Polis says Colorado to receive 400K vaccine doses a week by early April


Colorado Gov. Jared Polis said Tuesday that he is “confident that summer will be very close to normal” as the number of vaccine doses the state receives is expected to ramp up significantly in coming weeks.


  1. time to open Colorado 100% And prosecute Jared Polis!
    be patient we haven’t forgot about you either Michael Hancock or Hickenlooper….

  2. Open up the state you pussy… You are killing people businesses that will never come back you are a disgrace… But hey you got your vaccine even after you and your buddy boy had the virus… You will be a one term governor we are coming for you

  3. This governor and the Democrat politicians are a disgrace… Look up the new statistics on school age children threatening harm to themselves, it is up 300%… These ghouls have blood on their hands…
    We are destroying generations… Time to re-up the recall petition

  4. Always starts with the bad…go watch the Texas Governor today show you how it’s done!!! Reopen the state you have yet to be right and you have killed so much business. No masks in Texas people and the world knows they are a far better state then ours!!

  5. Well governor, keep on getting vaccines to the communities. Hopefully, businesses will reopen to more capacity, especially restaurants/bars.

  6. Worthless POS destroying small business, causing the suicide rates to soar. Helped to cause the needless deaths of thousands who were afraid to go to the hospital. He should be imprisoned!!!


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