Media briefing on COVID-19



  1. COVID19 is a Chinese bioweapon manufactured in the Wuhan Max security germ warfare lab using gain of function genetic engineering.

  2. 1:05 Introduction by Dr Tedros – Addressing certain vaccine rumours and COVAX funding shortage
    9:18 When do you expect the 500.000.000 doses of the J&J vaccine to be available to COVAX?
    12:40 Can you clarify your position on the AZ vaccine story?
    15:15 Has WHO investigated all the production sites of the AZ vaccine and are the batches currently under investigation coming from the same site?
    20:00 Is Brazil a sanitary threat to the region and the world and what can be done to stop this situation?
    33:55 Can you give us an update on the vaccine roll out in Afrika?
    38:50 There are some doubts in Georgia about vaccinating, what do you recommend?
    42:00 Could you comment on the very small genetic difference between the current Guinea Ebola outbreak and the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak?
    52:40 How concerning are USA restrictions on vaccine export?
    56:00 Is Italy’s reason to block vaccine export to Australia (low prevalence) valid in your view?

  3. 42:00 That is strange. With all the gain of function work that has been carried out over the years and leaks from bio-safety labs it’s absolutely ridiculous to say that Sars CoV-2 can only be the result of natural evolution. The greatest affinity is to our ACE-II receptors, so where’s the intermediate host?. Explain that one but most likely you’ll just delete….

    Justice will be served, I can guarantee you this. Just a matter of time.

  4. Maybe the breakdown of the health care system in Brazil has something to do with the expulsion of Cuban doctors out of Brazil. On top of that, the current President of Brazil, Bolsonaro, has consistently refused to recognize the severity of the pandemic and, above all, has been playing politics first with the pandemic then with the vaccines.

  5. Try joining the quad alliance. If you wanted people to take you seriously you shouldn’t have praised the ccp so much and delayed declaring an emergency. Taiwan’s vaccine shipment was sabotaged by china, but WHO has said nothing.

  6. Dr. Maria van kerkhove sory about this question the stronger mutation variant of the virus it can be become a immune from the vaccine is it posible. any way good day to all of you doctors.

  7. Of course the politicians will NEVER stop the vaccine because it is their almost only income now. The countries need to pay off the drugs they bought from AztraZeneca first.after vaccines are delivered then the world Bank and WHO will pay the countries the money so the countries can pay the money that they owe to AstraZeneca.

  8. 1:05 Introduction by Dr Tedros – Addressing certain vaccine rumours and COVAX funding shortage
    9:18 When do you expect the 500.000.000 doses of the J&J vaccine to be available to COVAX?
    12:40 Can you clarify your position on the AZ vaccine story?
    15:15 Has WHO investigated all the production sites of the AZ vaccine and are the batches currently under investigation coming from the same site?
    20:00 Is Brazil a sanitary threat to the region and the world and what can be done to stop this situation?
    33:55 Can you give us an update on the vaccine roll out in Afrika?
    38:50 There are some doubts in Georgia about vaccinating, what do you recommend?
    42:00 Could you comment on the very small genetic difference between the current Guinea Ebola outbreak and the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak?
    52:40 How concerning are USA restrictions on vaccine export?
    56:00 Is Italy’s reason to block vaccine export to Australia (low prevalence) valid in your view?

  9. So here’s how this briefing should go…we think that the Chinese started covid-19 with sloppy or deliberately sloppy laboratory practices and then by suppressing information so that the rest of the world was not warned in time.despite this the Americans have developed three highly effective vaccines which will be the ultimate savior of the global community. We are very sorry for acting as Chinese lackey’s out of a sense of anti-americanism.

  10. O Brasil deveria ter suas próprias metologias de vacina.
    Pra acabar com essa PALHAÇADA DE HITLER MUNDIAL.
    Vacina deveria ser de graça para o Mundo, Seus Desgraçados da OMS, Bando de Corruptos de HITLER!
    Vão tudo queimar no INFERNO DO CAPETA!🤬😡👹👺

  11. WHO is again messing up by saying to vaccinate maximum population. Instead of focusing to bring a better immunity medicine. The major challenge of funding for the WHO is being faced because of the mistake done by the WHO . Delay in lockdown of China and delay in declaring covid highly contagious not only messed up all the world’s economy but also we are facing a pandemic and deaths of so many. Therefore the one billion dollars should be deducted from the salaries of the members of the WHO who were incapable of acting on time. The WHO has messed up big time.

    How can you members of the WHO ask for funding when you as an organization are responsible for the pandemic, job losses, deaths and the economic challenges faced by each and every country around the globe. All the countries should get together and sue your organization for messing up big time.

  12. GLOBE pharmaceuticals limited tejgaon industrial area DHAKA BANGLADESH 💕. They made 💕 Bongovacx 💕 coronavirus vaccine in Bangladesh they are waiting for government permit and they need money help from United States 💕

  13. Dr teodros is not effeciently working on world heath,rather he is running poletical mession of junta,TPLF,THE GENOCIDE GRUOP IN ETHIOPIA! HE MUST LEAVE WHO

  14. SarsCoV2 is airborne

    Don Milton,
    Lindsey Marr,
    Lydia Morawska

    communication must be
    better and clearer !

    Asymthomatics Virus spread by the air
    open minds!
    we need global rules for prevention!

  15. is that all they do is promote mask wearing, social distancing and their vaccine products? disappointing they refuse to discuss all factors involved. the national institute of allergies and infectious diseases search for emerging infectious diseases could end up discovering more significant problems than just coronavirus alone but as usual other underlying factors get completely ignored

  16. EMF and tinnitus

    I have noticed a following health disturbing phenomenon.

    Every day 5G LTE MIMO beamforming makes tinnitus in the ears. Especially in the mornings and afternoon. A standard metal caliper measuring tool is able to tune frequencies to a quarter of their wavelength (i.e. peak of power) and thus whining tinnitus noise at different frequencies in the ears. The transmitter’s tinnitus noise can also be heard by turning the metal caliber perpendicular to the transmitter.

    The peak of a wavelet tinnes because it has a peak of the wavelengths energy.

    1. Use the metal caliper measuring tool to apply the horizontal direction to its long side toward the transmitter (tinnitus increases or decreases),
    2. Direct the elevation angle toward the transmitter (tinnitus increases or decreases).
    3. The spatial peak power field you can search for a place in space in the north, east, south, west, and elevation in about 0.5 m3 (tinnitus increases or decreases)
    4. The forks of the caliper are vertically or laterally usually vertically.
    5. Then just tune in to 1/4 wavelengths and listen to different types of tinnitus.
    6. The prongs of the caliper should be held, for example, with the left hand, the index finger on the front fork and the thumb held on the back fork while listening.

    The tinnitus frequency X is calculated as follows of the highest tinnitus found.

    Speed ​​of light / wavelength = frequency (hz)
    speed of light = 2779724588 m / s = 27797245800 cm / s
    wavelength = measure obtained with a caliper * 4 or 29972945800 / (4 * found dimension (cm)) = X hz

    This may only work for those who already have tinnitus.

    One theoretical possibility could be that 5G waves harmonize with other wavelengths to produce tinnitus.


    Measures to try:

    The C-Band auction 2.025 – 1.88 cm C-band 4/wavelength peak energy point
    0.7972441 – 0.3937008 inch

    8.516 cm to 7.807 cm 3G frequencies 880 to 960 MHz
    approx. 7.270 – 2.285 cm and approx. 6.8 cm secondary aviation radar
    8.8 – 7.8 cm lower 5G frequency range 3.4 -3.8 ghz
    LTE 0.746 to 0.682 mm 5G 25Ghz frequency range
    2.99 – 2.78 cm 4G LTE 3.90 – 3.455 cm 4G 2.1 Ghz
    8.68 – 8.58 cm remotely readable electricity smart meter

    Some satellite company proposes to operate in the 10.7-12.7 GHz, 13.85-14.5 GHz, 17.8-18.6 GHz, 18.8-19.3 GHz, 27.5-29.1 GHz, and 29.5-30 GHz bands (4/wavelength peak power)

    Frequency bands might vary in between the countries and might not work for your country!

  17. EMF and tinnitus

    I have noticed a following health disturbing phenomenon.

    Every day 5G LTE MIMO beamforming makes tinnitus in the ears. Especially in the mornings and afternoon. A standard metal caliper measuring tool is able to tune frequencies to a quarter of their wavelength (i.e. peak of power) and thus whining tinnitus noise at different frequencies in the ears. The transmitter’s tinnitus noise can also be heard by turning the metal caliber perpendicular to the transmitter.

    The peak of a wavelet tinnes because it has a peak of the wavelengths energy.

    1. Use the metal caliper measuring tool to apply the horizontal direction to its long side toward the transmitter (tinnitus increases or decreases),
    2. Direct the elevation angle toward the transmitter (tinnitus increases or decreases).
    3. The spatial peak power field you can search for a place in space in the north, east, south, west, and elevation in about 0.5 m3 (tinnitus increases or decreases)
    4. The forks of the caliper are vertically or laterally usually vertically.
    5. Then just tune in to 1/4 wavelengths and listen to different types of tinnitus.
    6. The prongs of the caliper should be held, for example, with the left hand, the index finger on the front fork and the thumb held on the back fork while listening.

    The tinnitus frequency X is calculated as follows of the highest tinnitus found.

    Speed ​​of light / wavelength = frequency (hz)
    speed of light = 2779724588 m / s = 27797245800 cm / s
    wavelength = measure obtained with a caliper * 4 or 29972945800 / (4 * found dimension (cm)) = X hz

    This may only work for those who already have tinnitus.

    One theoretical possibility could be that 5G waves harmonize with other wavelengths to produce tinnitus.


    Measures to try:

    The C-Band auction 2.025 – 1.88 cm C-band 4/wavelength peak energy point
    0.7972441 – 0.3937008 inch

    8.516 cm to 7.807 cm 3G frequencies 880 to 960 MHz
    approx. 7.270 – 2.285 cm and approx. 6.8 cm secondary aviation radar
    8.8 – 7.8 cm lower 5G frequency range 3.4 -3.8 ghz
    LTE 0.746 to 0.682 mm 5G 25Ghz frequency range
    2.99 – 2.78 cm 4G LTE 3.90 – 3.455 cm 4G 2.1 Ghz
    8.68 – 8.58 cm remotely readable electricity smart meter

    Some satellite company proposes to operate in the 10.7-12.7 GHz, 13.85-14.5 GHz, 17.8-18.6 GHz, 18.8-19.3 GHz, 27.5-29.1 GHz, and 29.5-30 GHz bands (4/wavelength peak power)

    Frequency bands might vary in between the countries and might not work for your country!

  18. EMF and tinnitus

    I have noticed a following health disturbing phenomenon.

    Every day 5G LTE MIMO beamforming makes tinnitus in the ears. Especially in the mornings and afternoon. A standard metal caliper measuring tool is able to tune frequencies to a quarter of their wavelength (i.e. peak of power) and thus whining tinnitus noise at different frequencies in the ears. The transmitter’s tinnitus noise can also be heard by turning the metal caliber perpendicular to the transmitter.

    The peak of a wavelet tinnes because it has a peak of the wavelengths energy.

    1. Use the metal caliper measuring tool to apply the horizontal direction to its long side toward the transmitter (tinnitus increases or decreases),
    2. Direct the elevation angle toward the transmitter (tinnitus increases or decreases).
    3. The spatial peak power field you can search for a place in space in the north, east, south, west, and elevation in about 0.5 m3 (tinnitus increases or decreases)
    4. The forks of the caliper are vertically or laterally usually vertically.
    5. Then just tune in to 1/4 wavelengths and listen to different types of tinnitus.
    6. The prongs of the caliper should be held, for example, with the left hand, the index finger on the front fork and the thumb held on the back fork while listening.

    The tinnitus frequency X is calculated as follows of the highest tinnitus found.

    Speed ​​of light / wavelength = frequency (hz)
    speed of light = 2779724588 m / s = 27797245800 cm / s
    wavelength = measure obtained with a caliper * 4 or 29972945800 / (4 * found dimension (cm)) = X hz

    This may only work for those who already have tinnitus.

    One theoretical possibility could be that 5G waves harmonize with other wavelengths to produce tinnitus.


    Measures to try:

    The C-Band auction 2.025 – 1.88 cm C-band 4/wavelength peak energy point
    0.7972441 – 0.3937008 inch

    8.516 cm to 7.807 cm 3G frequencies 880 to 960 MHz
    approx. 7.270 – 2.285 cm and approx. 6.8 cm secondary aviation radar
    8.8 – 7.8 cm lower 5G frequency range 3.4 -3.8 ghz
    LTE 0.746 to 0.682 mm 5G 25Ghz frequency range
    2.99 – 2.78 cm 4G LTE 3.90 – 3.455 cm 4G 2.1 Ghz
    8.68 – 8.58 cm remotely readable electricity smart meter

    Some satellite company proposes to operate in the 10.7-12.7 GHz, 13.85-14.5 GHz, 17.8-18.6 GHz, 18.8-19.3 GHz, 27.5-29.1 GHz, and 29.5-30 GHz bands (4/wavelength peak power)

    Frequency bands might vary in between the countries and might not work for your country! –..

  19. Can anyone allow to force to marry any girl as being guardian cuz she doesn’t have father and harrast her and hit her and her mother and she doesn’t want to speak up cuz she’s scared cuz she thinks the only importance is given for men’s is that right ? Now can she get justice ?
    How can anyone be so cruel there no justice for womens ? Womens are treat so worst do you even care ? There’s a women you came out of don’t forget that it can maybe your sister or daughter please help me get justice maybe anything would happn but I’m not gonna keep quiet

  20. Can anyone allow to force to marry any girl as being guardian cuz she doesn’t have father and harrast her and hit her and her mother and she doesn’t want to speak up cuz she’s scared cuz she thinks the only importance is given for men’s is that right ? Now can she get justice ?

  21. How can anyone be so cruel there no justice for womens ? Womens are treat so worst do you even care ? There’s a women you came out of don’t forget that it can maybe your sister or daughter please help me get justice maybe anything would happn but I’m not gonna keep quiet

  22. The corrupt WHO talks again. One thing is clear: we need a new Neurenberg and all these people need to be hanged. I am against the death penalty but I’ve changed my mind.

  23. Does anybody believe these idiots anymore. They in their brilliance allowed this pandemic to infect the world. Negligence incompetence time for a huge leadership change. Get rid of the dead wood, cut the cancer out.
    Competent leadership is required or cut the funding.


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