Fauci Expects to See Covid-19 Herd Immunity in Summer


Dec.01 — Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, says the overwhelming majority of Americans could be vaccinated by the second quarter of next year, leading to herd immunity in the summer and a return to school and work in the fall. He speaks on an online news conference with Colorado Governor Jared Polis. (Excerpt) (Source: Office of Colorado Governor Jared Polis)


  1. Let’s be blunt about this : MOST people don’t need the vaccine. It is only a small higher-risk category that needed it.

  2. No mask -> Mask;
    Students unsafe in the school -> Students safe in the school;
    No herd immunity -> herd immunity …
    I am completely confused. Fauci loses his credibility and I can’t trust him.

  3. We mustnt need an untested vaccine that provokes mielitis transversa,Brain damage, neurological diseases.covax must Tell everybody .vaccines wont be safe.it just corresponds to cepi,Gabi, governments, ong’s,private institutions interests

  4. It’s just no moral basics. Basically, we want to kill weak people. Not to help them. The whole western civilization is declining. One day we are gonna gets old. Let’s see.

  5. We don’t need a vaccine. Herd ammunity will take care of this farce. You better start standing up for yourselves and your Country….

  6. Can you imagine the potential for mass poisoning. Basically, what your putting in peoples bodies will be crap. It will have side effects and nobody knows to what extent.


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