At the end of video, last classroom – OWLS in ceramic & large painting. Lots of Owls. Hm? I’ve been learning about the shadow side of how that symbol has been used. I’m sure the First Lady is alert & I trust she will protect all children as best she can.
Beautiful message Melania, you are a Angel. Thank you for the hard work you and president Trump are doing to keep our country together. We love you both . Be safe .
God and Jesus bless you and keep you safe always.
For First Lady I know some times you want see her god mercy her I think you know what I talking about but she life in the heart of you love you First Lady and respect you
She is like our Queen for USA…so lovely, beautiful, articulate, compassionate and kind. Truly a beautiful mother and a wonderful representative for our country!
Be Best
It tears me up inside to see handicapped or sick children. If only Jesus walked the Earth now, he could heal them all.
Brings tears of gratitude to me, thank you for being an incredible example and helping the children-we know you really do care-God Bless you!!

At the end of video, last classroom – OWLS in ceramic & large painting. Lots of Owls. Hm? I’ve been learning about the shadow side of how that symbol has been used. I’m sure the First Lady is alert & I trust she will protect all children as best she can.
Hi first Lady!
Happy 2 year anniversary of Be Best.
Be Gone.
Beautiful message Melania, you are a Angel. Thank you for the hard work you and president Trump are doing to keep our country together. We love you both
. Be safe .
God and Jesus bless you and keep you safe always.
God Bless you Melania, it is a absolute honor to have you as my First Lady

We will be our best.

So sweet children they are our joy.
Gives us reason to be thankful.
Love you, Our First Lady !!!
The passion of a Mother for millions and millions of children around the world.
First Lady Melania seems so sincere. We are a fortunate country to have her as out First Lady! God Bess our First Lady!
God bless Flotus..
God Bless The First Lady Melania Trump
Melania Trump, You’re Truly Are Remarkable
Beautiful inside and out, compassionate and caring – the best First Lady ever!
Every child she interacts with will have a wonderful life long memory of meeting her.
For First Lady I know some times you want see her god mercy her I think you know what I talking about but she life in the heart of you love you First Lady and respect you
This my last massage for you I hope take my trophy and life my live. Thank you
Incredible First Lady in so many ways.
Thank You First Lady Melania!!!
Best First Lady EVER!!!
You are the BEST Melania. Thank you for sticking with US, being FLOTUS and sharing your caring heart!
the name of this video sounds like melania texting her secret lover of 2 years
she should’ve used proper english and called it “BE BETTER”
She is so loving and kind to children…love watching her interact with them. Thank you God for Melania.
May GOD utterly protect and guide our wonderful First Lady! Thank you!
She is like our Queen for USA…so lovely, beautiful, articulate, compassionate and kind. Truly a beautiful mother and a wonderful representative for our country!
Thank you First Lady Melania and thank you Be Best
Maybe the greatest First Lady ever..Atleast in the past couple decades. She began as a model & now she’s doing inspirational work to humanity !
This is a very sweet picture
Of the First Lady
Very strong in character. Melania is so sweet and loving.
Be a builder not one that destroys, that’s my heart as well.
What is she saying? I can’t understand. Is she repeating a Michelle Obama speech again? At least she kept her clothes on for this ad.
Melania is genuinely such a lovely person. Just like Donald is. I can tell.
She seems a lovely person. Why can’t she teach her husband the ‘kindness and compassion’ that she promotes? Just wondering…
voting for a democrat is the same as voting for the devil.
A great message, more kids should get to listen to the positivity of Be Best.

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