Certification of the Eradication of Wild Poliovirus in the WHO Region of Africa


“Congratulations my African brothers and sisters and all the dedicated, brave, tireless health workers who worked to end polio in Africa. One of the greatest public health achievements of all time. Although wild polio has been driven out of Africa, those investments will continue to bear fruit for many other health needs. Polio staff are an essential health workforce that can be quickly mobilized to serve the most vulnerable communities, including to beat COVID-19.” says WHO Director-General Dr Tedros

On 25 August 2020, the Africa Regional Certification Commission certified the WHO African Region as wild polio-free after four years without a case. With this historic milestone, five of the six WHO regions – representing over 90% of the world’s population – are now free of the wild poliovirus, moving the world closer to achieving global polio eradication.

Only two countries worldwide continue to see wild poliovirus transmission: Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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  1. Their Battle cry:
    “Remember Polio?
    Neither do we!”
    Because we are the cure!

    Well, the same could be said for cvd19 if you would simply SHUT UP about it?

    There’s your cure!


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