Live from WHO Headquarters – COVID-19 daily press briefing 27 April 2020


Originally broadcast live on 27 April 2020, the daily press briefing on coronavirus COVID-19, direct from WHO Headquarters, Geneva Switzerland with Dr Tedros WHO Director-General, Dr Micheal Ryan, Executive Director of the Health Emergencies Programme, and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, Technical lead, Health Emergencies Programme. PLEASE NOTE. Due to network problem, the livestream was cut at 55mins.


  1. Stop the lies!!!!
    I heard you TEDROS when you stated not to worry
    You refused to call it a pendemic until mid March
    I can’t believe your lies!!!!!!!
    Do you have dementia??????
    How about the people around you
    Are they demented too???
    How they let you make such statement????

  2. WHO waited until the virus to spread worldwide and then they keep talking about vaccine, world is going crazy people, WHO is part of deep state, they are too desperate to force vaccination to everyone with his puppet friends, Bill and Fauci. I am not even wondering what they will put in the vaccine when they want to depopulate the world.
    People, it is time to wake up and stand against the devil.

  3. What a joke organization, but what do you expect when the ‘director-general’ looks and talks like an Indian tech scammer.

  4. May God have mercy on you. You know what you have done. We cannot forgive you. Being an accomplice to killing the entire world is more than we can forgive. It doesn’t matter you were lied to initially as well; you know NOW. If you really want forgiveness you should be honest with the world and admit what the virus is.

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