Millions sign petition asking for reduced sentence for truck driver in Colorado crash | Rush Hour


More than 3 million people have signed an online petition asking Gov. Jared Polis to grant clemency to Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, the truck driver found guilty of a fiery 2019 crash that killed four people.

Aguilera-Mederos was sentenced to 110 years in prison on Monday, after a jury found him guilty of 27 counts in October.

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  1. 110 years is a lot, but no way he should be let free. He missed major opportunities to avoid this and now many families lost their loved ones.

  2. sad lives are lost but
    in future there would be no drivers,all government officials have to take delivery by themselves no delivery to government departments,or politicians
    corporate companies sell weapons to kill people no problem pharma giants wipe out humans no problem
    mechanical error is common in machines
    so i would say a5 year jail term enough for this.

  3. No. This was deliberate. I am a driver. By law he shoulda took the run away ramp. Thats what its for. It is never ok not to have brakes on a 40 ton vehicle!!!! This man got what he deserved. I hope his dispatcher n the company owner get equal sentences. There was many opportunities for him to stop that truck where only himself woulda been hurt or killed. He chose to end the life of 4 ppl n wound how many others to lessen bodily harm to himself. Is it wrong that drinks go to jail for causing a crash?? After all. Its the alcohols fault right? Yes i know he wasnt drunk. These are risks we deal with every day as truckers. Ppl give s the finger for doing 68 in a 75 cuz truck is limited n wont go faster then 68. Ppl slam brakes in front of us cuz we cant do 80 up a hill. But u wanna let this guy go cuz he chose not to hold the vehicle back to a safe speed??? Do more research on this. He knew he had no trailer brakes before he went down the hill. His company would not fix it. By law he shoulda refused to drive it. Had they fired him he coulda sued them for illegal termination. As i said. I am a trucker. Ive driven that hill dry in rain in snow. N yet ive never caused any wreck. Y? Cause i check my brakes at the top. I adjust them if need be. As the judge said. He did not intend to kill ppl but he made a series of bad choises that could result in death n injury to others. He knew he had no trailer brakes. N yet he drove it. He saw the run away ramp n knew he couldnt stop or even control the truck. N yet he drove by it. Why.??? If i was in that position your dam right id gladly kill my self in a single vehicle crash to save lives of countless others. What if thered been a school bus full of young kids. Would it still be ok????? Ppl need to be held accountable for there actions. N yet u ppl wanna turn him lose so he can drive another truck. N do it again. Maybe next 30 ppl will die

  4. Why should he get a reduced sentence?? He KILLED FOUR PEOPLE. And he was already given minimum amounts for each count, adding up to 120 years. I am shocked and disgusted at the amount of support this wreckless trucker is getting. Im a trucker, and i am so sick and tired of seeing other truckers driving dangerously. He cant even explain why he didnt use the escape ramps. Thats what they are there for, TO SAVE LIVES. He blew right by one. No, he deserves every minute of that 120 years in prison for what he did. Dont give me a sob story about how his life is ruined by this event (which HE caused). What about the families of the four he killed?? It is our responsibilty as truckers, to ensure our equipment is maintained, and to be safe.

  5. SERIOUSLY?!? What about Tommy Lynn Sells?! Dude did the most horrifying things ruined so many lives INTENTIONALLY! & how many chances did HE get before Texas took his fat ass life away from him?!

  6. THE AMERICAN JUSTICE SYSTEM IS DISGUSTING… 110 YEARS??? How do LAW MAKERS give themselves the RIGHT to put someone in a cage for their entire life? AMERICANS should PROTEST FOR, FAIR AND HUMANE SENTENCES.


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