RAW: Gov. Polis provides update on state’s COVID-19 response


Gov. Jared Polis provided an update Friday afternoon about the state’s response to the coronavirus outbreak as we transition to a safer-at-home policy.
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  1. I’m not happy about Denver opening up so soon. I was at a Walmart this morning and over the speakers a voice was telling shoppers that customers must wear face coverings unless you have breathing problems. I would estimate that maybe 50% of the shoppers were not using a face covering. People were bringing their small children and babies in the store. I get that most of these people will be ok if they get sick but what I’ve got an issue with is the people may pass the virus along to someone who might not have a good immune system. They might infect their elderly family members who would likely perish if they got this virus. I am very concerned and worried about my kids and grandkids as well as my elderly mother who has more comorbidities than stars in the universe. My middle daughter is not only 33 weeks pregnant, she’s also got juvenile diabetes aka type 1 diabetes. My mother has a heart that’s functioning at 30% of normal. I know the governor says to not worry but I am worried. People seem to be acting very selfish and using poor judgment.

  2. You want to keep everything shutdown because .03% die of the Chinese virus. I am sorry your family is unhealthy but you are the selfish one not the people living their life. Shame on you

  3. When are we getting our bars and restaurants back open and our movies n parks n our gyms n or sports back

  4. Polis brags about illegal and irrational “orders”. We have seen enough of this petulant bully. There is no basis for these restrictions, all of the dire predictions have been discredited. Our hospitals are not overwhelmed, indeed they are so empty that they are laying off nurses.

    Colorado should rise against this petty tyranny. Recall Polis.


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