HRH Princess Muna al-Hussein, keynote address to the resumed 73rd World Health Assembly


HRH Princess Muna al-Hussein, WHO Patron for Nursing & Midwifery, provided the keynote address for the opening of the resumed session of the 73rd World Health Assembly on the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. She called for investments in health, health systems and heath and care workers and thanked all health workers, including all nurses and midwives for their service and dedication


  1. The CROWN are the ones behind the covid-19 trojan horse to bring about their great reset, the masks, the dangerous vaccine and the destruction of so many people’s livelihoods, business and mental health. The CROWN have been the root cause of all wars, fraud, injustice and genocides for centuries. The propaganda is strong in this one, but like the ouroboros, they will consume themselves. We can then move on and live free of these people, who are holding us back on our natural evolutionary path.


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