Gov. Polis to issue order for hospitals to prepare COVID-19 surge capacity


Gov. Jared Polis said Friday he’s issuing an executive order for hospitals to prepare for COVID-19 surge capacity.


  1. Governor Polis filled Colorado hospitals with out of state covid-19 patients and now Colorado citizens are dying because of lack of hospital capacity. Why is governor Polis murdering the citizens of Colorado ?

  2. The long term danger from the China Virus is trivial compared to the
    negative lasting effects Governor Polyp and his cohorts around the
    country have been doing to Americans’ civil liberties. Excise our
    cancerous governor at the ballot box, preferably via a recall election.

  3. I’d like to see you respect our privacy and stop spending money on your tracing…. where was the help when my mother was one of the first who died on March 1st from some viral and bacterial pneumonia they didn’t understand why she couldn’t get better, she’s and I’m guessing many others aren’t in your count… now we know, don’t we and you idiots did nothing soon enough and I can’t wait for my knee surgery anymore, don’t you dare stop that completely cause I can’t deal with this pain anymore, it’s not elective and needs to happen, now!!!!! Your words mean nothing….


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