President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure


The White House


  1. They don’t come any more stable, sane and manly as Mr. Trump.
    You Americans are blessed to have such a great leader!
    Warmest regards from the Netherlands 🇱🇺👋

  2. 859

    plan to create certain security guidance about disclosure after working for white house

    they al write books

    to get paid more 

    pay them not to write as part of departure  package ??

    unless it is sexual harassment when it is harassment cant be legal to pay anything 

    cause peopel get paid and do not say make it illigal to pay to have someone keep quite about after they were harassed sexually so that cant be a legal part of any agreement

    so is this judge that is cute assigned by president trump is bi sexual 

    or he is married and has homosexual relation. so are these people considered they are cheating or they considered bi sexual.what about not firing people for sexual addiction. such as weinstein’s needed therapy and lot of horny women also created a problem. same as talking about this publicly was nesseserly and not allowing signing disclaimers after being paid because there was suposed to be next women.

    there is lot of problems wit judicial system and to say there was criminal reform is a mask and presence people in civil and family are being filed criminal charges and they go through court system under criminal yet civil and domestic is different law.

    in additiowho is enforcing criminal law is police and there need to be special department investigating police crimes . also that police hunted and took g f car is actually not even criminal investigation cause this kind of robbery is legal. on subject of government informants and sitting ducks 

    how often police used to arrest people by planting on them fake 20 dollars sending a prostiture or asking then to sell a joint and saying they drug distributor

    watch until 15:26

    88 выпуск. Среда обитания – Птица счастья. Как найти на прилавке свежую курицу, настоящую индейку?

    watched until 57 second

    accident on nuclear plant we worried about fish but in japan they do not move away from that island and they seem ok?

    where they have to fly to mars??

    they say there is necessity

    start 14 min until 16 min 5 seconds

    the jewish religion next level many judges without names 

    do not say name 


    the tests are not necessary 

    there is lot of fake positive they stopped talking about it

    but they do not pay enough attention to symptoms 

    loy of people after catching cold or flu go arouf for many weeks go to work and infect other people 

    maybe their immune system can manage this someone they infect literally maybe die after that one person already sick for weeks

    is horrible culture with addressing cold and flu

    sounds also it was bad organizing about the event that no one showed up on the street 

    was it because of the wind

  3. 858

    DA need to be able to resign at any time 

    especially that it is really up to client who thsi DA respresentingis client asking DA to not resign

    also DA is supposed to be someone defending friends of president Trum 

    so he no longer want to defend

    they found better defender

    that is not a esecutor who resigned

    normally is a lawyer want to quite the case it is only a wish of the person who this DA defend and thatDA need to be able to either resign at any time or a person who this DA represent need to be able to fire the DA or lawyer any  of them any time even in the middle of their speech 

    it shod not be the judge saying when to shut up but literally a person listening to any mediator tac for them and need to be able to say something they now have it a s a rule that is person representing someone that person cant be corrected and that created a problem 

    also if lawyer want to quit why weld the person every want that lawyer to continue obviously he is not good helper

    the only ethical problem is that sometimes lawyers quit in antcplatin they already exhausted all resource od person and do not want to continue but that is actually is the worst situation there is is they better quit then some of them start to play dirty games to get paid 

    for example sign a document for a client without client knowing go to hearing and say let sell the property of client in court to get self paid and other nasty situation the best really is when they want to quit peopel let them quite cause they not helping and not by judge order 

    but they just need to give a notice they quite otherwise it seem liek conflict of intent that the judge need to approve that lawyer quite that mean they the judge actually was provided with a petition that lawyer want to quit an ehe order hat he approves because the criminal case is pen and ongoing. If criminal case was not open and ongoing the judge woudl not need to order anything 

    so who filed criminal cases against allies or president trump and why they do this now in NY i teh middle of they Jun19th 

    but on surface

    they make it look they are doing their job and who said this? new guy?

     New DA

    what job is he doing

    that is why it is important to self represent to undertones these situation

    that is how Florence didn’t know what she is in prison for she sign DA o represent her and hs essay she did not know what DA told to judge and what she is in prison for

    3 weeks she thought she was there for tickets  when she did not move her tent for street cleaning and she said she had 30K in teh bank but she rather be n jail than she paid the tickets

    she said she does it before went to jail instead of agreeing to pay tickets for a couple fo weeks she goes by consent

    the most angry she was that it was police who wrote the report about the knife supposed attack and that perspn who attack intended fro did not complain about her. 

    there were not thugs florence said that she was staying off any drugs she was homeless 

    living a tent and not able to get a job because of epilepsy and maybe she had a bad record of arrest for staying in tent 

    what did it say?? they do not explain 

    but she did cut wit a knife one of her earlier boyfriends 

    they really nee dt forbid using dry ice machines

    hey time it was a directed attack but that is domestic violence and she was very angry at a very specific person 

    she had high standards i guess for her intimate partners 

    but she was saving thsi 30K I am not sure why?

    caus ehe also said foe bail money she had to ask a friend that she wold sleep with after she did not say i am going to give his money back .

    also see impossible to self pay bail why doe sit have to be someone else. 

    why have have ability for person to self bail the only thing is how to trust police

    if they think they had custody of you you physical body and anything u do would not they tend to get into bank accounts and they can force it 

    the way the imprison people 

    isnt right

    but that doe nsot even compare with illegal peopel deportations literally arresting the expel at work and taking their families and taking all furniture 

    and sending the kids to kids prisons

    also where ehe 700K kids get deported to if they are taken t prisons while parents are at work and the parents fought they established here ?

    in assiteion they assigned one she DA to sever friends of president trump these are public political persecutions

    why did you give president macron a larger umbrella i thought it was from certain angles looked like it but it is really large

    so in my dream about christmas  if charles went to russia and only went to visit museums and not meet with president putin but only mayor or moscow then president putin would feel like the is less important or that mayor of moscow got a promotion or charles would feel he is not important enough?

    why USA always make a point they do not like head of the country cause he used the wrong word in translation but while at it they punish entire country their culture and all the people. what if it is a cultural visit to visit country and support people and not make it a political event 

    when french president visit are you getting together for tea and a biscuit ?

    or is there another purpose??


    or it is country support or it is to hang out in nice palace

    maybe both gentlest can visit but french president does not have the title Charles has so he would have to hang out with president putin unlike Charles who does want his wants ?

    maybe it is possible to open some kind of a plague when english king queen or price (s) last visited Saint Petersburg palaces. maybe is can be mayor of Int Petersburgs instead

    they have blockade of leningrad there and extensive war heritage museums and graveyards.

    why did you give president macron a larger umbrella i thought it was from certain angles looked like it but it is really large

    so in my dream about christmas  if charles went to russia and only went to visit museums and not meet with president putin but only mayor or moscow then president putin would feel like the is less important or that mayor of moscow got a promotion or charles would feel he is not important enough?

    why USA always make a point they do not like head of the country cause he used the wrong word in translation but while at it they punish entire country their culture and all the people. what if it is a cultural visit to visit country and support people and not make it a political event 

    when french president visit are you getting together for tea and a biscuit ?

    or is there another purpose??


    or it is country support or it is to hang out in nice palace

    maybe both gentlest can visit but french president does not have the title Charles has so he would have to hang out with president putin unlike Charles who does want his wants ?

    maybe it is possible to open some kind of a plague when english king queen or price (s) last visited Saint Petersburg palaces. maybe is can be mayor of Int Petersburgs instead

    they have blockade of leningrad there and extensive war heritage museums and graveyards.

    see who is US judge without name 

    more gossip

    lets attack Venezuela is that true?

    what about insisting on lethal Aid

    and is criminal justice reform the right reform instead of judicial system reform?

    judges like president trump ?

    any more doubt?

  4. Adam Schiff drops endorsement of Jackie Lacey in L.A. County district attorney race

    U.S. Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank) has withdrawn his endorsement of Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey ahead of a contentious November election, where she will seek a third term in office. In a tweet Saturday morning, Schiff seemed to acknowledge that recent protests and calls for criminal justice reform after George Floyd’s death while in police custody had influenced his decision.

    death of a person in Minneapolce

    no one died in LA??

    So A shift wants someone he can control more?? 

    Sounds there hadn’t been good communication and obedience enough according to A shift but that is a lame excuse about a death of person out of state he is saying that there is someone to blame that isnt Eric or police blame DA in LA?

  5. I need to sue some judges for violating my 7th. And the court clerk who refuses to record my lawsuit against the liberal judges, and the police who refused to retrieve my documents from wherever the clerk hid them. They are my property, and public property, and justice is being obstructed. Please send in the troops, unless they are above the law. Restore justice for all or GTFO. Oh, and repeal the fed reserve act. Introduce a sovereign based on assets w/ depreciation, and labor production less consumables. Labor = a deposit into the economy. Reflected in the Treasury, and loaned to banks at interest, every business needs a cost of goods. Then the debt clock becomes an asset clock and we can eliminate all taxes, freeing us from invisible slavery to the state, and banks. And do it now. Or are you just pretending you care about our country.

  6. में भी ट्रम्प की जीत की कामना कर रहा हू।

  7. YouTube is automatically deleting any negative comments about Communist China/CCP and their dogs, North and South Koreas.
    What YouTube is doing is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY indeed.

  8. Still being shadow banned I see….1.64 million subscribers ????? The MOST watched leader in the World ????Yeah…. Something’s not right here…..

  9. Love my President! But who Hell dressed him today?
    Laughing !
    He gets a pass! To funny!
    Best President EVER! !

  10. Facebook に書いてたけどさ 来る来ない それはあなたの自由です 返事もないしないのかな

  11. Australia has basically pulled a Crocodile Dundee. Calling China. “Shit for Brains”. Like in the opening bar scene! POW! I won’t have bad language around a Lady! They got there swagger back! There Navy…..small but. They brought there horses….and guns! There maritime patrols are more…..then China had plan on dealing with………they thought they had .Australia bullied. NOPE! Actually there pissed. There colleges….like many of ours…..has Chinese influence… influence. There in the process of cleaning that up…….hopefully sooner then us. We got more rats in our barn……feeding off the grain…..shitting in the food! We will get them….got more cats on the way! They enjoy it! That’s a good cat!

  12. The President my country has elected is probably the greatest president I have learned about. I agree with what the president is saying. We have record-setting numbers and things are going very well.

  13. I hope Trump doesn’t want war like Bolton. If Trump does away with the corrupt Federal Reserve the people will love him. Please do what is right Trump. You will be loved by all if you do it.

  14. Why do you dignify the asinine press Corps by answering their questions…? F_ck them.
    They are complicit with the enemy, if you haven’t figured that out by now.
    Who is the enemy? Democrats.


  16. Stfu trashy ass, doesn’t even know how to speak…The same dam words over and over. Go back to school fake trash.

  17. Also i have undiscovered the hindu secret so if you try to use the capitalize for there deity which i also want to talk about because some have legions to those who have legions to the deity in hindu or and they know that this deity isnt a god what there tryon to say and a occultic knowledge type of god and doesnt mean god that created the world false religion along side have elgeliena christian and route 666 and the satanist church that open in detriot that became a huge mystery ?

  18. Also and the small side caps with russia also , the ties aren’t the most connected but trump did make a few conference and back ups i guess but sincw ukraine etc he hasnt but he has been in media he backs japan who just guilty before innocent and other thing they have a secret society manga cult thats tryon to ruin people lives and you are prolonging the china war so you can back out of it and help them

  19. How yall let a game council in that millions 666 gamers play and there company mogul one of them has 666 and he offically works for sony , also mafia 3 all cars have 4 6666 on the back of them come on bruh

  20. And if your vamp charge is true that means your tryon suck half of america and other country energy for the vibe in your governmental building but you cant steal it forever

  21. I can see the doct now
    Covid 19 and other charges request the united state of america first thing to fire medical , police , and those area 51 you know capitalizer

  22. Love is the only way… to love for to hate is to meet that which is not. Donald Trump loves America the United states of America we dont need 50 separate states and towns counties and cities and villages after all who pays for them? The reason we are poor. No more state taxes to be taken from the people the military and a 10 % flat tax plus three for retirement funding. That’s it. You get the memo the DVD why should we pay for our privacy to be invaded occupied stolen and used against us by the belligerent the mentality of brutality? Please Mr. President, bring us to the promises of our constitution, the constitution of the United states of America. One law shall be for you and the stranger who dwells among you. So it is by GODS word with which He commanded moses. We dont need a judge in the window of our thoughts but God. God bless America.

  23. There are two things we the people need to recognize, one is that a local municipality makes their own laws such as NYCPL article 700, et al., and two, it is a crime to fail to perform expected services. Which I am sure, certain in fact, local politicians would fear being urged or accused of violating or infringing or abridging. Who will pay for elected judicial officials attorney to defend them from this crime but the people. So who laughs at whom? And where in the constitution does it say that anyone with judicial power shall be elected the public? Or appointed by the local government, ie friends of friends. Simply it does not. So what do the local municipalities do but fail to perform expected services. Flynn you need a job?

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