Life in a mental health facility during the COVID-19 pandemic


This film shows what life has been like during the COVID-19 pandemic for people living and working in a mental health facility in Croatia. The testimonies from residents and staff alike highlight the challenges posed by the pandemic and how they have coped with them.

The original video, of which this is a shortened form, was produced by the WHO Regional Office for Europe.


  1. you must ban psychiatry abuse from psychiatry drug laboratories, from psychiatry jobs at hospitals and from psychiatric university studies. that evil industry is against health and W.H.O. is accomplice guilty of crimes against 3% of the HEALTHY humanity been poisoned with drugs that turns into crazy any normal person, for the sake of money. stop that once and for all.

  2. Steam showers hott water. Vasoline under your 👃 Vicks Chest rub on your chest and a raw onion in your sock when go to bed plenty of fluids and don’t forget to replace your electrolights from gatorade pedialyte… Drink hot fluids they don’t like it….. Save lives let’s get it

  3. Obisity is definitely a mental health problem links us to mental illness of the mind leads to low self esteem… Bad behavior feed your cattle hemp

  4. Hi, there is unknown sickness in state of Andhra pradesh in south india, hundreds of people are suffering from epilisepy can u send us a team to help


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