Universal health coverage (UHC): New WHO tool to help countries reach health for all


One of WHO’s three strategic goals is to ensure that an additional one billion people in the world achieve better health and are protected from financial hardship. A key step in making this a reality is for countries to be able to work out what health services their people need and how to provide them.
WHO’s new UHC Compendium, the product of a massive collaboration across WHO programmes and partners, is designed to help them do just this.

Basically a toolbox for countries to build packages of essential services, the Compendium offers country decision-makers a database of over 3,500 health actions across all health areas to adapt to their needs and expand access to better health for all.

More information: https://www.who.int/health-topics/universal-health-coverage


  1. Socialist countries like Canada already have health care for all and the health care system sucks. It takes forever to see a doctor and the quality of care sucks too.


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