President Trump and the First Lady Visit the Flight 93 National Memorial – 9/11/2020



  1. Unfortunately, the virtuous China has been possessed by the Evil Spirit of the CCP’s totalitarian system, so we must find and use some mandatory measures to exorcise the Evil Spirit of the CCP’s totalitarian system out of the afflicted body of China’s in order to recover the good-natured body of China’s back to a normal and blessed life!

  2. .. B’h Mr. President Donald Trump,

    The Land of Israel is the Promised Land given to our forefathers Abraham Isaac and Jacob and is given to us, their seed, as an everlasting Inheritance. The first commentary by the Biblical commentator Rashi in Genesis tells us that when the nations of the world will tell us, Listim Atem, (you are occupiers), our answer is that the entire universe was created by the G-d, the Creator of the World, who decides who are the rightful inheritors and occupiers of the Land. The Bible clearly tells us that the Land of Israel all of it belongs to the Jewish People. Period. Rabbi Richman (as well as many other Rabbis) points out the holes in President Obama’s speech given in Cairo in June, 2009. He also warns that anyone who tries to harm Israel risks Divine retribution. Although not in this video, another Rabbi, Rabbi Shlomo Dov Wolpe (, reminds us what happened the last time America pressured Israel to destroy Jewish homes in Gush Katif, making over 8000 Jews homeless. ONE DAY after the last Jew was dragged out of Gush Katif, Hurricane Katrina began, making many more Americans homeless. And now, President Obama wants Israel to make another part of the Jewish state Judenrein???!!! He does not recognize the legitimacy of Jewish settlement in Israel???!!! Egypt, under Pharoah, also tried to mess with the Jews and look what it got them.

    Unemployment, foreclosures, faltering economy, terrorism, grifters, Presidents Obama’s State of the Union Address, and the 16th of March: What do all these things have to do with the building of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem? The answer to all these questions are addressed by Rabbi Chaim Richman in this straight talking five minute video.

    On May 19, 2011, President Barack Hussein Obama delivered a Middle East Foreign Policy speech in Washington, D.C. In it he reveals his true intentions for the state of Israel and the people of Israel. This video is a response. “For, behold, days are coming, the word of the L-rd – when I will return the captivity of My people Israel and Judah, said the L-rd, and I will restore them to the land that I gave their forefathers and they will possess it.” (Jeremiah 30:3

    B’h Mr.President, Donald Trump,

    Archaeologist Hillel Richman, Senior Researcher and Past Supervisor, Ancient Jerusalem Sifting Project and Temple Mount Sifting Project, refutes the spurious theories claiming that the Temple Mount was in any other place other than Mount Moriah, with an emphasis on the ‘City of David’ theory, while providing incontrovertible historical and archaeological proof that the Holy Temple was, and will be, located on what is today referred to as the Temple Mount. This teaching was recorded on November 7, 2018, in Rogers, Arkansas

  3. 8 Pleased Pray Psalms 91 over our President TRUMP and Vice President PENCE, you and Your Family. Here is a personalized copy for you to pray !!

  4. Anyone who has negative political attacks in this comment section has ZERO compassion for human suffering, and ZERO respect for all those who gave their lives for others on 9/11/2001.
    To all such ingrates:
    What have YOU done for America OR anyone ELSE for that matter?
    What noble life-saving cause have YOU ever stood for?
    What REAL good have YOU ever done ANYONE on this planet?
    Instead of going through life bi-ching at people and making paths of destruction while hurting innocent bystanders, try making a GRATITUDE list. Then make a PERSONAL GOAL list. Then take baby steps towards being your BEST YOU! Someone you can look into the mirror and actually RESPECT. Someone who puts SMILES on people’s faces. Someone who makes POSITIVE CHANGES in society…..
    OR, keep being a lame puke. It’s your choice.
    Just a thought!

  5. John W Wayne, USA🇺🇸✊🏻British🇬🇧,

    Feast of Weeks begun after Feast of 🌌✡Fruits🕎. Feast of Weeks for 7 times 7, 1SabbathDay, the Seven🕎Sabbath✡ days Ending Seven Feasts of WeeksOfSabbath🔥😡YEHWEH✡🕎 17July2020 👆🏻Sabbath week FINISHED with 1SabbathDay MOST🔥HOLY Day on 18July2020 of 5980year of the LORD✡YEHWEH, World clock/date 01August2020 and 50th day on 02August2020.
    Follows Feast✡🕎 of Trumpets.
    Not to be confused with Barista.
    British🇬🇧Mail at Regulations Authority TATA🇬🇧John W Wayne IT-Communications Protocol verified USA🇺🇸 CISA Security Protocol,
    Cvigil of British🇬🇧Empire 18Ordinance⚖Law is reporting to Affidavit’s2012yr/2004/2006-2007/1998/2008/2014-2015/1981-1990🔥10🗡✊🏻🕎✡🇬🇧🇦🇨🇮🇱🇺🇦🇵🇱🇺🇸 against India🇮🇳 religious banks.

    ITU-International Telecommunications Union,
    Houlin Zhao: ITU Secretary-General,
    Malcolm Johnson, ITU Deputy Secretary-General,
    Regional Telecommunication Organizations (CV269B):
    Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT), Bangkok, Thailand🇹🇭.
    African Telecommunications Union (ATU), Nairobi, Kenya🇰🇪.
    Caribbean Association of National Telecommunication Organizations (CANTO), Port of Spain🇪🇸, Trinidad and Tobago.
    European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), Valletta, Malta🇲🇹.
    Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL), Washington D.C., United States.
    Telecommunications Regional Technical Commission (COMTELCA), Tegucigalpa M.D.C., Honduras🇭🇳.
    Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) , Port of Spain🇪🇸, Trinidad and Tobago.
    League of Arab States (LAS), Cairo, Egypt🇪🇬.
    Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC), Moscow, Russian🇷🇺 Federation.

    British🇬🇧Mail at Regulations Authority TATA🇬🇧John W Wayne IT-Communications Protocol verified USA🇺🇸 CISA Security Protocol,
    When there is NO socialmedia account on British🇬🇧Vodafone 9581885858 7337087871 Cvigil Operations in India🇮🇳 +91 then how is that WhatsApp or anyother Ads communicated by India🇮🇳Vodafone-Idea carriers its TRAI of DOT, MIB, IT Electronics Services, Insurance companies, Banking-Finance-IT. India🇮🇳 its Sub-Continents meddling with John W Wayne, USA🇺🇸✊🏻British🇬🇧.

    UN India🇮🇳,
    UNGA Geneva, Switzerland🇨🇭,
    UNGA NewYork, USA🇺🇸,
    ICC International Criminal Court, Geneva, Switzerland🇨🇭,
    SAARC – South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation,
    ASEAN – Association of South East Asia Nations,

    John W Wayne🤴🏻USA🇺🇸British🇬🇧 TATA Family🇬🇧British 10CFRtitles 50UScodeTitles Fair, Transparent, Reciprocal Business of Quality for Isaiah✡ resident 3877 walked with John W Wayne🤴🏻USA🇺🇸British🇬🇧 Gazette review
    who OWN the 408-foot (124 m)metal Spire the BEHOLDER🗡🤴🏻✊🏻 John Willson Wayne🇺🇸🇬🇧 of One World Trade, USA🇺🇸 and the dedication⚡ of on 21May2014 and the bearing✊🏻 loads on the entire structure.

    One World Trade Center,
    New York, NY 10007,
    +1 (212) 257 6600,

    One World Trade Center,
    285 Fulton St, New York, NY 10007,
    ©2020 Tower 1, Joint Venture LLC, USA🇺🇸.

    125 Park Avenue,
    New York, NY 10017,
    +1 (212) 372 2000,
    Samaritan’s Purse,
    Not to be confused with Samaritans (charity).
    Samaritan’s Purse is an evangelical Christian humanitarian aid organization that provides aid to people in physical need as a key part of its Christian missionary work. The organization’s president is Franklin Graham, son of Christian evangelist Billy Graham. The name of the organization is derived from the New Testament Parable of the Good Samaritan. Their international headquarters are in Boone, North Carolina.
    Samaritan’s Purse
    PO Box 3000
    Boone, NC 28607

    Samaritans purse whats born-created giant-generations in 1980 with Telecine-Plastic Surgery TV mask Cyber Criminals Komati LANJA generations Vaishnov mata Paulin Joyce Meyer Yoni Thantric Rani-ki-vav Vasavi Kanyaka Parameshwari LAJJA GAURI harlots whose kondaveeti raaja having doctors-police as darlings of universal medicare Bernie Sanders👇Joe Biden police of shanti kaamuka bhatulu suckers-fuckers🤙 TBC655 Cooperative Soceity India🇮🇳 put on ashes of 9/11 collapse for the FUSIONGPS involved with RFID/NFC/IPTV/VOIP/FISA implant abusers and whole world that involved in 9/11 attack became a terrorist ethnicity the enemies of John W Wayne🇺🇸USA🇬🇧Britain.

    How explains defunding to UNGA, World Bank, WEF supporting 9/11 terrorism terrorist Countries🗺.

    UAE🇾🇪 Qatar🇶🇦 must be lining up Saudi Arabia🇸🇦 by Iraq🇮🇶-Afghanistan🇦🇫-Egypt🇪🇬 after 9/11 ashes bearers.

  6. Taiwan is an unsinkable aircraft carrier owned by the USA from having paid the price of a large number of US military casualties in world war 2, therefore, the USA would never abandon Taiwan in any case. Taiwan’s actual ownership belongs to the United States, any military attack targeted on Taiwan is regarded as an attack to the USA which will arouse a full-scale & fatal counterattack of the USA’s definitely, therefore, the Evil Empire of the CCP regime should never have a wishful thinking of taking Taiwan by military force in any day.

  7. Taiwan is the hope for freeing the all afflicted people locked in the Iron Curtain of Chinese Mainland, thus all the Taiwanese should have all people as soldier, strengthen combat readiness and develop one’s own new aircraft carrier in order to get ready to launch a decisive counterattack against the CCP & its PLA, and finally rescue the all countrymen in the Chinese Mainland anytime, anywhere.

  8. 我要为川普做神的见证人 !!(This part of Chinese language)
    我是真的见过神的人!! (我在2014年曾经历过死亡。真正地和神一起走在天堂的路上!! 最后,被护送回到大地 )!!! 我想我应该为川普做神的见证人!! 川普是被神拣选,预备派到这个世界上,拯救美国经济,维持世界和平!! 川普是被神高高举起的人!!是活在主里的人!! 是敬畏神的人!!是行走在神的旨意当中的人!! 无论人类设下什么障碍,都无法打击替代川普!! 因为神会帮他跨越一切障碍的!!因为他要赢得神的奖赏!!
    而凡基督徒都知道,圣经上说“你们是不可以做假见证的。”下面我就将我所看见的真实的异象详细地描述给你们“ The night of July 22 ,2019 .I were praying for President TRUMP. Then in the VISION , ” I saw a Giant Golden Glittering CROSS !! Then, at this moment, I saw TRUMP coming ! He was Wearing a Beautiful Blue Suit, and a RED Tie , And With His Big SMILE !! Then, TRUMP walks to the Right Side of the CROSS , STRANDING a little bit Behind the CROSS !!!”
    This is VISION I’ve Seen !! I am a Canadian . I Hope Trump Knows that He is NOT Alone, GOD ,LORD JESUS Be ALWAYS With HIM !!!.
    And I think I should be the God Testimony to Trump !!
    All those who BLESS TRUMP will be BLESSED !!
    Anyone who Denigrates Trump will Be CURSED !!

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    I believe he can help you while not summon courage and explain your disease to him…


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