why trust elon mask to undertand stats why not develop your own brain cells and undertand that isntea dod having another rCBD drink and get hi and actually go work out n gym with the newly gained trust
u guys serious?
what are you busy with to actually say someone else can understand stats
u do not trust elon musk to undertand any of thsi he actually cares a lot about pays checks and he tells you not to
he tals
he says is not important bt all he cares about is pay check actually and he also suicideal
why u trust anyone to undertand anything when u can undertand with your own brain
take the time 2
2 much o mA ss l s
t o m b ouch t
1 h 52 min sounds liek Elon Mask trying to pupate mars
American,s have one more chance in Nov. to save our country. If we deliver this country to the Democrats in Nov. In the Congress or Senate or the Presidency. We as a people must take all three as Republicans. But if not we will never again be a free nation. Cause the Democrats hates us the American people and they are out to destroy our freedoms. They want to rule us, they desire power and they will stop at nothing to get it. Even if that means destroying you or me!!!!
I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over President Donald Trump and pray a hedge of protection around him. God send your legions of mighty warrior angels to stand shoulder to shoulder around him and around this great land. Almighty God drop your fist upon the evildoers and those who come against this country, this President, and your people. Bind all evil and send is powerless back to hell bound for eternity. Those that come against this prayer and the prayers of your people send back to them 10 fold what they cast out. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen
This is coming from a president who only recently said he does not believe in God or have faith?? He just says anything he can to get his way and be adored. I feel awful for those American people who believe this fool.
Mother Teresa took a vow of POVERTY, muthafuckers! She lived by it! All you fraudulent televangelists can go fuck yourselves for the way you prey on people with no money. Ur divine connection to god is pure BULLSHIT, as you rationalize religious prosperity. You are not humble people! Take a lesson from the Quakers.
May God forgive the USA and the people of America, may have God have mercy on each of us! And may the national leaders humble themselves and lead their countries in repentance and ask God for HIS forgiveness.
For the 9th time, none of the cabinet members, staff, and other workers at the Whitehouse are wearing a mask. My understanding is Covid 19 lingers in the air. It might be best for them to wear a mask.
https://youtu.be/-UcF3sQb98Y Please see the link. There is a reason of Corona mentioned in the Bible. God created man by His own image. But man made mistakes against Him. He was given many chances to the people. But they were unwilling to repent. So the invisible God sent the invisible enemy to the visible man.If you see the link then only you will understand to do the solution.
Why have you chosen to REFUSE TO DRAIN THE SWAMP. Melania is a Godly woman: why? Why have you chosen, FOR OVER THREE (3) YEARS to not use your Presidential Power to CHANGE ALL THE U. S. Attorneys, to TERMINATE THR FEDERAL RESERVE PROVATE BANK AND ELIMINSTE THE FAKE DEBT ALLEGED TO BE OWED TO THE GLOBAL BANKERS… Morgans, Schiff, Rothschilds, Warburg, Rockefellers, Hameros, Barrings, Lazard, Erlangers, Schroders, Selingmans, Spayers, Mirabalds, Mallets and Foulds? You have the POWER TO SAVE THE REPUBLIC? Do the thieving Global Bankers TRULY HOLD YOUR BALLS? Or are you a Man? Show the World.
Thank-you President Trump for the beautiful Nat’l Day of Prayer Event! It was very moving and a great comfort beginning to end. God bless our dear President, those who participated and all those who heard.
Protect our dear President from all who would desire in their hearts to think or do evil upon him or his family. Remove those that have been trying since his first day in office to persecute and do bodily harm on him. There are benevolent beings in the unseen assisting him to drain the swamp and let Americans wake up to the truth of what is going on. He is also bringing our children back from the depths of enslavement and torture. Therefore we need him four more years, WWG1WGA, Vote.
感謝川普 發救濟金 讓我們在美國的親朋好友度過這種難關 要不是中共病毒 我們親朋好友也不用領國家的救濟金
why trust elon mask to undertand stats why not develop your own brain cells and undertand that isntea dod having another rCBD drink and get hi and actually go work out n gym with the newly gained trust
u guys serious?
what are you busy with to actually say someone else can understand stats
u do not trust elon musk to undertand any of thsi he actually cares a lot about pays checks and he tells you not to
he tals
he says is not important bt all he cares about is pay check actually and he also suicideal
why u trust anyone to undertand anything when u can undertand with your own brain
take the time 2
2 much o mA ss l s
t o m b ouch t
1 h 52 min sounds liek Elon Mask trying to pupate mars
American,s have one more chance in Nov. to save our country. If we deliver this country to the Democrats in Nov. In the Congress or Senate or the Presidency. We as a people must take all three as Republicans. But if not we will never again be a free nation. Cause the Democrats hates us the American people and they are out to destroy our freedoms. They want to rule us, they desire power and they will stop at nothing to get it. Even if that means destroying you or me!!!!
Satan’s in the house y’all.
God hear our prayer!
pluralism one world religion under Satan, looking more and more like the end times
I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over President Donald Trump and pray a hedge of protection around him. God send your legions of mighty warrior angels to stand shoulder to shoulder around him and around this great land. Almighty God drop your fist upon the evildoers and those who come against this country, this President, and your people. Bind all evil and send is powerless back to hell bound for eternity. Those that come against this prayer and the prayers of your people send back to them 10 fold what they cast out. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen
I’ve seen a jew, a catholic, and a Hindu. What god are they worshipping at the White House? Not Jesus Christ apparently..
God bless us USA
the white house —–
As long as your country affraid of God, He’ll never leave you and always stand with you.
This is coming from a president who only recently said he does not believe in God or have faith?? He just says anything he can to get his way and be adored. I feel awful for those American people who believe this fool.
Where is God on a planet, god you people hate each other and science and you all know inside
Thankyou for your positivity mr president we love you from philippines
Mother Teresa took a vow of POVERTY, muthafuckers! She lived by it! All you fraudulent televangelists can go fuck yourselves for the way you prey on people with no money. Ur divine connection to god is pure BULLSHIT, as you rationalize religious prosperity. You are not humble people! Take a lesson from the Quakers.
Trump is a lying cheating vile evil crazy creepy whoring traitor
God Bless USA from TauCrossWorld753
Watch “The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket” on YouTube
May God forgive the USA and the people of America, may have God have mercy on each of us! And may the national leaders humble themselves and lead their countries in repentance and ask God for HIS forgiveness.
Trump 2020 2024
We are so blessed to have a First and Second Family who look to God….
Amen, amen, amen.
IMPOTUS and the professional
For the 9th time, none of the cabinet members, staff, and other workers at the Whitehouse are wearing a mask. My understanding is Covid 19 lingers in the air. It might be best for them to wear a mask.
https://youtu.be/-UcF3sQb98Y Please see the link. There is a reason of Corona mentioned in the Bible. God created man by His own image. But man made mistakes against Him. He was given many chances to the people. But they were unwilling to repent. So the invisible God sent the invisible enemy to the visible man.If you see the link then only you will understand to do the solution.
Why have you chosen to REFUSE TO DRAIN THE SWAMP. Melania is a Godly woman: why? Why have you chosen, FOR OVER THREE (3) YEARS to not use your Presidential Power to CHANGE ALL THE U. S. Attorneys, to TERMINATE THR FEDERAL RESERVE PROVATE BANK AND ELIMINSTE THE FAKE DEBT ALLEGED TO BE OWED TO THE GLOBAL BANKERS… Morgans, Schiff, Rothschilds, Warburg, Rockefellers, Hameros, Barrings, Lazard, Erlangers, Schroders, Selingmans, Spayers, Mirabalds, Mallets and Foulds? You have the POWER TO SAVE THE REPUBLIC? Do the thieving Global Bankers TRULY HOLD YOUR BALLS? Or are you a Man? Show the World.
God bless America
Thank-you President Trump for the beautiful Nat’l Day of Prayer
Event! It was very moving and a great comfort beginning to end. God bless our dear President, those who participated and all those who heard.
don’t want 2 ruin my 2020 ELECTION


No rush on 2nd stimulus package

why he loves Barack

that bitch would call Father God
You a clown
I hope you leave soon
Can’t wait for you to leave
God bless America
This is hilarious ?! What gives this sack of shite and his stepford wife the right to blaspheme in front of the United hates of America
Protect our dear President from all who would desire in their hearts to think or do evil upon him or his family. Remove those that have been trying since his first day in office to persecute and do bodily harm on him. There are benevolent beings in the unseen assisting him to drain the swamp and let Americans wake up to the truth of what is going on. He is also bringing our children back from the depths of enslavement and torture. Therefore we need him four more years, WWG1WGA, Vote.