How is WHO responding to COVID-19?


Here are just a few of the ways that the World Health Organization is responding to #COVID-19.


  1. Por Favor OMS, olhe e interfira no Brasil!
    Um governo fascista instaurado aqui esta afundando a população em um caos, o povo sofre e morre devido a uma gestão politica que não preocupa-se com a corrente pandemia!

    Por favor nos salvem!

    Please WHO, look and interfere in Brazil!
    A fascist government established here is plunging the population into chaos, the people suffer and die due to political management that is not concerned with the current pandemic!

    Please save us!

  2. Don’t believe what the so called health organisation says they constantly give miss leading information which comes as no surprise the organisation spokesman is a thief in his country of origin he was caught out for conducting corruption practices that explains why he is head of the organisation


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