Vacinas contra a Covid-19 – O que é preciso saber


No momento em que o mundo introduz as vacinas contra a COVID-19, há muitas pessoas que se interrogam sobre o que devem esperar – em particular, essas vacinas são seguras? A resposta é “sim”, mas há aqui um pouco mais de informação que poderá ser considerada útil.


  1. Following a post, related to the death of elderly people admitted to nursing homes in Spain, I did a personal research in Spanish periodicals.
    This news is taken from a January 2021 issue of the ABCandalucia newspaper, but similar news can be found in other local newspapers:
    An epidemic in a Los Barrios residence causes 46 coronavirus deaths
    The Andalusian competent authorities intervened by ordering the inoculation of the second dose of the vaccine to be stopped in the center ”
    If the news is confirmed, it would be interesting to know if the sons or relatives of the deceased elders have asked the government for explanations for these deaths.
    It is clear that such news also affects other European nations, and beyond


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