National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien Delivers Remarks


The White House


  1. China is picking fights. Tell President to tell China bring it on. Who ever wins annihilates the other quickly so we will have peace. That’s throwing everyone in the back yard and letting them Duke it out. Go ‘THE DUKE’.

  2. He’s incredible, to bad he has to go through the disrepect he gets from currupt politicians, because all their wrong doings for many generations are now coming to the light, and now they’ve gone to any lengths to steal this election away from the American people who voted for President Donald J Trump, and not currupt Biden. Everything they’re accusing Trump of doing; they’re the ones doing those things, there’s all kinds of evidence they have videos emails, all point in the direction of our currupt Democrats in our very own government, that’s why they defend China, they must have some good Scandle on them. That’s why they are trying to get rid of Trump because it’s deeper than we thought

  3. The United States is being overthrown by left-leaning communist forces. In the years after the Cold War, left-leaning forces not only dominated the media, education, Wall Street, and even the most important agencies related to U.S. national security, the CIA, the FBI and the State Department, and even the court was greatly invaded by left-leaning forces. The war without smoke has long begun, and Americans who live too comfortable lives are not long.

    What puzzles me is that the Western left, who pretended to be “smart”, did not learn anything from the bitter lessons of the former Soviet Union and Communist China. Their IQ is really not flattering!

  4. President Trump, you are the greatest President in the history of this great nation since the founding fathers. The MSM along with the democrats, Hollywood and Tech elites have done nothing but spread lies misinformation and hatred against you. Even before you were elected, they were calling you a “Russian agent” and then, when you won, they said that you colluded with Russia to win the election and wasted millions of dollars into a fake investigation when the FBI CIA ect knew it was fake from pretty much the start, and was fabricated by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party. Then, the Steele Dossier, another lie bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party from a known Russian spy to smear you with misinformation, trying to ward the minds of the public to turn against you. Then, the fake impeachment, claiming that you were going to withhold aid from the Ukrainian Prime Minister until they did an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma. Again, another lie. Turned out be another lie fake fabricated story to sow division, hatred and mistrust and warp the minds of the American People to turn against you. Now, we have this. An open and transparent steal of our election. This is historic. I’m only 27 but this is the craziest thing I have seen in my life. WE the American People voted for you IN RECORD NUMBERS. The vote for you was so MASSIVE that they could not hide all the things they were doing in secret to try and steal the states and the election from you. We all saw what they did in the middle of the night, we all saw the vote switching from Trump to Biden. We’ve all seen that uncounted votes for you that have been destroyed, set ablaze, and thrown into ditches and rivers. We’ve all seen the fraudulent ballots that they have had to create to beat your lead in the key swing states you were leading in by 100s of thousands of votes. We have seen missing memory cards pop up with uncounted votes, the majority of them for you. We have seen states like my great state, Pennsylvania (the people are great, but the people that run this state are corrupt and evil) change the election laws a week before the election, stating that no signatures, no address, no verification needed what so ever to accept the mail in ballots. This is unprecedented and an open attack on our Republic, our Nation, the world, and most of all, US. The people in our Government, the Democratic party, the FBI, the CIA, Hollywood the MSM and the big tech oligarchs and social media platforms commit OPEN TREASON on this great Country, on you, and we the American people. We all know you won Trump, we all know that you have the proof and you are just getting it ready for court. Please hold these people that have committed open treason against you. From the Russian collusion hoax, to the fake Russian pee pee tape that never existed, to the fake steele dossier, to the fake impeachment, and now, an open attack on our Republic, the American people, and you, Mr President. Enough is enough. We the American people have had enough of the MSM which are controlled by big corporations big money and the Globalists to spread propaganda, lies, misinformation and to sow division hatred discord and confusion in our country and in the minds of our citizens. Please hold the Democratic party accountable and the people involved, for the OPEN TREASON and LIES against you. Time and time and time again. They tried to SUBVERT THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE WHEN WE ELECTED YOU MULTIPLE TIMES AND TRIED TO OVER THROW YOU, A GREAT MAN, AND A DUELY ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES. After this is all said and done, and we defeat this attempted steal of our great nation, please, hold the people that have committed this treason to the fire. Enough is enough.

    With great Love and Great admiration, to you, Mr President, Donald John Trump, 45th President of the United States, and one of the best presidents since the founders. Thank you for all that you have done for our nation. From fighting the Globalist, for fighting to bring our mean and women home, from fighting for our jobs, and our children. Fighting for open and free speech on social media, free from censorship and suppression. Thank you for fighting for the small business owner, creating more jobs and wealth than any president prior. Thank you for fighting for peace around the world, and your historic peace deals with Jerusalem and the other Middle Eastern leaders. Thank you so much for fighting, not only for us, but for people around the world. Thank you so much for the coming coronavirus vaccine, which will end this pandemic once and for all, and end anymore excuses for anymore lockdowns, which has destroyed so much of our nations, and so many peoples lives. Thank you for caring so much about our nation and thank you for giving back so much. When your 8 years are over, you are going to be remembered as a great President. One that had to battle so hard just to do GOOD THINGS for SO MANY. You had to fight the lying and compromised mainstream media. You had to fight the compromised the corrupt Democratic party and to an extent the corrupt Rhino republicans. You had to fight social media tech giants, and their censorship of you and others around the world. You’ve had to fight to bring our troops home against compromised individuals within our own Government defying your orders. Thank you so much for fighting against the Military Industrial Complex war machine. Thank you so much for fighting against the lies and smears that have been thrown at you none stop. Thank you so much for fighting and thank you so much for doing so much good, with so little appreciation. You truly are and have been a great man, and I know that you and WE will defeat this attempted steal on our Republic. For ONE nation, under GOD, INDIVISIBLE, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL.

    From a proud President Trump supporter, with love-

  5. Obama Tells Jimmy Kimmel: ‘We Can Always Send the Navy SEALS’ to Remove Trump from White House | Huh!

  6. Obama Tells Jimmy Kimmel: ‘We Can Always Send the Navy SEALS’ to Remove Trump from White House | Huh!

    Benghazi – Embassy under attack with help enroute. – Stand down orders issued while enroute. – On flip, send in SEALS – Target 45! | Huh!

  7. Psalm 27
    The Lord is Trump’s light and Trump’s salvation – Whom shall Trump fear?
    The Lord is the stronghold of Trump’s life –
    of whom shall Trump be afraid?

  8. HERPES CURE TESTIMONY…my name is frank Morrison, from united state, Florida, this is a great testimony about the CURE OF HERPES VIRUS  by doctor Mohammed herbal medicine ,Before i proceed let me share his contact, WHATSAPP/CALL +2349036036397. EMAIL..  i am shock and speechless that HERPES VIRUS 2 HAVE CURE, I read so many testimony on line about the cure of herpes virus by doctor Mohammed, i never believe it until i came in contact with the doctor myself about giving  him a try to cure the virus, after much discussion he  agreed to prepare the herbal medicine and ship it to me by dhl to my city which he did, after using the herbal medicine for 3 weeks i notice a very big changes in my body and no symptoms or any breakout of the virus, well, i was so happy in the other way then i explain to the doctor i am perfectly okay but i am scared to confirm the result because if i come out positive i will almost die, doctor Mohammed assured me that no one take his herbal medicine and remain positive so i have to believe and go for test, to my greatest surprise the test came out NEGATIVE, so i am using this opportunity to share this testimony to those once out  there who die in silent thinking there is no cure for herpes virus, my dear you are wrong, there is cure, i was cured from the virus by doctor Mohammed herbal medicine, please contact him on WHATSAPP/CALL +2349036036397. EMAIL.. this Doctor Mohammed is a God sent.      ……………………….

  9. Only deep state pukes would hit the thumbs down on this…. who the hell wouldn’t want our troops to come home? These are some sick people….

  10. God Bless our Warrior President!!

  11. Sidney Powell is correct: The Constitution stipulates that it is the Electors which select the President. We The People select the Electors, not the President, but, the Electors do the will of the people. It is the international foreign conspiracy along with Biden that has undermined the Constitution. Thus Sidney Powell’s strategy is the most logical and can be done to take back power from many nations undermining American elections for the globalist. Dershowitz does not know the Constitution as he claims. *It is my understanding that Dershowitz is the mole or plant sleeper cell within that has been activated as the Coronavirus of the CIA hack to steal the thunder and the vote of the people from President Trump Election Victory.*

  12. Bush and Obama sent our jobs to China and then sent our children to die in foreign wars! If Biden cheats his way in… it all will start again!

  13. The US -Department of Homeland Security Partnered with Deep State, Big -Tech and George Soros with an NGO organization called VotingWorks and their software called ARLO to commit voting fraud.

  14. Rut Roh Scooby !

    A Case of ” STUPID CRIMINALS ” …..


    or ?

    does know now is ?

    The NSA – DNI has all their nefarious voter fraud data – illegal voter fraud scam data, their internet activity seized by U.S. Army Special Forces on servers in Frankfort Germany where it can be evidence, and can prove voter fraud in a court of law of how ? and when ? they tried to steal this election in ” REAL TIME ” data.

    Them inserting the USB-THUMB-DRIVES were monitored, and recorded in real time, by their own machines.

    Another case of ” STUPID CRIMINALS “



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