Dr Tedros talks about technology and contact tracing


Contact tracing remains an essential element of the response. WHO is convening an online consultation on #COVID19 contact tracing, to share technical and operational experience and innovations in digital technology.

Full press conference can be found here:


  1. Once the dust settles, there needs to be a strong policy reform around anti corruption and information transparency. The current state of the org is deadly.

  2. Ooh not in Africa,brother and sister open your take courage make your faith so stronger enough don’t miss the rapture please let us return where God wants

  3. Always tell the truth. I believe in people that will do the right thing.
    WHO be real, be transparent.
    We the People of the world demand this.

  4. Hard to believe he is still leading WHO. Shameful!. Tedros appointed the criminal Robert Mugabe as goodwill ambassador to WHO, he pandered to the CCP narrative while ignoring Taiwan’s warnings, condemned western countries blocking flights to China during the early days of the pandemic while praising the CCP on blocking domestic travel. He has made WHO complicit in the spread of a pandemic. Next time please appoint a real medical doctor in charge of this valuable organisation and reform before its too late and all respect is lost.

  5. Nowadays people only die from Covid-19…. What a bunch of nonsense! WHO and the media please stop your lies! We know the numbers of deaths from coronavirus aren’t true.WHO are trying to push for the vaccine! We know vaccines are extremely dangerous to mankind…. WHO belongs to China and Bill Gates

  6. Como dezefetar o pullmao na hora nelso pegar uma tolha e dobrar e n 4 colocar encima da s costa e vai passando até o paciente não aguentar mais o ferro de passar roupa faz 3 vezes 47473090

  7. School/College are open on 8 jun2020 in NCR UP without Guidelines with All Faculty & Staff. Who are responsible this ?

  8. Has WHO bought the YouTube subscribers? No one views these videos, but half a million subscribers. Very trustworthy.

  9. Hey why don’t you guys start your contact tracing by following up on all the BLM rioters and protesters? I’m sure they will all be glad to see you coming after them and getting into their business.

  10. lemme guess, using blockchain to track this? perfect timing now that we are going cashless and getting digital ID might as well tie them all together and become the next world order to control society via blockchain, lets tie all human rights to the blockchain so that way when people step out of line you can remotely disable their access via blockchain… this is how u gain control of the people

  11. Dr Tedros is not a doctor and is in the cabal that planned the corona scamdemic. Sign the online petitions to fight the illegal track and trace that was already prepared and ready six months before the pandemic even began.

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