Media briefing on #COVID19



  1. WHO has worked hard and done its best. It’s those pathetic politicians with ulterior motives who have been seeking blame for their incompetences. Keep up with the good work there WHO!

  2. Oslo Norway: According to WHO citizen should get vaccine. It is not followed in Norway, Oslo. In Oslo we have had lock down since November! Not the rest of the country. Please do something, our Politicians sucks, and many think it is So wrong!

  3. Nikako ne razumjem kako je njih nekoliko uspjelo proizvesti cjepivo za god dan a za neke bolesti poput raka nema ljeka….

  4. No one made you guys gods. The devil is a lier. You’re not breaking through and morphing your energy into machines. Jesus christ is gonna rip you guys limb from limb. Your hitler system will be over came at the end.

  5. Thanks you for Dr T ADHNOM thank you so match tout les Docteurs de sosité wovld Health Organization (WHO) thank you so match tout les groupes covid 19

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