vin. vuat ia!) 德輏如毛!(Diek iuu lu mo!) 上天之載 無聲無臭!(Siong-Tien-zi-Zai. vu sieng vu tsiuu!)
    五色令人目盲 五音令人耳聾 五味令人口爽 馳騁畋獵令人心發狂 難得之貨令人行妨! 是以聖人為腹不為目 故去彼取此!(ngo-siek lieng lin vok vong. ngo-im lieng lin li(ni) long. ngo-vui(vi) lieng lin kou song. di tsieng dien liap lieng lin sim huat gong. nan-diek-zi-ho lieng lin hieng hong! si i Sieng-Lin ui Hok but ui vok. go ku bi tsu Tsi!)
    觀自在菩薩行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄 . . . 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色聲香味觸法 無眼界 乃至無意識界 . . .(Guan-Zi-Zai.-Bo-Sat-hieng-sim-Buat-Lia-Po-Lo-Vit-Do.-Si. ziau gien ngo-un gai kong. do it-tsei.-ko-iek. . . . vu ngan.-li(ni).-bi.-siet.-sin.-i. vu siek.-sieng.-hiong.-vui(vi).-tsiok.-huap. vu ngan-gai. nai zi vu i-siek-gai. . . .)

    去(ku)假用上述漢字形義(Siong-sut-Han-Zi.-Hieng-Ngi)之滿變音(vuan-bien-im)San-Lyue. s’a s’ng zai Zyun. Guo nai kr an.
    Yu huai Ming-Dr. bu da s’ng i sr. s’ng-sr-z’-yu-i-hua-min. muo ie. Dr iou ru mau. S’ang-Tien-z’-Zai. u s’ng u siou.
    u-sr ling rn mu mang. u-in ling rn r’ long. u-uei ling rn kou s’uang. ts’ ts’ng tien lie ling rn sin fa kuang. nan-dr-z’-huo ling rn sing fang! s’ i Sng-Rn uei Fu bu uei mu. gu tsyu bi tsyu Ts.
    Guan-Z-Zai.-Pu-Sa-sing-s’n-Buo-Rr-Puo-Luo-Mi-Duo.-Si z’au zien u-yun zie kong. du i-tsie.-ku-r. . . . u ien.-r’-bi-s’r-s’ni. u sr.-s’ng.-siang.-uei.-ts’u.-fa. u ien-zie. nai z’ u i-s’-zie.

    雅音(Nga-Im) Nga(兀ㄚ) Im(ㄧm)

    夷俗邪音(i-siok-sia-im)z'(ㄓ) ts'(ㄔ) s'(ㄕ) rz(r)(ㄖ) r'(ㄦ) f(ㄈ) yu(ㄩ)

  15. Have a Blessed Merry Christmas 🎄 2020 as We All await a Healthy and a Cheerful Happy New Year 2021 to come !! …

  16. The first lady is the most beautiful lady Ive seen and the best dresser, and her decorations match her. no one can ever top it. Mary

  17. Merry Christmas Everyone!!! #JesUS loves you!!! #USA #God is with
    #US 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 Beautiful 🌈✈️🙏🎚🛡⚔️🎁🎄

  18. Our First lady is the best , so is our President Many blessings for our country. God bless the United States and those that stand and fight for this country .

  19. The First Lady Melania Trump did an awesome job coming up with this year’s theme for the white house decorations. The people who volunteer to turn it into reality did a beautiful job.

  20. What beautiful Christmas rooms done by our gracious First Lady. May our hearts be with the Trump family forever. Merry Christmas America.

  21. I love your Christmas decorations and every year you do a beautiful job. Love president Trump and Mrs Trump together with all your family and Whitehouse staff and volunteers you have done an excellent job again!
    Merry Christmas to all and God Bless everyone!!!

  22. This year, the Christmas trees and decors are so warm and inviting, the White House is decorated so beautiful because of the wonderful people who resides in it, our President Trump and our FLOTUS Melania. Thank you again Melania, you and your staffs did a wonderful and amazing job, its a beauty to behold.

  23. Love our First Family and our President. Best ever, and our White House is always beautiful and so blessed to celebrate Christmas with a true patriotic President in our home. God Bless

  24. Hi..

    Decline to be president after aircrsft and some tried to do Me harm No longer hopefully.

    San Diego. Carlsbad. CA.

    also Thanks Owner of This planet from Andrew E Kekos

    Friend contact equals news@new.com
    Need funds..Andrew Kekos does and also info. About what is going on. Assistance, please.

  25. Whoa ! This is very Christmas , love it . 🎄🌲❄️🌨️🎅🎅🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🤣⛄🕯️🍵☕

  26. Wow, wonderful, warm and inviting. Lovely as I expected from Beautiful Flotus Melania Trump!! Merry Christmas 🎄🎁🕊💞🕊💞🕊🕊🕊

  27. 8 more Years. God bless Trump
    93% American are pro-President Trump. They want him to be another 8 year‘s of President = 2020-2028. Because 2016-2020 were wasted because of the Democratic Party.
    3% are Joe Biden & his Transnational Criminal Organization = BLM, ANTIFA, Obama, Hillary, George Soros & Spys from CCP + Russian + Venezuela + Belarus + North Korea.

    All Pro-Trump Good Hearted American
    Please move your Money out of Stock Market now.
    Democrats & Establishments Wall Street CCP are going to make huge Stock Crashes before Christmas 🎄 2020 to blame President Trump. There will be lots of Jobless, Loss of Home on top of 2020 Lock Down.

    Stock Market 📉 is also Fake. There are „Dominions“ for Stock Market too. Time to remove them. After Clean 🧼 up, the Stock will be healthier, more transparent and more profitable 💰

    “When President Trump turns back to the People, saying “”Make American Great Again””, His Supporters are growing and still counting.”

    Joe Biden will die in His Basement. The Parents of Seal who killed Osama bin Laden and got betrayed and killed by Joe Biden, finally would be relieved.
    Joe Biden will die before the Parents of Seal.

    2020-2028, will be the Greatest Moment of USA 🇺🇸 History ever in last 200 years, that is all because of President Trump.
    From 2020-2220, the next 200 years, NO other Countries will catch up with USA 🇺🇸. USA 🇺🇸 will be ultra Super Power of the World to eliminate CCP, ISIS, ANTIFA, Communism, Dictatorship & etc.
    Then there will be a new Presidential Hill (Mount Rushmore National Memorial) = George Washington (1732–1799), Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), Donald John Trump (1946-2030+)

  28. I appreciate Christmas beauty but I think they could have gone half as much and given the rest of the money to people in America who are suffering, especially those who have lost jobs. Those rooms could have one tree each. Not saying it was Melania’s decision, not putting that on her. But someone should have done the right thing.

  29. Mr. President …. Donald. You deserve much better than what this country has given you. In my 60 years on planet earth you are the finest example of a statesman I have ever seen. Someone said several years ago that you would be America’s last president. I believe that to be true. One day the people of whatever is left of this nation will regret how you were treated and I will never forget. Know this Sir, you are far more loved than you know and many appreciate your efforts in trying to save our republic. But like you said yourself, the swamp is so much bigger than anyone knows. I wish you and your family all the best. I am very sad for my country right now and I feel as the light on the hill has been extinguished forever. God save us all.

  30. Madam First Lady. Thank you for all you do. Decor is stunning. Merry Christmas and God Bless and keep you and your family.

  31. So elegant and beautiful … The decorations and our first lady both!!! God bless our president and family and god bless america.

  32. Как украшен Белый дом накануне Христмасс! Меланья , жена президента США, каждый год занимается рождественским оформлением. Она прогуливается между елками, как волшебница, зажигающая гирлянды. Очень красиво и музыка подобрана подходящая.
    ————————– How decorated the White House on the eve of Christmass! Melania, the wife of the President of the United States, is engaged in Christmas decoration every year. She walks between Christmas trees like a magician lighting garlands. Very beautiful and the music is selected suitable.

    DICEMBER 2020…..

  34. Thanks Melania for keeping the spirit of Christmas back alive.

    Santa will be busy again delivering presents after presents to all.

    Jesus is surely pleased to see his Birthday celebrated merrily and enjoyfully with no mask on no social distancing, everybody is hugging n cheering while satans are hiding at the corner waiting for their death..

    Merry Christmas evrybody ho,ho,ho,ho….

  35. “I am working my ass off with the Christmas stuff that, you know, who gives a fk about Christmas stuff and decorations but I need to do it, right?” – Melania Trump

  36. All these comments sound fake as hell, I think we all need to agree with the First Lady when she says who gives a f*** about Christmas stuff and the decoration

  37. It would be more beautiful to donate the money spent to poor families so that their children have a nice Christmas. That would be in true spirit of Christianity.

  38. Melania is 1 million times more classy, beautiful, 1st lady like than M Obama or Hillary. Thank the Lord those two are done and out of our lives forever!

  39. Democrats need to be out looking for work then being on you tube complaining about Decorations and there Stimulus money oh yah you Rely on the Government to take care of you . like Beijing Biden is going to take care of you lol .

  40. Hello president Donald Trump this is Jay to let you know you have my vote to declare Marshall law before January the 6th this is a hostile takeover the supreme Court will not hear your case at all the Democrats will not hear your case at all even the Republicans will not hear your case at all you and the American people have been throwing under the bus so by all means you have my vote to declare martial law and anybody on here you can sign your name saying to to declare martial law I mean this because of the widespread fraud that is in America today you have no alternative but to declare martial law according to president Jackson he did this to save the country from hostile takeover you need to do the same thing because we are in a hospital take over by China itself so anybody that is for this sign your name under the bottom reply back to me with your name to vote in martial law to seize every voting machine and do a full scale investigation and if anybody goes against you in any way shape or form lock them up on both sides put them in prison put them in prison Donald Trump and don’t be afraid of what they will do to you or your family we will be praying to God day and night for your protection we will be asking angels of God to intervene for you and your family remember that do not be afraid or dismayed of their faces God will make your face as Flint and very hard he didn’t in Bible time it doesn’t mean he cannot do it again so remember that like I said and I said once and I’ll say it again sign your name to this petition and let’s get the America back on track again thank you in advance for this petition to declare Marshall law

  41. YES , 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 BE BEST!!!!🤗❤🤗
    TRAMP 2020!!!! AND MORE!!!!!!

  42. Thank you! I don’t believe I have ever seen our White House look so elegant and beautiful for Christmas in my lifetime, I thank God everyday and pray for President Trump and our First Lady, for strength and courage and endurance, I really hope that this fraudulent election will be over turned SOON! And our President can get back to work! This USA is better then it ever has been since Reagan and we can’t lose President Trump Now Keep up the good fight! Happy Holidays and God Bless President Trump and First Lady of the United States!

  43. Lo único q ha hecho esta mujer en 4 años fue mostrar riquezas en sus vestidos y derroche de dinero en adornos navideñas y para que???
    El pueblo muere de hambre!!!
    Que VERGUENZA y DOLOR ver que NADA ha cambiado en sus vidas cuando el pueblo sufre….
    Cristianos dicen q son……..
    Que Dios los PERDONE

  44. Melania First Lady USA…quattro anni incantati da Lei….bellezza raffinatezza eleganza discrezione….sentiremo molto la Sua assenza….mai la Casa Bianca è stata così bella……

  45. I will not quit believing that Pres. Trump won the election and that evil thieves stole it and evil political officials allowed such nonsense to happen. It is not over. Stand strong and do what needs to be done my President for 4 more years!

  46. Beautiful! Soooo much hard work, put in by dedicated and talented volunteers! Love it. I loved the red trees awhile back…it reminded me of how Chanel decorated in Paris. I copied it. Love the trees in the urns. Always love the ornaments made by the children and the ones that celebrate military families.



  49. You and Melania our our country’s last hope of course behind God. We thank you for all you’ve done for our country and all that you’re going to continue doing for our country. We are here to serve you and fight for you and for our country and however I can help as a 65-year-old grandmother I will. I am a young 65-year-old and I’ve got a CDL and I’ve got some intestinal fortitude and I’m not politically correct and I don’t care. God bless you and always always allow God to lead you. I’ve been sending you messages throughout the years asking you to always allow God to lead you and you have Grown in the Lord I can see it I can hear it. God has made a tremendous change and you Donald Trump and America loves you for it. God bless you and your family

  50. MY MOTHER MELANIA TRUMP……… AND ERWIN TRUMP………….😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  51. CALON ISTRIKU……… LISA MARIE BOOTHE……… BIG SEXY RULES……….. AND ERWIN TRUMP………..😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  52. should be ashamed of themselves to spend all this money on gaudy decorations while Americas children starve the next street over.


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