Gov. Polis announces ramp-up in state-based COVID-19 testing, processing


Gov. Jared Polis announced Thursday that Colorado would increasingly be moving its COVID-19 test processing away from national labs toward in-state labs to speed up the time it takes to get test results back.


  1. Is this an urban/public transportation disease. It seems it spread so quickly internationally by airlines and occurs mostly in cities that have airports. Even more flights are reported in Aspen – FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. I suspect buses and trains, too.

  2. CO hates children and supports child abuse. 88% spike in teen suicide from last year. Courts don’t protect children from abuse and children cannot take it. They finally just kill themselves. HHS takes reports and files the in trash. Foreigners hide in Boulder and courts don’t do anything. They are criminals and courts protect them. Sick state. COVID is superfluous compared to the child abuse.

  3. I wish Wisconsin would issue a state mandate for masks. You, Govenor Polis, are doing a good job! Keep doing briefings! They help keep people informed.

  4. The Gov says masks aren’t political. This speech was extremely political. It will be 5 simple things shortly. MASKS, HOME DETENTION, TESTING, TRACING, FORCED VACCINATION.

  5. “… it’ll help us keep the virus contained.” Oh really? You claim some new authority to limit people’s freedoms? What a crock, they can’t even keep violent protestors contained. What a bunch of malarkey. “Can’t count on national…” wow is that loaded. Why didn’t he choose to say, “We can do this better faster with local partners.”? He is such a politician throwing others under the bus. How does he keep a straight face talking about Last Call at 10pm.? Lord this man is condescending. I guess there are many in our state who need another daddy and that’s how he got elected.

  6. Whoopie! You should have recalled this fellow when you had the chance. No amount of public policy will change the ultimate outcome of this virus. The best they can do is change the order of its running it’s course. But look at that once beautiful capitol building. The paint will etch its way deep into the marble if not treated soon, and become permanent. Too many bad decisions by a bad manager of situations will forever stain this state. Just awful!


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