4/22/20: Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing


The White House


  1. Its sad the read some of these responses. I have always thought american people made their own decisions by actually investigating FACTS. One news station should NEVER be taken as truth.. truth is in the facts and facts are looked into not heard from one news station. It’s sad that we have forgotten to follow through to find the facts not take things at face value.

  2. Professor George Enstein had done great studies in biophotonics (light therapy) to cure pathogenic disease. He was shutdown. He was my husband’s Professor. Great man, true humanitarian.

  3. I live in Georgia I definitely disagree with us opening up so soon. According to the CDC we still have well over 10,000 cases. Kemp truly bumped his head on this one.

  4. Trump should advise the Governor of Georgia to clear the area at a certain region of the state. For there will be a MOAB with a so called Dr. Fauci duct taped to the side of it, dropped on The Georgia Guide Stone.

  5. People wake up!!!
    All reporters at press conference DEFY FAKE NEWS TRUMP! there on the spot !
    Accuse outloud with questions why he didn’t give a crap about any life list in mid December, lying,making up crap for answers on topics he knows bull about and should have deferred to medics RUN THE country !
    Now reporters write on spot there huddle and conclude to ask for vote of non confidence motion ASAP in congress today

  6. What a shame how the Washington Post and CNN treats your President. Don’t let happen what happened to your other very good President Kennedy. You know the story. He was shot down. We had someone too before Pim Fortuyn . And he was going to win here in the Netherlands in 2002. What happened? The media and the politics here were so vicious to him that some weeks before the election he was shot down. Very very sad this media. Please take care for your President . He runs your country as a big business with very great people in it. I wish your President and the American people good health and wisdom.

  7. What a shame how the Washington Post and CNN treats your President. Don’t let happen what happened to your other very good President Kennedy. You know the story. He was shot down. We had someone too before Pim Fortuyn . And he was going to win here in the Netherlands in 2002. What happened? The media and the politics here were so vicious to him that some weeks before the election he was shot down. Very very sad this media. Please take care for your President . He runs your country as a big business with very great people in it. I wish your President and the American people good health and wisdom.

  8. Perhaps the Doctor should have a diagram and pictures to show them as he is telling them the difference and seperation of the COVID & Flu & that both will happen but it won’t be as devastating. Idiots. As far as getting a flu shot #SAYNOTOBILLGATES. After what he’s tried to pull with his Depopulation plus what he has done with destroying lives in India regarding the children with the polio vaccines & in Africa in regards to Sterilization no way no how will I get a flu shot.

  9. Hate it when a politician who does not know science says “in my opnion” when referring to a matter he/she does not have knowledge on. He does not have the means to stand by the fact that it could be worse in a second wave.

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