President Trump Participates in a Roundtable with Law Enforcement


The White House



  2. I think there is one big misunderstanding. The president wants PEACEFUL protest, according to the 1st (?) amendment. The Dems and the media, though, if I got it right, want PIECEFUL protest, where pieces of glass and concrete can be thrown at law enforcement. So perhaps spelling it out each time will help.

  3. Where did that cop learn that knee on the neck move? Is that move taught in U.S.A police departments?

  4. One thing absolutely must be rectified and made very clear to all police forces:
    – The safety of your officers IS NOT YOUR PRIORITY.
    Understand that, repeat it and get it very strait: The #1 paramount importance is the safety of citizens.
    Otherwise they should be disbanded as they are not real police anymore.

  5. Outstanding police officers, I’m so sorry for the few bad actors. We adore and appreciate you🙏🇺🇸

  6. Bisect and hanma from Cuba remmber me all attention let we they thing it’s some hhhhhhhhhhhh see you long time

  7. Inexcusable behavior. That poor old man was pushed and cracked his head and this idiot is saying hoax. 🤮🤢

  8. I love our police officers and we need them and we will need them to secure us from criminals. Nonetheless, I would appreciate if the government consider some moderate and reasonable reform. The job of police department is to protect the civilians from the vicious individual and organized criminals, and the job of the army is to protect the nation from the outside enemies. I think that we should make sure that the police department does not change to army – but army can wear police uniform if the nation is in danger by criminal institutions organized by inside or outside enemies. We need to deal harshly with the criminals including the commericats who sponser and organize looters and street criminals.

    Farbot Nia

  9. How similar to successful Civ War Gen U. S. Grant, who would ask his staff their opinion, and then hand ea one his assignment on a pc of paper.


  11. Donald Trump you are the reason all this is going on in America you’ve been prejudice as hell for years ago when you got an office and you’ve been pushing that issue a corrupt cops have went wild that are prejudice just like you

  12. Thank you Donald Trump for showing your prejudice of all over the world with all them nasty speeches you talked about people of color and blasted Hispanic people on the border you’re a prejudiced chauvinist and you were corrupt as hell everyone knows you cheated on your taxes all your life that’s not a secret everyone knows you’re in collusion with the Russians you’re prejudiced lying son of a bitch

  13. This planet country is going to hell every since you got an office the only thing the People’s goal is now is to get you out of our White House

  14. No one believes in Trump no more he’s pushed Democrat against Republican ever since he’s been in office all he’s doing is play the American people against each other while he’s in collusion with the Russians

  15. I’m just gonna stop at 3:29.
    The crime rate lows have little to do with police. That’s a complete lie or she believes it and doesn’t really know or care to look at all the statistics and what causes them. They piggyback off of other factors that have had a far greater impact in crime rates. People can’t stand to hear this one but crime rates began to fall shortly after abortion was legalized. You have no idea how much economic and personal damage an unwanted child can cause through his/her life. Yes, abortion sucks. I agree. It’s not as simple as pro life, pro choice though. If you are pro life and banned abortions again tomorrow, crime would begin to rise once again within the next 10 years as those unwanted kids grow up and they’d look for a sense of family in gangs through each other. Just like they used to. They’d cause hundreds of thousands and potentially over a million dollars or millions in economic damage by snuffing out lives and destroying property. Instead we legalized abortions and each of those lives that have a massive rate of turning to gangs and crimes only costs around a thousand dollars. I think both options are morally wrong. I know it’s hard. But it’s one of those things that you’re just stuck picking between two evils. So you better pick wisely and analyze the entire situation. Police numbers and prison numbers have not been central to crime decreases. Crime was already falling before the 94 crime bill. Please don’t buy into the notion that militarized police and greater punishments and more criminal law leads to less crime. Bad people will always be bad. No matter how many police you have. Most of it has to do with a persons upbringing. There environment and school and peers and parenting etc.

  16. I am very happy to see all of you coming together to put your great minds together, to make all communities better.

  17. My cousin was murdered in the local county jail and they called it a suicide. Not sure how a suicide would have ribs sticking out of him. They have gotten away with this for ever.

  18. I voted for Tulsi Gabbard in my state’s primaries The reason why is because of her slogan “Service above self”. Out of all the candidates she was the only one who had that belief and practiced that belief to try to stamp out corruption wherever she saw it happening even when her own colleagues were involved in corruption . I think she would have been an excellent first woman POTUS had her own party not interfered in her campaign and falsely accuse her of being a Russian asset . I won’t be voting for the Dem candidate especially if it’s Hillary again which at this point it will be .Joe is toast and being used as a placeholder for Clinton .

  19. We need our police!!! There are a few bad apples who let the idea of power over others go to their heads, those need to be identified and removed while we honor and respect those who make it possible for us to live in society.

  20. As an American citizen I hope and I pray everyday for our president take immediate action against all those people who are destroying, assaulting business and stilling others properties. United States is a country of laws and most of those protesters are going against our constitution, this is not about freedom of expression this is civic disobedience. One person does not represent the entire police force, PLEASE Mr. president do something NOW before be too late for our country and for every body

    Half Snake – Fallen angel of doom = 666.
    Half Snake – Fallen angel of doom – Golden TRUMP nr nine = 1776.
    Half Snake – Fallen angel of doom – Golden TRUMP light = 1776.

    Throne of Beast = 888.
    Throne of Beast – Donald J Trump = 1776.
    Throne of Beast – The number nine = 1776.

    Learn or die – Beast = 888.
    Learn or die – Beast – Donald J Trump = 1776.
    Learn or die – Beast – The number nine = 1776.

  22. STOP what’s going on in Seattle FAST ….Bring those hoods to their knees if they want to hold people hostage !! …lets go America …we must stand !    DT2O2O

  23. you finish countermesure OPIOID,denuclerzation DPRK last month,and you reopen day by day,so you do hard job and you should have high turget is reform UN and function G-11arengement.
    kosuke Otani


  25. President Trump you are the best!! We need Law Enforcment, but we need them to be honest and we need them to be truthful. I have seen Law Enforcement in my town tell lies just because they can, I know that they steal drugs from the police department that were taken off of the street, they have destroyed lives, and cause families to be ripped apart, over something as petty as a property line and other such things. The police officers title, “officer of the court” is a title that should be taken away since it has been proven that it is not deserved! If it were removed from them the officer’s would need proof against the accused instead of, like now hearsay and allegations, and it being believed in court. Most of all, officers need to be retrained!! The elderly, young adults, and disabled people are getting shot and killed. Please help!! BTW, if you see a cops mouth moving, in the town I live in “he is telling a lie”!! “Officer of the Court” 👀

  26. This is what the President needs to do every day if not at least every week. The truth needs to get out to all media sources.

  27. You have to weed out Freemasons and check everyone for microchips that can be controlled remotely! Personally I have not met a good police officer yet. I am hopeful one day I will. Too many follow a negative leaders. I actually had a State Trooper ask me to allow a family in our community to break our local ordinance law that was addressed with that family by our local Code Enforcement Officer. I told the Code Enforcement Officer about it and gave him the name of the State Trooper. The Code Enforcement Officer was not happy about that and neither was my daughter and I while hearing that State Trooper ask us such a thing! I am over 60. Police around here take the side of offenders. Judges are no better in Elmira NY. Three women got off easy after murdering babies. One judge said no sentence for the mother because the system failed her. What a crock! i bet she turned around and got pregnant again.

  28. Thanks government house at the big state for the first payment stimulus to the residents the usa citizens that were caught by the crisis covid. Although I do not see the success to home state students increased income. Due to covid with limited assurance of assistance an resources. The first wave of the coronavirus had a hedge that curfewed and stopped the school openings. An with engaged in riots and protest people harmed in the situation. Even griefs were made during the movements. Strange but student endangerment mostly coming from unhealthy poorer citizens lets not forget the damage coming from the other people commiting crimes with their currency. Despite the unfavorism home-state disabled,disability recipients having their issues.

    Year 2020 mere resources are asked for a change. The cities economy was getting richer an healthy. On the way creating new opportunity and new buildings construction sites.

    Which was great until the crisis hit back to housing and other resources. An yes its tragic Low incomed students, families households are taking the misfit action hardest. An its unfair, we thought a recurring payment for everybody was recent and stuck to be achievement. But now we all know this whole stimulus was a slack ill say although it came in handy, still the next let the nations people down until months past. Which is still kinda slight, our students love being in class sometimes thats all the kids enrolled have. I have my own schooling preparations thats been hindered due to establishing new settling place, job loss, and little income. So I believe along with the others still on top of supporting the Stimulus Universal Basic Income payment on recurring terms. A Recurring Payment Term. back to me I wonder why I have to spend paper money to receive currency, not trying to revive dead moment situations but due to record a prisons guard salary just a year is K past the thousands. gambling or some form of way able to gather college tuition scholarship lottery when I could have a plain check written to me my banks account name. We’ believe and worship god despite 2nd thessolonians $65,000.00 thats why I asked for a simple plain written check.

  29. Its clear the lefties have paid to make riots happen , they will try to win buy wining black votes, there using them they dont care about anyone. They will turn ban guns and come in and clean up the mess its all a staged gun grab. Its easier to control unarmed people . Its tearany good law abiding citizens are getting screwed. Wake up . Why are all these pallets of bricks just showing up randomly. Why are they putting on the front to defund police that ludacris. Itll never happen . Were is pelosi and her crooked gang. And hilary there all hiding. We need to clean up the streets now. Before good law abiding citizens do we had enough. Its kinda funny pelosi hillary and there gang has been hiding since all this started. There sick sick people. Trump please clean up the shit.

  30. DEPUTY WIFE HERE!! Please sir…. develop a civilian task force, a review board to take the complaints against or local law enforcement. Complaining to the department about the department doesn’t work and is what allows citizens and their complaints to be invalidated and ignored. From the wife of a deputy that is being persecuted in my place of business and in my personal life by the department because of my divorce which was highly about the corruption I saw…please fix this. They discriminate against who they want when they want and destroy lives without MURDER, but the results can be about the same. These riots will happen again until you fix THE CORE OF THE PROBLEM. FROM THE WIFE OF A DEPUTY IN A CORRUPT COUNTY. LIKE IT OR NOT… WE HAVE CORRUPTION. I have a plan for these task forces and review boards. Police don’t need to be defunded… but IA (internal affairs where complaints are handled) SHOULD BE #defundinternalaffairs #createaciviliantaskforce

  31. DEPUTY WIFE HERE! Please sir…. develop a civilian task force, a review board to take the complaints against or local law enforcement. Complaining to the department about the department doesn’t work and is what allows citizens and their complaints to be invalidated and ignored. From the wife of a deputy that is being persecuted in my place of business and in my personal life by the department because of my divorce which was highly about the corruption I saw…please fix this. They discriminate against who they want when they want and destroy lives without MURDER, but the results can be about the same. These riots will happen again until you fix THE CORE OF THE PROBLEM. FROM THE WIFE OF A DEPUTY IN A CORRUPT COUNTY. LIKE IT OR NOT… WE HAVE CORRUPTION. I have a plan for these task forces and review boards. Police don’t need to be defunded… but IA (internal affairs where complaints are handled) SHOULD BE #defundinternalaffairs #createaciviliantaskforce


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