Media briefing on COVID-19



  1. The great leaders of all nations must work together to protect nature. There is no point in anyone fighting. As human beings we are looking for a way to live in heaven but do not seem to live beautifully on the earth given by the Lord Some inventions of man may be dangerous to man at a later date by indian +917010079710

  2. COVID-19 briefing 28 September 2020
    1:18 DG opening remarks (Test).
    5:30 CEO of FIND remarks.
    11:02 CEO of Global Fund remarks.
    15:10 Unitaid remarks.
    17:58 Africa CDC remarks.
    21:22 Africa situation?
    25:10 Equitable access to testing?
    27:05 Name of test manufacturers?
    27:50 Fund for test program?
    29:23 Economy & school reopen concern in Africa?
    34:03 LAMP (PCR) versus antibody (antigen) test?
    40:16 Latin America access to test program?
    42:00 Vaccine clinical trials in Africa?
    45:35 PCR versus antigen rapid test applicability?
    50:58 Vaccine trials hesitancy & concern?
    55:15 Death statistic accuracy & definition?
    1:00:30 Closing remarks.
    Visit WHO website for transcripts and guidances.

  3. Reden dat patiënten minder ziek worden kan zijn doordat men na de zomer nog een bepaalde vitamine D reserve hebben. Hou die vooral op pijl door Zo’n of vitamine D pilletje.

  4. I’m not generalising but based on personal experience, Morocco is doing great job in isolating covid patients and taking care of them until they overcome the difficult situation, please keep helping financially Morocco and all other countries with low economy…

  5. no confien en esta gente es una organisasion corrupta ellos estan detras de esta plandemia junto con la organisasion gates y China de donde salio este virus

  6. People…if all these medical expertise are together carrying an indoor meeting and THEY DO NOT WEAR MASKS and DO NOT USE HAND GEL.. THEY ARE RIGHT!! WE DONT NEED THEM EITHER!!

  7. They are definitely padding the likes numbers…….if you don’t know it’s a plandemic hoax by now then maybe you need to be depopulated bcuz the diabolical agenda is blatantly obvious, ps viruses can’t be spread or caught

  8. Why peoples don’t ask W.H.O why he creates this coronavirus with Chinese to kill people than putting people in a deep situation??? These testing only to get money from US UK And Canada
    Fake numbers

  9. And no one at WHO got fired even though they failed in their primary Duty that is to ensure that the World is not hit by an infectious plague.
    If only Tedros had said way back in January- “Shut down flights and international travel out the Epicenter and Country of Origin of this coronavirus” but he was too busy sucking up to Chairman Xi instead. Tedros was blinded by the Dear Leader of the CCP. He and the Irish Dude that sits at his right hand side even get to keep their jobs. What a bureaucracy that WHO is. A job for life no matter how you perform in the role. Mind you their mentor, Chairman Winnie the Flu gets to keep his job for life too so it is all understandable on why this Virus spread around the world!

  10. The planet is sick, full of disease, burning, dying…and this agency is doing nothing to stop this…it’s all bla, bla, bla, bla….

  11. Recognise aerosols transmission!! Many people is dying because this mistake!! To have an effective containment measures your guidedances HAVE TO BE UPDATED!!!

    The majority of positive comments here have been authored by chinese social media propagandists known as ‘the fifty cent army’ or ‘wumao’


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