Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks on the Trump Administration’s Pro-Growth Economic Policies


Somerset, PA


  1. Joe biden is china’s puppet, the Democratic party is China’s puppet, they just do what is told by China. Democratic party and criminals defund police. Good citizens want police.


  3. Don’t support Pence. Pence LIED about Flynn’s call…I’ve never forgotten. I expect to see him arrested for his LIES, too.

  4. #reelectTrumpAndPenceIn2Q2Q #WWG1WGA #SAYYESTOESTHER #IsraelIs4Ever 🇮🇱🇺🇸✡✝️👊

  5. Pence Vs Harris in VP debates would be really exciting. Pence would be the calm, vanilla, evidence-based candidate and Harris would be trying to justify all of Bidens positions.

  6. rump and Fans are American pride.
    The Democratic Party makes the United States lawless.
    The Democratic Party does not punish looting, arson and violence.
    They are crazy things.

  7. Terrorist weapon internet against Pablo Chavez valencia with no Federal warrant report www white house gov contact FBI DC Gammas waves Santa Cruz CA USA judge Kim baskett

  8. Дональд, как твой ближайший друг и соратник. Разработал для тебя спец операцию которая называется Противодействие. Твоя задача создать азиатскую платформу которая будет давать рекомендации для СОТ в связи с ситуацией прав и свобод человека. Блокируя всякие сделки с Китаем через международные институты.
    Вторая твоя задача создать азиатскую оппозицию в штаб квартире в Австралия в нее должны входить Япония Австралия возможно Тайвань и США. В эту организацию могут обращаться с жалобами на китайские действия в регионе все желающие, это организация будет выносить дела в ООН, а контролировать ее будет Дональд Трамп как почетный директор в независимости от должности в США, то есть до самой смерти.
    Так же нужно пригласить в ООН представителей народов угнетаемых китайскими коммунистами что бы они сказали правду.
    Сегодня китайские деньги в Украине заказываются статьи в которых оправдывают Китай и обвиняют США, они себя называют громким названием Европейская правда. Эта та газета которая вчера осуждала голодомор от коммунистов а сегодня защищает коммунистов в Китае которые совершают тяжкие преступления по угнетению народов, торговля органами и так далее.
    Мысль ты понял, успехов. Эти китайские подонки не заплатили мне за Гонконг, по этому им придется платить.
    МОЗ и ООН скорее мертвы, их финансировать смысла нет, это история лузерства. По этому создавай и финансируй то что полезно для США.

  9. Dear American media staff! Today I am here to ask you for help. I’m So Sorry, I only speak a little English. I use translation software. I hope you can understand me. Let me introduce myself. I came from the United States in 2014. I came here. At that time, the US government applied for political asylum. In my Twitter account, there is the content of the document that I applied for political asylum like the US government at that time. My Twitter account is @zhouyiyi2014, because I know that some Chinese government monitors the Chinese people. Ugly, my current home in New York was also used by the Chinese Communist Party’s spy chief in New York to install bugs and pinhole cameras everywhere when I was not at home. They monitored and persecuted me for 11 years, and their power enveloped the entire Chinese New York district. I was followed by them everywhere I went. From the beginning of January when the epidemic broke out, I went to the Chinese supermarket in Flushing to buy food. The Chinese spies bought the people in the supermarket and they wanted to be in the food I usually buy. They want to kill me and kill me. My family and I are in danger at any time. They watch me and my family closely all the time. They are looking for opportunities to kill me and kill me. Dear American media staff! When you see my distress message, can you help me? ? I got married in 2017 and got a marriage green card. My child is 3 years old this year and has stunted growth. He cannot walk at 3 years old and cannot be called a parent. The U.S. government granted child care. The nursing company is Huace Association, which is also the Chinese Communist Party. The spy’s nest in New York. One day, my husband and I were not at home. The head of the Chinese Communist Party’s spy and the nursing staff sent by the Huace Society in my house should have installed a lot of bugs and pinhole cameras in various places in my house. , Exactly the same as my home in China back then, distinguished American media staff! Can you help me? I am just a weak and defenseless woman. I am very afraid and helpless. Can you come and save me?
    Dear American media staff! Can you help me? The home was bugged and a pinhole camera installed by a CCP agent in January this year. I called 911 and came to the police. They left without doing any tests. The police said he didn’t care about these things. I am a weak and defenseless woman. I really don’t know what to do? Can I turn to you for help? Can you call me back? My phone number is 518-492-6026, and my email address is My Twitter account is @zhouyiyi2014. It contains the political asylum documents that I applied for at the time like the US government ,Thank you very much, thank you very much 🙏 I am So Sorry, I only know a little English, I use translation software, I hope you can understand me 🙏 🙏Finally I swear, all I said above are facts🙏🙏


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