Media briefing on COVID-19



  1. Ryan was caught off guard by a very intelligent question. He fumbled and stumbled. “BE CAREFUL HOW YOU PHRASE YOUR QUESTION”. A LOT WAS SAID IN HOW HE RESPONDED. SHAME ON YOU RYAN. YOU ARE A SNAKE!

  2. Does anyone really take WHO seriously? They put a lot of effort into sucking up to China. They refuse to acknowledge the existence of Taiwan, excluding them and ignoring their success in dealing with the pandemic…..all to please China. WHO is more about politics than it is about health. WHO has become a joke.

  3. COVID-19 briefing 30 November 2020
    0:18 Introduction.
    2:00 DG opening remarks. 14:04
    9:32 Vaccination acceptance.
    16:43 Leaders to encourage vaccination?
    18:48 Next 6 months?
    39:02 Vaccination certification?
    47:08 COVAX & equitable access?
    53:09 Success of countries?
    1:00:36 Distrust of vaccines?
    Visit WHO website for transcripts and guidances.

  4. Welcome back Tehric!Unfortunately no video, only audio here. Not that it’s a problem. Just a bit strange not being able to see you guys on the screen 😅😅

  5. Influenza (flu) is one of the most contagious and deceptively devious and deadly respiratory viruses on the planet, infecting millions and killing on average 650,000 people each and every year according to the CDC, despite decades of massive flu vaccination campaigns. Yet, this year, for the first time in its existence, flu, the most contagious virus on the face of the planet, has become completely benign, void of data and has miraculously all but vanished! All the while C19 apparently remains rampant and conspicuously is the only pathogen left on earth.

    Anyone with half an IQ point, blatantly understands this smells beyond belief! This is nothing less than criminal and should be considered crimes against humanity, when governments and the infectious disease science/community deliberately deceives, alters, conceals and stacks statistical numbers and medical data, to push a false narrative to the world public.

    Those responsible must be held accountable, to severely exaggerating and manipulating the modeling data from the onset, without independent scientific verification and vote. As well as admit to the world, the radical lock-down mitigation attempts were utterly useless and directly responsible for devastating consequences and unnecessarily killing countless numbers of people.

    SARS-Cov-2 is now known to have a virulence of (Naught point one four. ) or aprox. 99.8% survival rate, precisely on par with a bad flu season and nothing more.

  6. *Nothing serious imho*
    1.4 millions deaths around the globe in almost a year.
    *That is less than 0.02% of the whole population*
    *0.02%* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Seasonal flu has a well documented yearly statistic of around 700.000 death per year (0.01% of the whole population). Half of Covid-19, which is advertised as a threat to humankind..
    Does not look scarry to me at all.
    It looks more like a “celebrity flu corona virus” which were with us from centuries. This one has a powerful PR though – a great fundament for the biggest business deal in the humankind history. Which will be a mandatory, yearly subscription vaccine for all the people around the world.
    In my opinion WHO is dangerous. Spreading this global panic is dangerous. Because of this, year 2021 will be tragic..
    Non directly and directly forced vaccinations will face a global strong backlash which will result in violent riots, strikes and global very angry revolution with devastating multilevel consequences.
    Your mistaken confidence, unquestionable trust people, will lead all of us to the catastrophy.
    Most of the pharmaceutical production force and effort will be focused on unnecessary vaccines. There will be no necessary drugs available for the real illnesses and people will start to die in big numbers.
    Old, weak and really sick will die.
    Looks to me that this is the cruel design of it….and of course rich will become even richer 😀

  7. My Fathers ?? My grand Fathers ??
    But the vacines prevent desease of COVID not the infection of SARS-CoV-2….so why should the young take it ????

  8. Почему эти черти без масок???? И без перчаток???? Срочно вызывайте полицию!!! Весь мир заставили носить эту дрянь, а сами отлынивают.

  9. Ryan was caught off guard by a very intelligent question. He fumbled and stumbled. “BE CAREFUL HOW YOU PHRASE YOUR QUESTION”. A LOT WAS SAID IN HOW HE RESPONDED. SHAME ON YOU RYAN. YOU ARE A SNAKE!

  10. i never believed in natural cure for Hepatitis until i finally got rid of mine with some natural herbs i got from a herbal Dr ozuka, i lived with this virus for years until i used the herbal medication and now i am cured completely


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