The police world wide have gotten them selves a dreadful reputation by crocked police…they have become an enforcement agency of the 1% elite and their global terrorism….that’s what the police became in their final days..
Remember everyone,in this life, it’s not about you,and it’s not about me.Its about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the word of God, with everyone. And being a good Christian friend to all. I love each of you equally, all the way to Heaven.
How could she get this wrong?? There were 2.5m jobs lost not gained! Granted its not as bad as the predicted 10m but lets be honest, the 20m lost in April probably cant ever be beat.
It’s only fitting that the greatest president in U.S. history has the greatest Press Secretary in history. It’s almost like a comedy skit she’s so good. I mean that reporter mentioned one thing about Mitt Romney and she pulled Mitt Romney facts that pertained to the question and just disintegrated Ol’ Mitt into saw dust in like 12 seconds.
Look back in history!
Not all that long ago.
Everything the leftists are doing today
With the rioters and abolition of the police.
The NAZI’s and Hitler did everything the same.
Typical socialists flip the truth.
Hitler was a socialist he was the brown shirt leader of ANTIFA
He was also the NAZI leader. He was a puppet of the corporate elites.
Back then it was the NAZI WORLD ORDER. Rebadged as the NEW WORLD ORDER!
Globalists are not new they are just rebadged communists!
Have a look at IPOT and his video “The Weathermen”
You will be shocked!
Oh this is ridiculous….they are NOT NEW JOBS- they were NOT just created… the employers are rehiring the same employees.
Oh and let’s NOT forget that since the employees at a lot of companies were “officially let go” – under the law – Employers are allowed to restart all employees benefits. For example if an Employee had 6 years at the company and was getting 3 weeks of vacation – well the company under the law is allowed to treat that employee as a new one and usually starting vacation is 1 week.
I’m very happy for Americans. Im so glad he is not for kneeling they want implied consent to their agenda to herd the people. I wish Americans would have a close look at Canada. If they did they could immediately vote for Mr. President Trump 2020
I live in sydney australia i hat dm i lova president drump because he love usa and american people i wish him to be win in the 11,3,2020 god bless america.
My childhood friend passed away in the hospital in late January. They said it was from pneumonia. Febuary is when the World began learning about CCP virus coincidentally it could is ALSO the time I had flu for almost 5 weeks and I have not been sick more than 1-2 days for 15 years at least. I’m not saying ANYTHING except THOSE are the facts as I see them. From my perception. We need answers after we get through this. I never got tested btw because it’s not about that. And it was BEFORE all the craziness STARTED .
Jezzzz does any of these journalists know the definition of SYSTEMIC? STUPIDITY IS A SERIOUS PANDEMIC! They ask very ignorant mindless irrelevant questions that they would never ask the Obama admin bc the questions are clearly stupid.
These journalists show up UNPREPARED! Imagine if you showed up to work unprepared? They remind me of the Clinton Administration. Kailey is spending a lot of time TEACHING these empty minds (emptier than a first year Uni student) basic accessible information, history and legislative facts).
Kayleigh mcenany people going back to their jobs aren’t creating new jobs are jobs that were there already they’re just going back to work don’t claim the Trump created all of these new
No defunding. Take from supporting of illegals receiving benefits because Dems don’t want to ask for citizenship. Continue catch and return to the native country.
Are you saying trump did a good job when he was had crowd forcibly moved before his ridiculous come-to-Jesus-moment with that bible? What a fraud. And a fake. But you know who won’t be removed or fooled-God. That’s who.
Oh how money talks, doesn’t it Mrs. McEnany? Oh I’ll admit you are damn good at your job, but it is a job right? That you are paid well for, right? Oh, but lets not forget that you were once a very harsh critic of Donnie before you became a fierce advocate for him. Oh but when a lucrative job at the White House is offered, Kayleigh would get on her knees just like Stormy if the price is right. Right? I hereby deem you the Hotty Hypocrite. Here are just a few quotes, on the record, that Mrs. McEnany had to say about her boss…
“To me, a racist statement is a racist statement. I don’t like what Donald Trump said,” she said in an exchange on CNN in late June 2015
McEnany added that Trump’s comments are “derogatory” and as “equally hateful” as Sharpton’s.
“Donald Trump has shown himself to be a showman, I don’t think he is a serious candidate,” she added. “I think it is a sideshow. It’s not within the mainstream of the candidates.”
“Donald Trump is number two and doesn’t deserve to be there,” McEnany said.
“I appreciate his boldness and I think some of his rhetoric got the base excited, but it is not welcome rhetoric,” she said. “Some of the things we heard in his speech when he said, when Mexico sends people across the border, they’re sending criminals and rapists and maybe some good people. Look, the GOP doesn’t need to be turning away voters and isolating them. We need to be bringing them into the tent. Donald Trump is the last person who’s going to do that.”
Speaking on CNN on June 29, 2015, McEnany added Trump was hitting at a “real problem” with a “porous border,” but also said his comments were wrong.
“I want to make clear, I don’t support what Donald Trump said,” she added. “I think he said something very unartful, very inappropriate.”
I don’t think Donald Trump is consistent with mainstream Republicans. There’s going to be a path.”
“That’s the problem with Donald Trump is he can’t apologize for his own statement. And not apologizing, he’s losing credibility on what is a credible issue. The Obama administration just last year released 600 illegal immigrants who had criminal convictions,” she said.
“I don’t want to claim this guy,” she added. “Donald Trump, if we’re going to be honest, is a progressive. He supports eminent domain. He supported tax increases before. He’s donated 300,000 to Democratic candidates. So, the fact that the Republican Party is now having to claim him, is both unfortunate, and to me, inauthentic. Because this is not a true Republican candidate. And the fact that he’s being portrayed as such in media is troublesome and not accurate.”
I wish I had the guts and wisdom to address those who are blinded by the lies of the main stream media coverage. To have friends that don’t even care to listen to her tells me they are under the bad spell
We are very appreciative of the good police out there but to be fair lets remember the bad apples that arrested peaceful protestors during the lock down too. That was a violation of the bill of rights.
Of course jobs were added and more people are now working. Everything opened back up after a 3 month shut down due to a pandemic! No shit Sherlock. BTW, nearly 2.5 MILLION people have contracted Covid-19 and nearly 120k dead since March. Bravo!! Not.
Deputy wife here with input Please sir…. develop a civilian task force, a review board to take the complaints against or local law enforcement. Complaining to the department about the department doesn’t work and is what allows citizens and their complaints to be invalidated and ignored. From the wife of a deputy that is being persecuted in my place of business and in my personal life by the department because of my divorce which was highly about the corruption I saw…please fix this. They discriminate against who they want when they want and destroy lives without MURDER, but the results can be about the same. These riots will happen again until you fix THE CORE OF THE PROBLEM. FROM THE WIFE OF A DEPUTY IN A CORRUPT COUNTY. LIKE IT OR NOT… WE HAVE CORRUPTION. I have a plan for these task forces and review boards. Police don’t need to be defunded… but IA (internal affairs where complaints are handled) SHOULD BE #defundinternalaffairs #createaciviliantaskforce
Help the people in nursing homes who are going to die after living 67-90 years or more and now living on $72.00 a month “and only getting ONE shower a WEEK even if they go on themselves am not kidding.” They can’t even buy their grandchildren something nice for birthdays or Christmas or whatever holiday. I say help them keep a little more say $150.00 and I believe there are way more Good people on earth than Bad let’s promote that on a wider scale let’s promote integrity and positive virtues, values, and other principles that will edify the human soul.
Help the people in nursing homes who are going to die after living 67-90 years or more and now living on $72.00 a month “and only getting ONE shower a WEEK even if they go on themselves am not kidding.” They can’t even buy their grandchildren something nice for birthdays or Christmas or whatever holiday. I say help them keep a little more say $150.00 and I believe there are way more Good people on earth than Bad let’s promote that on a wider scale let’s promote integrity and positive virtues, values, and other principles that will edify the human soul.
Trump and his sycophants have turned usa into a third world DICTATORSHIP
She has the whore like face
She has the lying face of a well heeled whore
The Bubble Barbie gets more and more vile spouting the propaganda the chubby Mango espouses.
WOW!!! I see the idiots have moved from the press briefing to this comment section. TRUMP 2020!!!
Wow…. just straight up lies… not even trying now… xD
Imagine being so delusional that you say “US police are the best in the world”. Grade A idiot
When Trump loses his reelection, I hope she stays on as the WH press secretary.
The police world wide have gotten them selves a dreadful reputation by crocked police…they have become an enforcement agency of the 1% elite and their global terrorism….that’s what the police became in their final days..
Remember everyone,in this life, it’s not about you,and it’s not about me.Its about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the word of God, with everyone. And being a good Christian friend to all. I love each of you equally, all the way to Heaven.
My goodness, this gal Rocks.
How could she get this wrong?? There were 2.5m jobs lost not gained! Granted its not as bad as the predicted 10m but lets be honest, the 20m lost in April probably cant ever be beat.
4 More Years!!!
Ms. Kayleigh is AMAZING to say the least. She rocks!!!
A truthful balanced report – great job
From here in Cape Town, South Africa –
we are praying for you Kayleigh
It’s only fitting that the greatest president in U.S. history has the greatest Press Secretary in history. It’s almost like a comedy skit she’s so good. I mean that reporter mentioned one thing about Mitt Romney and she pulled Mitt Romney facts that pertained to the question and just disintegrated Ol’ Mitt into saw dust in like 12 seconds.
Look back in history!
Not all that long ago.
Everything the leftists are doing today
With the rioters and abolition of the police.
The NAZI’s and Hitler did everything the same.
Typical socialists flip the truth.
Hitler was a socialist he was the brown shirt leader of ANTIFA
He was also the NAZI leader. He was a puppet of the corporate elites.
Back then it was the NAZI WORLD ORDER. Rebadged as the NEW WORLD ORDER!
Globalists are not new they are just rebadged communists!
Have a look at IPOT and his video “The Weathermen”
You will be shocked!
Can we stop uploading the 45 minutes of staring at the podium. Please. This is perfect.
Probably other sources though but just saying…
This is so stupid worst president and staff. Its a dictatorship nobody feels thats wrong?
Reporters suck
I cannot believe how against America the media is. Do they understand the shit coming out of their mouths?
Excellent speaker from Whitehouse , Thank for your smart answers here , nice report today like you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^
Oh this is ridiculous….they are NOT NEW JOBS- they were NOT just created… the employers are rehiring the same employees.
Oh and let’s NOT forget that since the employees at a lot of companies were “officially let go” – under the law – Employers are allowed to restart all employees benefits. For example if an Employee had 6 years at the company and was getting 3 weeks of vacation – well the company under the law is allowed to treat that employee as a new one and usually starting vacation is 1 week.
Go Trump
I’m very happy for Americans. Im so glad he is not for kneeling they want implied consent to their agenda to herd the people. I wish Americans would have a close look at Canada. If they did they could immediately vote for Mr. President Trump 2020
I live in sydney australia i hat dm i lova president drump because he love usa and american people i wish him to be win in the 11,3,2020 god bless america.
My childhood friend passed away in the hospital in late January. They said it was from pneumonia. Febuary is when the World began learning about CCP virus coincidentally it could is ALSO the time I had flu for almost 5 weeks and I have not been sick more than 1-2 days for 15 years at least. I’m not saying ANYTHING except THOSE are the facts as I see them. From my perception. We need answers after we get through this. I never got tested btw because it’s not about that. And it was BEFORE all the craziness STARTED
KAYLEIGH FOR PRESIDENT, she’s Smart , Young , And listens, .She’s also quick to respond to questions regardless who asks .
Who the hell is she talking a bout , markets table a Real Most and he did to create jobs they were call back to work she is sleeping with trump
Why are you flooring the You Tube now? You & Fox News all of the sudden are clogging everything. Scare ?????
She hits the dumb media with facts …KM is prepared !!….CNN lost big time by losing her ..>Go spit fake news !! DT2O2O !
Jezzzz does any of these journalists know the definition of SYSTEMIC? STUPIDITY IS A SERIOUS PANDEMIC! They ask very ignorant mindless irrelevant questions that they would never ask the Obama admin bc the questions are clearly stupid.
These journalists show up UNPREPARED! Imagine if you showed up to work unprepared? They remind me of the Clinton Administration. Kailey is spending a lot of time TEACHING these empty minds (emptier than a first year Uni student) basic accessible information, history and legislative facts).
Kayleigh mcenany people going back to their jobs aren’t creating new jobs are jobs that were there already they’re just going back to work don’t claim the Trump created all of these new
she has been converted!
Gee I wish we have information like this in Canada
K is bizzzombbb
No defunding. Take from supporting of illegals receiving benefits because Dems don’t want to ask for citizenship. Continue catch and return to the native country.
Watching her own the media just makes her even hotter

Sliding in sideways to greatness “

She doesn’t know what’s she’s doing. But they’ll ALL be gone soon!!
Unbelievable, I didn’t think anyone could out-lie Trump. She’s pushing the limit. Geesh, maybe she’ll get fired for being better at it than he is.
Are you saying trump did a good job when he was had crowd forcibly moved before his ridiculous come-to-Jesus-moment with that bible? What a fraud. And a fake. But you know who won’t be removed or fooled-God. That’s who.
damn there’s really racist comments under a white house video, president never cared about any other color besides white
Oh how money talks, doesn’t it Mrs. McEnany? Oh I’ll admit you are damn good at your job, but it is a job right? That you are paid well for, right? Oh, but lets not forget that you were once a very harsh critic of Donnie before you became a fierce advocate for him. Oh but when a lucrative job at the White House is offered, Kayleigh would get on her knees just like Stormy if the price is right. Right? I hereby deem you the Hotty Hypocrite. Here are just a few quotes, on the record, that Mrs. McEnany had to say about her boss…
“To me, a racist statement is a racist statement. I don’t like what Donald Trump said,” she said in an exchange on CNN in late June 2015
McEnany added that Trump’s comments are “derogatory” and as “equally hateful” as Sharpton’s.
“Donald Trump has shown himself to be a showman, I don’t think he is a serious candidate,” she added. “I think it is a sideshow. It’s not within the mainstream of the candidates.”
“Donald Trump is number two and doesn’t deserve to be there,” McEnany said.
“I appreciate his boldness and I think some of his rhetoric got the base excited, but it is not welcome rhetoric,” she said. “Some of the things we heard in his speech when he said, when Mexico sends people across the border, they’re sending criminals and rapists and maybe some good people. Look, the GOP doesn’t need to be turning away voters and isolating them. We need to be bringing them into the tent. Donald Trump is the last person who’s going to do that.”
Speaking on CNN on June 29, 2015, McEnany added Trump was hitting at a “real problem” with a “porous border,” but also said his comments were wrong.
“I want to make clear, I don’t support what Donald Trump said,” she added. “I think he said something very unartful, very inappropriate.”
I don’t think Donald Trump is consistent with mainstream Republicans. There’s going to be a path.”
“That’s the problem with Donald Trump is he can’t apologize for his own statement. And not apologizing, he’s losing credibility on what is a credible issue. The Obama administration just last year released 600 illegal immigrants who had criminal convictions,” she said.
“I don’t want to claim this guy,” she added. “Donald Trump, if we’re going to be honest, is a progressive. He supports eminent domain. He supported tax increases before. He’s donated 300,000 to Democratic candidates. So, the fact that the Republican Party is now having to claim him, is both unfortunate, and to me, inauthentic. Because this is not a true Republican candidate. And the fact that he’s being portrayed as such in media is troublesome and not accurate.”
Hey babe
All those jobs were lost 90 days ago. BIG FN DEAL !!!
I wish I had the guts and wisdom to address those who are blinded by the lies of the main stream media coverage. To have friends that don’t even care to listen to her tells me they are under the bad spell
You mean cheerleading session, don’t you? I have yet to hear a real ‘press briefing.’ This young lady is about as despicable as her lord and master.
Go Kayleigh! Love it when you pull the book out. The pen is mightier than the sword! Boom!
We are very appreciative of the good police out there but to be fair lets remember the bad apples that arrested peaceful protestors during the lock down too. That was a violation of the bill of rights.
Id totally tap that just saying
Keep pushing the idiot’s out and calming the situation.
Kayleigh has trump man goo on her face
Of course jobs were added and more people are now working. Everything opened back up after a 3 month shut down due to a pandemic! No shit Sherlock. BTW, nearly 2.5 MILLION people have contracted Covid-19 and nearly 120k dead since March. Bravo!! Not.
Hello from ? Mark
Deputy wife here with input Please sir…. develop a civilian task force, a review board to take the complaints against or local law enforcement. Complaining to the department about the department doesn’t work and is what allows citizens and their complaints to be invalidated and ignored. From the wife of a deputy that is being persecuted in my place of business and in my personal life by the department because of my divorce which was highly about the corruption I saw…please fix this. They discriminate against who they want when they want and destroy lives without MURDER, but the results can be about the same. These riots will happen again until you fix THE CORE OF THE PROBLEM. FROM THE WIFE OF A DEPUTY IN A CORRUPT COUNTY. LIKE IT OR NOT… WE HAVE CORRUPTION. I have a plan for these task forces and review boards. Police don’t need to be defunded… but IA (internal affairs where complaints are handled) SHOULD BE #defundinternalaffairs #createaciviliantaskforce
#blacklivesmatter #unitedwestand #BLM #georgefloyd #USawakening
Liberal Nightmare getting back to Normalcy! They live on Chaos Chaos everyday is DOOMSDAY!
Thank you Kayleigh, very cool!
Such an amazing woman! We love our conservative women folks, the best women in America!
Two hours late.
Help the people in nursing homes who are going to die after living 67-90 years or more and now living on $72.00 a month “and only getting ONE shower a WEEK even if they go on themselves am not kidding.” They can’t even buy their grandchildren something nice for birthdays or Christmas or whatever holiday. I say help them keep a little more say $150.00 and I believe there are way more Good people on earth than Bad let’s promote that on a wider scale let’s promote integrity and positive virtues, values, and other principles that will edify the human soul.
Help the people in nursing homes who are going to die after living 67-90 years or more and now living on $72.00 a month “and only getting ONE shower a WEEK even if they go on themselves am not kidding.” They can’t even buy their grandchildren something nice for birthdays or Christmas or whatever holiday. I say help them keep a little more say $150.00 and I believe there are way more Good people on earth than Bad let’s promote that on a wider scale let’s promote integrity and positive virtues, values, and other principles that will edify the human soul.