Дональд, я посмотрел на ситуация под углом репатриантов, их можно отнести к беженцам из разных стран неудачников, в основном постсоветского пространства.
Нетаньяху можно поддержать, беженцам нужно где то жить.
И при то обменивать это на проведение гей парада это дурной тон, и совершенно не уместный. Это я не о тебе, а том дешевом мерзавце что был перед тобой, который опозорился, пленки с неудачником с Байденом гуляют по интернету курам на смех, он не кандидат он памятник несмываемому позору ЛГБТ представителя, памятник не состоявшего ЛГБТ диктатора.
Hello from New Zealand. Proud to say I had some American oranges earlier picked up from my local supermarket, soooooo sweet and juicy!! Who would’ve thought? So thank you American farmers for feeding… the world I guess. Such a small world we live in!
President TRUMP’s actions are so Awsome, Good and Powerfull I’m hopeful of positive impacts here in Australia and across the world. You are my HERO Don and a True champion of the people.
President trump is wonderful leader for America trump 2020
Biden look what president trump do for America and you and fake news always do crazy thing if I was you I will step down and support for president trump 2020
Dear lord, seriously! How on earth can an overweight ass clown in a cowboy hat get up and claim Trump has “provided unprecedented leadership to the world in this crisis”? Are these Americans this easily brought off? Or are they just that completely ignorant of whats going on outside of their immediate personal space that they don’t know what a complete joke Trump is on the world stage ?
i think people needs more vegetables and fruits in their vdiets to fight diseases and Corola viruses.and vitamins b12.,, to, fight against the viruses.i don’t think they got strong body’s therefore They are not immune to the sickness the body can fight against the sickness.more vitamins b12. more. vegetable in your diets and fruits.
all that farm food going to waste- should never happen in this country. Thanks for coordinating this food distribution in spite of the state covid shutdowns!! !!! ivanka is awesome.
Unfortunately Perdue sold out. Now 4 companies control the chain, only 2 are American, the others are Brazilian. Disgrace
Stop relying on China! They are the enemy of the whole world. The US needs to trade with its allies ONLY!
Great job. God you will full fill you.
My President

STILL.. No mask
Shame on you.
Mr president! Shame on you.
You are a murder as a coward/
Дональд, я посмотрел на ситуация под углом репатриантов, их можно отнести к беженцам из разных стран неудачников, в основном постсоветского пространства.
Нетаньяху можно поддержать, беженцам нужно где то жить.
И при то обменивать это на проведение гей парада это дурной тон, и совершенно не уместный. Это я не о тебе, а том дешевом мерзавце что был перед тобой, который опозорился, пленки с неудачником с Байденом гуляют по интернету курам на смех, он не кандидат он памятник несмываемому позору ЛГБТ представителя, памятник не состоявшего ЛГБТ диктатора.
November is coming. Let’s go out and Vote for TRUMP.
Hello from New Zealand. Proud to say I had some American oranges earlier picked up from my local supermarket, soooooo sweet and juicy!! Who would’ve thought? So thank you American farmers for feeding… the world I guess. Such a small world we live in!

President TRUMP’s actions are so Awsome, Good and Powerfull I’m hopeful of positive impacts here in Australia and across the world. You are my HERO Don and a True champion of the people.
President Trump loves this country and knows how valuable our farmers are! God bless you farmers and God bless our nation and our wonderful President

President trump is wonderful leader for America trump 2020
Biden look what president trump do for America and you and fake news always do crazy thing if I was you I will step down and support for president trump 2020
Farming is a noble work. Thank you President Trump, again, again, again! You keep working to Make America Great Again.
I want grown in America meat. I don’t want to chance eating meat grown in other countries.
More Great Work done to help our farmers and we the people! Thank you President Trump and Ivanka, Amen
Dear lord, seriously! How on earth can an overweight ass clown in a cowboy hat get up and claim Trump has “provided unprecedented leadership to the world in this crisis”? Are these Americans this easily brought off? Or are they just that completely ignorant of whats going on outside of their immediate personal space that they don’t know what a complete joke Trump is on the world stage ?
Real Green Industry.
This looks like a MONSANTO commercial !!!! ROTFLMAO !!!!
IVANKA is working with FARMERS ??? ROTFLMAO !!!
i think people needs more vegetables and fruits in their vdiets to fight diseases and Corola viruses.and vitamins b12.,, to, fight against the viruses.i don’t think they got strong body’s therefore They are not immune to the sickness the body can fight against the sickness.more vitamins b12. more. vegetable in your diets and fruits.
this man!
(Farmers are great people, just like our truckers. They’re the spine of country and that’s why the dumb DS went after them.)
I love this President and yes, I’m voting Trump2020! ONLY!
ByBL- Why, why, why did the Farmers jump the gun and just destroy crops, animals, etc. Perdue the Farmers have lost 1/2 of their net income, why?
May God always bless all of FARMERS in USA and Sanctify all of FARMERS in USA by the Holy Spirit!
Where is the firing squad for the traitors? Treason should not go unpunished!
all that farm food going to waste- should never happen in this country. Thanks for coordinating this food distribution in spite of the state covid shutdowns!! !!! ivanka is awesome.
President Trump, you are highly blessed, deeply loved by the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Love from Singapore

We love you President Trump!!! Thank you!!!!