9/16/20: President Trump Holds a News Conference


The White House


  1. The freaking media has turned into a political machine. everything on TV these days is anti-trump, in the programming, in the movies, in the commercials, the talk shows…..RE-ELECT DONALD TRUMP

  2. Mr.PRÄSIDENT,Dj.Trump you looks so very good !! :-)! Beautiful is your smile for me and Germany ! Love your Wonderful work Mr.PRÄSIDENT Dj.Trump! Wwg1wgA Q friends!

  3. I don’t give a damn about Football starting again! Can you ever just focus on one thing? Send your suffering people some stimulus money! We don’t care at all about Football right now!!!

  4. PLEASE Mr President, if you won’t forgive college loans for struggling legal law-abiding Americans, PLEASE at least allow US to file for BANKRUPTCY…. Thank you for your service!

  5. TRUMP2020…can’t wait to vote in person….the Democratic media/news teams crying over the loss will be a real pleasure to see their dishonesty
    totally exposed to all of America🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. Again, these so-called hurricanes are acts of the U.S. military. They are perfectly executed by a masonic code. Check out Zachary Hubbard’s channel (Gematria Effect News) for more info!

  7. Mr President Trump, I appreciate your love for this Country and all the people that live here!! I am deeply thankful for all you are doing world wide!! ♡♡♡

  8. 大家好.別被拜登騙了.終言.

  9. Our media is lying to us, hydroxychoraquine with zpack and zinc work, I now have several friends that have taken it after being diagnosed with Covid, immediately after starting the medication they started getting better. How corrupt that they don’t want medical doctors to try this, even our great president recommended it and yet majority of doctors still not prescribing it. What a shame that they would have people die and they could have had a simple treatment and our economy didn’t need to be destroyed

  10. The Vaccine to be rolled out, is not that the vaccine the villains developed in case they accidentally contaminated themselves with their own SARS-COV2 related COVID19❓❓❓

  11. Barr needs to charge RINO Texas Gov Greg Abbott for Extortion❗ He Extorted Texas Business owners by threatening them a fine if they’re caught not making people wear a mask in their grocery stores and other shops. He joined his comrade Harris Co Judge Looney Hidalgo❗

  12. Hahahahaha, the reporter asks President Trump about the vaccine vs the mask effectiveness, President Trump explains that people keep touching their mask, as reporters are constantly touching their masks, and that the vaccine will be much more effective than the masks. You’d think these incredibly left wing reporters could actually grab half a brain and figure some of this out that grabbing at their masks is worse!

    D.J.Trump 6 Million Jobs Created Since Election
    D.J.Trump More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history
    D.J.Trump Created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election
    D.J.Trump Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than 3 Decades
    D.J.Trump Economic Growth Last Hit 4.2 Percent
    D.J.Trump New unemployment claims recently hit a 49 year low.
    D.J.Trump Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded
    D.J.Trump African-American unemployment has achieved the lowest rate ever recorded
    D.J.Trump Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded
    D.J.Trump Asian American unemployment achieved the lowest rate ever recorded
    D.J.Trump Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
    D.J.Trump Youth Unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century
    D.J.Trump Lowest unemployment rate ever for Americans without high school diploma
    D.J.Trump veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years
    D.J.Trump 3.9 Million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election
    D.J.Trump Pledge to America’s Workers resulted in employers train 5 million Americans
    D.J.Trump Committed to VOCATIONAL Education
    D.J.Trump 95% of U.S. Manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever
    D.J.Trump Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year
    D.J.Trump Signed biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history
    D.J.Trump Tax Cuts, over $300 Billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter
    D.J.Trump Lower Taxes, Small Businesses Lowest Top Marginal Tax Rate In 80 Years
    D.J.Trump Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles
    D.J.Trump Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup
    D.J.Trump Opened ANWR To Gas Explorations 
    D.J.Trump Approved Keystone XL Pipeline
    D.J.Trump Approved Dakota Access Pipelines
    D.J.Trump Record Number of Regulations Eliminated New Record For USA
    D.J.Trump Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions
    D.J.Trump Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE
    D.J.Trump No More Individual Mandate From Obamacare
    D.J.Trump Pay For Not Having Healthcare 
    D.J.Trump Affordable Healthcare options for Americans
    D.J.Trump Affordable Healthcare options through association health plans
    D.J.Trump Affordable Healthcare options short-term duration plans.
    D.J.Trump FDA Approved More Affordable Generic Drugs Than Ever Before In History
    D.J.Trump Creating Vaccine For Virus With Phiser Purchased 100 Million Doses
    D.J.Trump Drug Companies Are Freezing or reversing planned price increases
    D.J.Trump Approved Keystone XL Pipeline 
    D.J.Trump Approved Dakota Access Pipelines
    D.J.Trump Create NEW USA – Mexico – Canada Trade Deal USMC replace NAFTA
    D.J.Trump Create NEW USA – Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA
    D.J.Trump Create NEW USA – Canada Trade Deal to replace NAFTA
    D.J.Trump Record Number Of Regulations Eliminated Ever In USA
    D.J.Trump Reformed Medicare Now Stop hospitals overcharging low-income seniors
    D.J.Trump Reformed Medicare Drug Saving Seniors Hundreds of millions of dollars
    D.J.Trump Signed Right To-Try Legislation
    D.J.Trump Secured $6 Billion in NEW funding to Fight the Opioid Epidemic
    D.J.Trump Reduced high-dose Opioid Prescriptions By 16 percent first year in Office
    D.J.Trump Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act
    D.J.Trump Expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics
    D.J.Trump Created Same-day urgent primary and mental health care
    D.J.Trump Increased our coal exports by 60 percent
    D.J.Trump U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high Ever In USA
    D.J.Trump USA is a Net Natural Gas exporter for the first time since 1957
    D.J.Trump Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord
    D.J.Trump Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.
    D.J.Trump Secured record $700 billion in military funding 2018
    D.J.Trump Secured record $716 billion in military funding 2019
    D.J.Trump NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016
    D.J.Trump Formed Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces
    D.J.Trump Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay
    D.J.Trump Made Agreements with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports
    D.J.Trump Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration
    D.J.Trump Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch
    D.J.Trump Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Judge Brett Kavanaugh
    D.J.Trump Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal
    D.J.Trump Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
    D.J.Trump Protecting Americans from terrorists with Travel Ban
    D.J.Trump Travel Ban, Protecting Us from terrorists upheld by Supreme Court
    D.J.Trump Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
    D.J.Trump Concluded a historic U.S.- Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA
    D.J.Trump And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak
    D.J.Trump Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports
    D.J.Trump Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum protect our national security
    D.J.Trump Imposed tariffs on China response to China’s forced technology transfer
    D.J.Trump Imposed tariffs on China response to China’s intellectual property theft
    D.J.Trump Imposed tariffs on China response to chronically abusive trade practices
    D.J.Trump Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year
    D.J.Trump Improved vetting and screening for refugees
    D.J.Trump Refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement
    D.J.Trump BUILDING THE WALL (408 Miles Completed By 2020-07-28)
    D.J.Trump Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME
    To: Donald J.Trump, God bless Commander in Chief President Donald J.Trump
    To: Donald J.Trump, No Weapon Formed Against Him Shall Prosper (Isaiah 54:17)
    To: Donald J.Trump, You Will Refute Every Tongue That Accuses You (Isaiah 54:17)
    To: D.J.Trump. Don, KEEP ON TRUMP’N 2016 Through 2020 To 2024, Eh.
    To: Donald J.Trump, With Wings On His Back Our Trump Starship Is Meant To Fly

  14. 44:55 who is that? he should find someone who smokes or vapes, and get them to blow through a mask, vaping molecules are the same or bigger than viruses from what I’m told, they go through the masks!

  15. I don’t see how he deals with all this shjt the lies told about him the idiot reporters this man is super man and where he get the energy all the time damn


  17. :Citizens from last remembrance “this was our land now for abiding as a one nation under god but obviously the whole office up busy with this to that. A announcement is not one notta nobody should work outta necessity for the government because their gonna continue to be full of mess, bullcrap, perverted elected presidents thats accused of handful of crime, the lands heir is full of it, I’ve lived my life under waves of ruins, encouraged, doubted, even encountered true unright deeds, leaving me being unbenefited. All cause a hate face, and by others consequences of their acts, this lands advocates, office staff, sat by while all the head acheing was plotted to bother me, they gathered they silly robe dressed men and wrote on peoples an tried to even use it as a form of educating, mocking, aspiring numerous stories claiming of murderous entities angels to be indifferent, making each and every foul dog face dollar, and leaving a recepient with nothing notta, im so freaking illed willed with the mess even the crimes commited against was casted away from any national leader point of view, not one gain of inspiration, but its oh this season a scar on another an on to another entity face role play $91,000.00 usadollars heck 2nd Thessolonians chapter 2 biblical book how much properties these crime makers buying up but oh its just hitting the news $26,000 that cause false educational purposes and writing on my fates without a characters consent 2.5 billion biblical books and one of your crooked officers hid in the closet a attempt to try and slaughter me plus $65,000 for duty prison guard work worth the salary earnings I wont charge you for the revealing of your island men, the whole R-kelly, Jeffrey-epiestin, Bill-cosby situation was all tampered with, in reference to white washing, simply cause heros from the other side of the world were forgotten about cause the victims got their justice you can write my check or I prefer debit cards requiring activations dont make me wait till the next presidential election year 2020, an the spam, and contributing mail can quit to the world got one blind mice accused of graphic sexual assault elected president. What elder place his hand behind his back mocking on video to any pedestrian, does the sand put away anything with god leaders labels aside. Currently its simple yes, to configure heck, America know its not at peck, protest, rioting. Simply also if any angelic child seeked through the world a sign and perhaps a sigh of illed-willed ignorance would be found, forgetting the written chosen, let’s see all these low-life, spell bent massacres. Basically an its simple, mocking disabled, accused of hate, verbal, physical, and sexual abuse crime, considered to being unbenefically healthy by doctors notice, the best of doctors have resigned, dedicated to try expose J – Trump an the lions and bears that tried to bestow conflict, the dirtiest of animosity toward those women hell perhapss even men Jeffery was accused of then on down the line in reference to prince Andrew, being investigated. Mcdonalds, billions of biblical books, old party photos with a old friend but our president, he’s a thief, I never got justice from any resource of his free-willed Father God, he wasnt their for any of my inequities, he hasnt pushed to do to much, leaving the same ole heroin on the streets, got this man being investigated over the shit a president doing over phone, announcing videos of what happened on those phone calls running for his life, will any poet return to a blind teachers faults. Mr. President or office staff available year 2020 do not lead the blind eye to the issue being tracked, covered, bent to result. Just like being in the knows, they used us, an real Left us for sign of abuse, 6 years 2nd thessolonians, to multi action taken, and if lawsuit is gazed upon it can be requested, ION KNOW WHY THE MON MAN THINK WE SO CLOSE OF FRIENDS OR SOME ME AND DONALD HAVE NEVER BAPTIZED ANY CRIME TOGETHER WHEN YOUR LIL FRIENDS WANT MANSION PROPERTIES TO MOLEST, PHYSICAL, SPIRITUAL HARM, BOY IF YO BUDDIES AINT KILLED YOU INSIDE FUCK A CHILDHOOD IM GROWN, year 2020 you keep your ignorant bloodbent sibilings the hell away, you aint mocking man valored, you mocking innocent PEDESTRIANS or the nobodys as they say, Rappers, officers, dude spirits, basketball players, runners in election Talk About You to numerous of foul play.A lawsuit also will be gazed upon for talk about some illegal, being injected without consent, also for the numerous amount of time that was bestowed among me not receiving my earned income pay, Notta A One Thought Or Gave A Gaze To Write Out.Smfh protest will continue uprising we ion do thangs this way never to much did Leaving closest associates to monsters in reference was used right Episten” in office THE LAND AINT NEVER STARTED SO DONT START THE MESS, 😡 AN PAY A FREAKING MAN, Smuggling all that heroin shit off hot-boy plane without struggle.Columbus my ole free-willed god bread and enjoyment mhm bogus asf and YOU KEEP FAWKING PLAYING WITH MEN THAT YOU THINK CANT READ TIME. ⏰ Year 2020…A lawsuit also will be gazed upon for talk about some illegal, being injected without consent, also for the numerous amount of time that was bestowed among me not receiving my earned income pay, Notta A One Thought Or Gave A Gaze To Write Out…Smfh protest will continue uprising we ion do thangs this way never to much did Leaving closest associates to monsters in reference was used right Episten” in office THE LAND AINT NEVER STARTED SO DONT START THE MESS, 😡 AN PAY A FREAKING MAN, Smuggling all that heroin shit off hot-boy plane without struggle…Columbus my ole free-willed god bread and enjoyment mhm bogus asf and YOU KEEP FAWKING PLAYING WITH MEN THAT YOU THINK CANT READ TIME. ⏰ Year 2020….As Well a lawsuit can be considered about situations that were law broke from closest siblings associates. Sued right here in Arkansas NATUTAL STATE ..1404 East 11th st apartment101,, little rock An north little rock,, 2600 john ashley drive apartment.g208….


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