We Are #InThisTogether – Staying safe protects you and others from COVID-19


COVID-19 has posed a common threat to everyone and communities have responded and adapted bravely. Staying vigilant & adhering to 5 key measures protects you and others.

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  1. I truly believe we are in the end times, because like Matthew 24:12 says Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold.
    I have been put down and called horrible names just for asking for help! Why? I’ve worked my whole life! It’s because of the pandemic me and my children are facing homelessness, the stress is getting to me, especially with the holidays around the corner. Sorry me asking for help bothers ppl! At least I’m not stealing! I’m just asking for help I have nowhere to turn.
    Never would I have imagined I would be going through this. No food for my children.
    Since the pandemic, I lost my job, of 15 years, still searching for work no luck yet.
    If anyone may help my cash app is
    Thank you.
    God Bless


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