LIVE: Dr Tedros’ opening remarks at the WHO 148th Executive Board



  1. Why the Nations in the World still sponsor the WHO when this incompetent guy is still holding the director position. When the World Court put he and ‘China CCP’ on trial Crimes Against Humanity.

  2. I think it need some time, in Holland we will give a lot , i just know. Try to give vitamine D to the people, it works a lot . If you have sheeps you can make vitamine D from the hairs oil , just raw product invented many century ago, in 1927 they found the working element but the product need no factory.

  3. Pathetic man. The W.H.O. is not fit for purpose. Couldnt run a piss up in a pub. These people are to blame for the pandemic.

  4. I find this speech very annoying. Canada is not hoarding! We don’t have enough vaccine! No young people are getting the vaccine. It will take months before we reach heard immunity from vaccination. Yes we have a large portfolio but we don’t actually have the vaccine in the country. Canada has contributed millions to the vaccination program with WHO. Should we apologize for being a wealthy country while the pandemic has killed thousands here and has shut down the economy. 😠

  5. Its not a new virus, its WOHAN VIRUS, DEVELOPED IN WOHAN VIRAL LAB, why is WHO still havent started the investigation? Its been a year, how long can WHO and China fool the world.

  6. I dont believe WHO or Europe/America Politic. They look greedy power for them self, trying control Asia. Hate when Asian being success

  7. WHO ORG. and china joint friendship DAMAGED the whole world, where crore of people dyiing dueo WUHAN viruses.😀😂😂😀😀😀😀😂😂

  8. Thanks sir your good happy healthy chennal video every mintues long life honey happy new year your speech diamonds words crossess thanks sir Sundar sumathi

  9. It is amazing how the technology can make this Chinese propaganda robot cleverly named “Dr. Tedros” look like a real human being.


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