Media briefing on COVID-19



  1. American here, just dropped in to see what sanity looks like. Back to the sinking ship I go. Wish me luck! 👍🏼 🛳🔥

  2. COVID-19 briefing 19 October 2020
    0:12 Introduction.
    1:10 DG opening remarks (“We are family” campaign).
    3:19 Kim Sledge.
    8:11 Natasha Mudhar.
    11:58 “We are family” campaign video.
    13:48 DG remarks continue.
    18:31 Meaning of “We are family” lyrics?
    20:22 South Africa second wave?
    28:32 Europe & US compare to China?
    39:48 Vaccines delay & vaccination?
    46:50 Europe case increase factors & solutions?
    57:11 DG closing remarks.
    Visit WHO website for transcripts and guidances.

  3. The mind is getting so bad day by day, I see familiar people dying in front of my eyes, day by day the condition of people is getting worse,

  4. Why hasn’t the WHO been disbanded, its a mix of corrupt criminals whose only goal is pushing their toxic poison on an unsuspecting world. Good on your Trump for de-funding this organised crime group.

  5. Why hasn’t the WHO been disbanded, pushing its toxic chemical based vaccines on an unsuspecting world, all the while knowing full well the Wuhan virus was manufactured to kill….

  6. Beside searching the appropriate vaccines, we should investigate about the source of this deadly bioweapon…We should not forget it.

  7. We are suggesting that who people are terrible, but what we write demonstrate that we are poorer mentally and morally.

  8. ATTENTION: People need get prescriptions of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin in advance of a COVID-19 infection and be prepared if/when it strikes.

    These 2 cheap prescription drugs along with over the counter products such as Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Aspirin, Pepcid, Melatonin, and Quercetin is being prescribed by many doctors and is also available via the phone app MEDICI. MEDICI is staffed by on-line doctors who highly recommend this Hydroxychloroquine based treatment at the onset of COVID symptoms and not to wait until the person is infected to take action.

    If your doctor doesn’t agree with using Hydroxychloroquine, then find another doctor or use the MEDICI app to speak with a doctor immediately… no waiting, no appointments. These prescriptions only cost a few dollars without insurance. Hydroxychloroquine has been used for decades to treat malaria and has minimal side effects. Azithromycin is a well tested general antibiotic used to fight any secondary bacterial infection that may develop.

    In most cases the COVID-19 symptoms and time of recovery are significantly reduced with the early use of this Hydroxychloroquine protocol . Additionally, the mortality rate from the COVID-19 disease is significantly reduced with the use of Hydroxychloroquine at the onset.

  9. Let’s all take a minute to praise the self appointed world doctor and main donor to the WHO and significant donor to most of the organisations and even governments that are involved with this Sars Cov19 . All hail Baal Gates .. oh I mean Bill did I say Baal . Throw up a few baphomet signs and get on board with making man into a machine !!!


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