Mask up, Lather Up, and Sleeve Up to Fight Flu


This season, a flu vaccine is more important than ever to reduce the risk of flu for yourself, your family and your community. It can also reduce the burden of flu illness on the health care system and save medical resources to care for people with COVID-19.

Getting a flu vaccine is especially important for essential workers who have frequent interactions with the public, which can put them at higher risk for being exposed to flu.

Learn about protecting yourself and doing your part to help protect your community from flu by getting a flu vaccine this season:

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  1. Virus of United sin agenda 2030 wake up it is a bad record of Nazi system depopulation, to secure the globalist can continue to be a globalist and manipulate control everything on the the world

  2. OR, stop listening to private organizations that operate as mafias to control the people with perceived threats that create fear, so that a panic will ensue enticing the people to give over power, freedom and liberties in exchange for perceived protection. Do not defer your authority to so-called experts. This controlled narrative is not the truth. There is an abundance of information out there about how disease really operates. You do not need anybody to help you understand because it’s not that complicated and you can do it. You can own your own thoughts, judgements and decisions and decide for yourself without being coerced. The premise of contagion is a debunked fairytale. Free yourselves from the lies, folks. The only thing to fear is those who would manipulate realty for control of people and resources. It is a tale as old as time. Please burn the calories and do your work. Wake up. This illusionary tale is not for your benefit.

  3. 😷=(≚ᄌ≚)ℒℴѵℯ💕
    1: tRump is Not CURED of Cvid19.
    2: he is STILL Contagious!
    3: There are over 30 #WhiteHouse Staffers who are INFECTED, so far.
    4: tRUMP can barely breathe, anyone with half a brain can SEE that!
    5: ALL of his healthcare is FREE paid for by #US the #AmericanTaxpayers!~tRumpler’s Dr’s : Huh, is that the #HippocraticOath or the #HypocriticalOath?~🤔
    ☆But, #Brawndo’s got what plants crave – electrolytes!☆
    ♡Day 206 on a plague ravaged planet earth♡
    ♡No sympathies for Willful Ignorance, tRUMP et al have been seen in public Not wearing masks, Cvid19 is highly contagious, which is the point of wearing a mask.♡
    ~Yay! Serfs/Pawns – ‘Merica is leading the world in #CovidDeaths! Woohoo, over 200,000 Americans dead!, & over 7 million cases! USA!USA!USA! Are we tired of the Winning yet?!~
    *Hic omnes qui ingrediuntur desperantibus*

    #ConeyBarret is the real life inspiration for #AHandmaidsTale.
    ~This is not #Antifa, these instigators & arsonists are organized #WhiteRacists.~

    #Cvid19 showing the failures of #PredatoryCapitalism
    Free Elections & Our Constitutional RIGHTS made America great NOT tRumpler’s Fascism!
    Since when did our elected officials, our – We The Peoples’ PUBLIC SERVANTS – become our Rulers, they are not hereditary monarchs who rule by divine right! It is OUR government, of the people, by the people, for the people – We Are The People – American Citizens!
    ☆☆Yes, it’s true that when I was in high school I was a Young Republican, I wrote essays on Reagan & Thatcher, comparing the two. I was on the debate team for the YR.
    When I turned 19 in 1988, I was still a fiscal conservative, but then I went to San Diego, to live & go to school, & had to live in my car because everything was too expensive, I never committed any crimes while I was homeless, I still went to school, but I got a really good taste of this predatory capitalism.
    I registered as a Democrat, & voted twice for Clinton. After a taste of #NeoLibConClinton, & their even more ruthless predatory capitalism, I registered as a Libertarian. Saw what a shit show Libertarianism is, I registered with the Green Party, same shit show.
    Then sometime after 2012, & the supposed end of the world, I grew enlightened, & finally, finally realized that the two party paradigm is a sham. A complete fucking joke. A mockery of our constitution, of our so-called freedom. More like FreeDUMB! I was despondent, in great despair for my beloved country. And still am.~💔☆☆
    #Asymptomatic #TyphoidMary’s & #PlagueRats.
    ~~#SystemicRacism, the #Militarization of our #PoliceForces, & the Nationwide Condoning of Collateral Murder in Foreign countries, & this is the direct result – the wanton Murder of American Citizens.~
    ~What we need is a universal basic income of at least $5,000 monthly for life.~
    *Predatory capitalism at it’s finest, **#moscowbtchMcConnell** has gotten wealthier & **#Kentucky** has gotten poorer, the biggest **#WelfareState** in our country. **#Sad**.*
    #tRUMPandHisAdmin shall be held Financially Responsible for #AmericansKilledByCvid19!*
    *#Socialism** for the **#Rich**, & **#RuggedIndividualism** for the **#Poor**.-MLK, Jr.*
    *CVID-19 is showing you the facts that American capitalism has lied about. It’s showing how many of you support democratic socialism when it’s convenient for you or the people you care for…
    Children could’ve gotten laptops & free wifi this whole time.
    Wifi could’ve been a utility this whole time.
    Stores could’ve been allowing seniors to shop for an hour or two assisted.
    Stores could’ve closed earlier to give stockers & cleaners proper time to stock & recover this whole time.
    College students could have a frozen interest rate on student loans this whole time.
    Pregnant women, disabled people & single parents could’ve worked from home this whole time.
    Abandoned federal buildings could’ve been used for homeless people.
    Students could learn from home instead of being told they MUST go to school.
    Bill payment could’ve been furloughed this whole time.
    Evictions for hard times could’ve been delayed this whole time.
    Co-Pays & other out-of-pocket health provider fees could have been waived.
    Not turning someone’s electricity or water off in desperate times so they can survive could’ve happened this whole time.
    Airfare could’ve been cheaper this whole time.
    Sick people could have been encouraged to take time off & given paid time off to care for themselves.
    The bottom line is…
    Humanity could’ve been humane this whole time.

    *”If all the statist two-party [actually one party serving the interests of wealthy capitalists] bootlickers who say “You’re throwing away your vote on a third-party” [actually a second party] would shut the fuck up and vote for a third-party candidate, America would already have broken the corrupt-two party system and elected a third-party president. Their lame line is an idiot’s self-fulfilling prophecy and good Americans pay the price for it.” Dave Champion.*

    A Caucasian man & an elderly Native man became pretty good friends, so the white guy decided to ask him: “What do you think about Indian mascots?” The Native elder responded, “Here’s what you’ve got to understand. When you look at black people, you see ghosts of all the slavery and the rapes & the hangings and the chains. When you look at Jews, you see ghosts of all those bodies piled up in death camps, & those ghosts keep you trying to do the right thing. “But when you look at us you don’t see the ghosts of the little babies with their heads smashed in by rifle butts at the Big Hole, or the old folks dying by the side of the trail on the way to Oklahoma while their families cried & tried to make them comfortable, or the dead mothers at Wounded Knee or the little kids at Sand Creek who were shot for target practice. You don’t see any ghosts at all. “Instead you see casinos and drunks, junk cars & shacks. “Well, we see those ghosts, & they make our hearts sad & they hurt our children’s psyche’s, & when we try to say something, you tell us, ‘Get over it. This is America. Look at the American dream.’ But as long as you’re calling us Redskins & doing tomahawk chops, we can’t look at the American dream, because those things remind us that we are not real human beings to you, when people aren’t humans, you can turn them into slaves or kill six million of them or shoot them down with Hotchkiss guns, & throw them into mass graves at Wounded Knee. “No, we’re not looking at the American dream. Why should we? We still haven’t woken up from the American nightmare~source unknown~

  4. TODOS 😁 A 👍VOTAR 💪 POR TRUMP🇺🇸🇪🇦🤗 NO AL COMUNISMO🤪😎🥴💀💩🦗🦗🔥🔥🔥🏘️🔥🔥🔥🏘️🔥🔥🔥🏘️

  5. Will you start counting the deaths by flu the same way you have been counting covid19 deaths ? Let’s see what’s really going on. You owe the world the truth.

  6. Why mask up if it’s aerosolized? These masks won’t help. You know that and state as such online, just not communicated to the public. 🤔


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