December 2020 ACIP Meeting – Public Comment & Vote


Public Comment; Vote: Allocation of initial supplies of COVID-19 vaccine

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  1. I appreciate Speaker Aly Hargrave’s questions. I strongly agree with her concerns. It was difficult understanding Speaker Ricardo. Forgive me for not stating his last name. I was curious if there’s a possibility to hear/view a translated audio of his comments somewhere? Speaker Sia Anagnostou made some valid points in regards to circulating misinformation and the relevance of why earning the publics trust is a must. Being truthful most likely would give the potential for added support, not insinuating some information is intentionally being withheld, but that not enough information has been discussed yet. I would like to ask though in regards to the 2012 Vaccination trials mentioned. What are the percentages or pros vs cons, with the successful vaccination trials in comparison to the unsuccessful vaccination trials? Would you be willing to show the results of history results or is there a place where I can view the data from those trials? Do you believe the public deserves to know the data as well? And I would also like to thank you all for your dedication, support, and hard work. It definitely has been challenging for us all but, I appreciate you all for what you do and not giving up. I hope I can be of help someday in return, once I earn my degree in healthcare. Thank you


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