Sécurité Routière : Journée mondiale du souvenir des victimes des accidents de la route 2020

Le 15 novembre 2020, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé célèbre la Journée mondiale du souvenir des victimes des accidents de la route. Cette vidéo...



БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ ДОРОЖНОГО : Всемирный день памяти жертв дорожно транспортных происшествий 2020 г.

Пятнадцатого ноября 2020 г. Всемирная организация здравоохранения проводит Всемирный день памяти жертв дорожно-транспортных происшествий. Авторы видео призывают помнить о тех, кто погиб в ДТП, помогать...

Seguridad Vial: Día Mundial en Recuerdo de las Víctimas de Accidentes de Tráfico 2020

La Organización Mundial de la Salud conmemora el Día Mundial en Recuerdo de las Víctimas de Accidentes de Tráfico el 15 de noviembre de...

WHO’s Science in 5 on COVID-19 – Antibiotics & COVID-19

Why are experts concerned about COVID-19 and antibiotics? And what can you do about it? Learn about antibiotics and COVID-19 from WHO’s Dr Hanan...

Mental health and work

During this short video, essential workers from around the world from the health, emergency and humanitarian sectors share their personal stories about mental health...

Alcohol, health and well-being

Every year harmful use of alcohol is responsible for 3 million deaths and 5% of the global health burden ̶ from road...

Supporting dementia carers: care about those who care for others

Globally, most of the care and support for people with dementia is provided by family members and close friends. Many of them find caregiving...

Doing What Matters in Times of Stress: An Illustrated Guide

WHO has released a stress management guide which aims to equip people with practical skills to help cope with stress. This video gives a...

Training for caregivers of children with developmental delays and disabilities

Growing up in a nurturing family environment is important for every child’s development and well-being. Yet, caregivers of children with developmental delays and disabilities...