WHO Director-General Dr Tedros message: COVID-19 anniversary and looking towards 2021


December 31, 2020, marks the first anniversary of a report of a cluster of cases of “pneumonia of unknown cause” in Wuhan, China, which was later identified as a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, and led to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, says there is light at the end of the tunnel in the fight against COVID-19. But going into 2021, he urged countries and communities to invest in strengthening health and emergency preparedness systems, ensure the equitable distribution of vaccines globally, adhere to proven public health measures to protect people from the virus, and work together, in solidarity, to overcome this and future health challenges. More information www.who.int/COVID-19


  1. The world woke up to the farce of the WHO commanded by the dark elite … millions know that you yourselves inoculate us with diseases created in laboratories … you yourself inoculate humanity with viruses and at the same time do business with the pharmacy … they think we are naive ? ⛔💉⛔

  2. The world’s highest epidemic prevention of CoVid-19 virus is the paradise (Taiwan) that foreigners want to enter, and it is also a refuge for the presidents, leaders and CEOs of the world. This is a clean land for mankind. Please cherish that mankind has only heaven, and it is also the safest place in the world..

  3. Covid 19 vaccine please recommend indian government to sell it online on reports basics help to vaccine farud offline I think 🤔 so

  4. 🥸🤢🤮🥱☠😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬

  5. Sir,
    Thanks to YOU and CHINA.
    My wealth ( including investment in stock market )has shoot up 600% in such short span of 5 months. Honestly i have become a fan of COVID vrius and sincerely looking forward to keep popping new viruses in every 6 months.
    Happy New Year 2021.

  6. WHO’s first thing in 2021 is upload a talk show video of a ChiNazi believer / The murderer of the Holocaust

    You guys are so humorous

  7. If you would called China virus it’s would end up in China and world would be a better safe place but calling covid 19 u give it license to kill from the end 2019 onwards you and your organization killed people and you are going to kill more n more from your lie life but people still believe in you hoping you will come with good ideas to save the world but all you have is good beautiful message but empty

  8. If COVID dangerous, what do you think about HIV? because covid can be cured HIV cannot be cured. please stop making rules about covid!!! Do you have personal interests?

  9. Human lost the way of living in Nature!
    Who said democracy and independent…..

    Democracy and independence for Whom??
    Why you work hard?
    Are you slave?
    What you need until your end of living time ?
    Air, Water, Food, Clothes, Resident, Wife/Husband, Child, do you think these not enough to live honest and peaceful, truthful life!

    Our satanic desires make us as slaves!

    Do you think doctor’s may save your lives?
    They also can’t save their lives they also have to be dead! Political & medical system make for controlling the people as slaves!

    Please realizing yourself in your mind then you can understand everything!

    1st quality of god believers are respect humanity and honestly, don’t lie or cheat any people in this world!

    2nd don’t divide the people by religions, natives, colour, languages all are human beings please realize the truth in yourself before you find the god in Temple/Church/Masjid/etc

    Please Don’t be a follower slave!
    Realize yourself which is right way and truth!

    God is only one for all !
    You can feel him in your 💖heart!
    If you believe in god then you start to love everyone!
    This world is for everyone! No one is slave here realize it!💖

    Name given by human, make fear by human media and lockdown, control all people by corporate’s governments for long term goals against humanity!

    Do you believe mask & doctor, government control system may safe you?

    So many viruses in the Air!
    One of the virus you put name then do you think that is new one?

    There are not realize yourself you never understand behind the virus politics all over the world! If you take medicine or not you must be die in one day!

    Any human knowledge technology medical never know when you’re going to be die and they can’t save you & themselves!

    Corona just a name no need to fear if you are realize yourself!
    Are you agreement with the virus if we stay in home then the virus never come inside of home? All medical system and political system made for control the innocent people….

    Anyone can not save any human lives……

    everyone must be die in your time is arrived ……..

    realize yourself in your mind …..

    Please realize what is human knowledge limit????

    Next minute what will happen anyone never know all in one god ‘s hand if you believe in god please realize truth and false……

    god gives everything for our lives but we never understand and realize that!

    If I take vaccine then I will not need to die ah?

    Everyone must be die in your god given time will be arrived!

    Doctors also have to be die!

    They also can’t save their lives themselves!

    Human knowledge or anyone human can not save your live! please realize the truth in your mind yourself!

    Satanic Medical and Government systems are fake they want to control you!
    you never understand these until you throw your knowledge and other human knowledge and proud realize in your mind…..

    human life is very easy (Food, water , air everything in Nature god’s grace free but we never understand these) but our desire and they control the land we can not become a independent living life when we understand these then you feel god grace in your mind!
    God is always with you don’t worry!

    He no need any symbolism and building !

    He gives this world for everyone!

    If you are taking medicine & body care , exercise, control food or nothing you take also you have to be dead in a time he decided please remember and realize this!

    Governments and medical system make you slave and slave until your mind is self realization you never know you are slave!

    God gives us a beautiful Easter life for everyone but we never understand!
    please realize we are human we want humanity all over the place in world
    Anyone is not slave here!

    Written with the God Grace Wisdom!

  10. Any Governments in the World, Ask you only one Request please release the land for every family then anyone no need to come out for work & money! you don’t want to help poor people!

    If everyone have land all people must get food from the land and water from the sky , Air in Nature this is life, very happy life for everyone given by GOD!

    Everyone have to die in the Nature if you take or no take medicine!

    Please realize yourself in your mind!

    All Governments say they are for the people if it’s true release the same size land for every family!

    God gives everything for everyone in Nature live!

    Everyone please realize yourself in your mind what you want until the end of the live time!
    1st why we started working ???
    Some people control the land and make others as slaves please realize it !
    Now that the name of the government also doing as same …….
    Earth for everyone!
    Here no one is slave ……
    Here politicians speak about Colours, Casts, Religions, Languages, Natives we fighting for it but we never see the truth about they make us as slaves! Divided rulers!
    Please realize yourself in your mind!
    We all human beings please don’t forget it !
    [ குர்ஆன்] – 3:185 كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَآٮِٕقَةُ الْمَوْتِ‌ؕ وَاِنَّمَا تُوَفَّوْنَ اُجُوْرَكُمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيٰمَةِ‌ؕ فَمَنْ زُحْزِحَ عَنِ النَّارِ وَاُدْخِلَ الْجَـنَّةَ فَقَدْ فَازَ ‌ؕ وَمَا الْحَيٰوةُ الدُّنْيَاۤ اِلَّا مَتَاعُ الْغُرُوْرِ‏
    3:185. ஒவ்வோர் ஆத்மாவும் மரணத்தைச் சுகித்தே ஆகவேண்டும்; அன்றியும் – இறுதித் தீர்ப்பு நாளில் தான், உங்க(ள் செய்கைக)ளுக்குரிய பிரதி பலன்கள் முழுமையாகக் கொடுக்கப்படும்; எனவே எவர் (நரக) நெருப்பிலிருந்து பாதுகாக்கப்பட்டுச் சுவர்க்கத்தில் பிரவேசிக்குமாறு செய்யப்படுகிறாரோ அவர் நிச்சயமாக வெற்றியடைந்து விட்டார்; இவ்வுலக வாழ்க்கை மயக்கத்தை அளிக்கவல்ல (அற்ப இன்பப்) பொருளேயன்றி வேறில்லை.

    [ குர்ஆன்] – 9:116 اِنَّ اللّٰهَ لَهٗ مُلْكُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِ‌ؕ يُحْىٖ وَيُمِيْتُ‌ؕ وَمَا لَـكُمْ مِّنْ دُوْنِ اللّٰهِ مِنْ وَّلِىٍّ وَّلَا نَصِيْرٍ‏
    9:116. வானங்கள், பூமி ஆகியவற்றின் ஆட்சி நிச்சயமாக அல்லாஹ்வுக்கே உரியது; (அவனே) உயிர் கொடுக்கிறான்; (அவனே) மரிக்கும்படியும் செய்கிறான் – அல்லாஹ்வைத் தவிர உங்களுக்கு வேறு பாதுகாவலரும் இல்லை, உதவியாளரும் இல்லை.

    [ குர்ஆன்] – 2:42 وَلَا تَلْبِسُوا الْحَـقَّ بِالْبَاطِلِ وَتَكْتُمُوا الْحَـقَّ وَاَنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُوْنَ‏
    2:42. நீங்கள் அறிந்து கொண்டே உண்மையைப் பொய்யுடன் கலக்காதீர்கள்; உண்மையை மறைக்கவும் செய்யாதீர்கள்.

  11. Right / Wrong Realize yourself , சரி/ பிழை நீயே சிந்தித்து உணர்!
    Do you think human made machines may save human lives?

    you are livable human being,
    your body temperature must be up down ,
    your blood pressure levels also up down ,
    your blood sugar levels also up down
    livable human being is not a machine !

    your blood pressure, sugar, temperature levels are every moments change as your thought because you are livable human being!

    if you check your blood pressure, sugar, temperature also god given that day and time comes to you then you must be die any medicine system can not save you please realize yourself !
    Don’t be fear everything realize yourself!

    What you need until your end of the life time?
    There are Air, Water, Food!
    All are God given in nature for free what you find for your life? There is nothing to take anything if you are died!
    Please realize yourself

    Do you think If human give the name that for an example “Tree” then after “Trees” are growing up?
    Same as the virus now! Just give a name make fear for so many reason 1st is make human as slaves please Realize yourself!

    Make People as slaves by Controlling all land these Governments are not for the people 1St realize this! If you have land then they never make you as slave please realize yourself!
    do you think so many countries so many government? Now you can understand who are the rulers? They like to control everyone then they play the game but the final humanity must be win !
    please realize yourself!

    World is for everyone not for someone to rules and control please realize yourself!

    Human knowledge is experienced in past but next moment what will happen god only knows that please realize yourself!

    who decide these levels must be ??? they are very big business Mafia to slave you they control with your fears!

    Please realize yourself what we need until we die! God gives you Air, Water, food free in nature but why you never understand life find unwanted things work as slaves?

    இயந்திரங்களால் மனித உயிரை எக்காலத்திலும் காக்க முடியாது உங்களுக்காக இறைவன் வகுத்த நேரத்தில் நீங்கள் இறந்தே ஆகனும் …….

    உயிர் உள்ள உடலின் வெப்பநிலை , உடலின் இரத்த அளுத்தம், இரத்தத்தின் சக்கரை அளவு என்பவை ஒவ்வொரு நொடியும் மாறுபட்டுக்கொண்டே இருக்கும் உங்கள் சிந்தனைக்கு ஏற்றால்போல் இவற்றை அளவிடுவதால் எந்தவொரு பயனும்
    இல்லை, மனிதன் ஜடம் அல்ல சிந்தித்து உணர்வீர் !

    மனித வாழ்வின் இறுதிவரையான தேவை தான் என்ன???
    அவை காற்றும், நீரும், உணவும் மட்டுமே!
    இவை அனைத்தும் இயற்கையில் இறைவன் இலவசமாக கொடுத்துள்ளான் இருந்தும் நாம் தேடுவது என்ன??
    வேறு எதுவும் அல்ல அவை எதுவும் நாம் இறக்கும்போது எடுத்துச்செல்லவும் முடியாது!
    தயவுசெய்து சிந்தித்து உணருங்கள்!

    ஒரு புரிதலுக்காக……
    நீங்கள் நினைக்கின்றீர்களா மனிதர்கள் “மரம்”
    என்று பெயர் வைத்த பின்னர் தான் “மரங்கள்” வளர்ந்தது என்று??
    சிந்தனை உடையோர் தெளிவடைவார் அதே தான் தற்பொழுது மனிதர்களை அடிமைப்படுத்தி நினைக்கும் சிலரால் சில தேவைகளுக்காக பெயர் கொடுத்துப் பயம் உட்டப்படும் வைரஸுக்கும்!
    சிந்தித்து உணர்ந்து தெளிவீர் வீண் பயம் வேண்டாம்!

    மக்ககளை சுகந்திரமாக வாழமுடியாமல் நிலங்களை தமது கட்டுக்குள் வைத்து மனிதர்களை அடிமைப்படுத்தும் அரசாங்கங்கள் மக்களுக்கு ஆனவை அல்ல இதை முதலில் சிந்தித்து உணர்ந்து தெளிவாகுங்கள்!
    பல நாடுகள் பல அரசுகள் என்று நினைக்கின்றீர்களா??? தற்போது எல்லா நாடுகளும் ஒரே சொல்லில் இயங்குகின்றதே எப்படி ? இப்பொழுது உங்களால் உணரமுடியும் யார் அதிகார ஆளும் வர்க்கம் என்று!
    அவர்களின் இந்த வைரஸ் விளையாட்டு அவர்களுக்கே வினையாகிப்போகும் மனிதம் மீளும்!

    நாம் வாழும் இந்த உலகம் அனைத்து மக்களுக்கும் ஆனது இதில் சிலர் சட்டம் போட்டு பிற மனிதர்களை அடிமைத்தனம் செய்வது சரியல்ல, இங்கு யாரும் யாருக்கும் அடிமைகள் அல்ல சிந்தித்து உணர்வீர்!

    மனித அறிவு என்பதே இறந்த காலத்தில் பார்த்து கேட்டு அறிந்து வைத்திருப்பது மட்டுமே!
    அடுத்த சனம் என்னாகும் இறைவன் ஒருவன் மட்டுமே அறிவான் மனித அறிவின் எந்தவொரு தொழில்நுட்பமும் அடுத்த நொடி என்னாகும் என்பதை எக்காலத்திலும் அறியாது!

    இந்த அளவீடுகள் இப்படித்தான் இருக்கவேண்டும் என்பதை முடிவு செய்வது யார் ?? உங்களை அடிமைப்படுத்த நினைக்கும் உலக வியாபார மாஃபியாக்கள்!

    சிந்தித்து உணருங்கள் இறைவன் நமக்காகக் கொடுத்த வாழ்வு மிகவும் லேசானது மனித வாழ்வின் தேவை உணரும்போது நமது அறியாமை அகன்று சிந்தை தெளிவாகும்!

    எல்லாப் புகழும் அகிலங்களின் இறைவன் ஒருவனுக்கே!
    All praise is due to the One Lord of the Universe!

  12. Name given by human, make fear by human media and lockdown, control all people by corporate’s governments for long term goals against humanity!
    Do you believe mask & doctor, government control system may safe you? So many viruses in the Air! One of the virus you put name then do you think that is new one? There are not realize yourself you never understand behind the virus politics all over the world! If you take medicine or not you must be die in one day! Any human knowledge technology medical never know when you’re going to be die and they can’t save you & themselves! Corona just a name no need to fear if you are realize yourself!

  13. Are you agreement with the virus if we stay in home then the virus never come inside of home? All medical system and political system made for control the innocent people….
    Anyone can not save any human lives…… everyone must be die in your time is arrived …….. realize yourself in your mind …..
    Please realize what is human knowledge limit????
    Next minute what will happen anyone never know all in one god ‘s hand if you believe in god please realize truth and false…… god gives everything for our lives but we never understand and realize that!

  14. உண்மையான சுகந்திரத்தோடு மகிழ்ச்சியாக வாழ்வது மனிதர்களா ??? Or மிருகங்களா ???
    Who live in peaceful and Independently life
    Humans ??? or Animals???
    Please realize yourself in your mind!
    சிந்தித்து உணருங்கள் சத்தியம் தெளிவாகும்!
    Mask human have to wear but animals no need!
    Vaccine human have to inject but the animals no need!
    So many rules for Human but the animals???
    This world for whom????
    Where is Human Rights but so much Animals Rights here!
    Human being is a slave???

  15. Raymond Mark Bowen LET THE GENOCIDE BEGIN! ⚠️☠️⚠️
    First 1-MANIPULATION !!!⚠️☠️
    Second. 2-CONTROL !!!⚠️☠️
    Third 3-DEPOPULATION !!!⚠️☠️


    Everything is a lie with an agenda! Don’t get attached to any belief. 💉⚠️☠️⚠️💉💉☠️

    Unfortunately, the news is totally controlled by the elite, I would not trust anything from the corrupt lying media. THE TRUTH IS CENSORED AND THE LIES ARE PROMOTED. I remembered that all these puppet celebrities came out saying that they had covid-19, now they are going to start promoting the vaccine. It’s a manipulation! Look … They are famous or governors, they want you to trust everything they say and do, they know that humans fall. Kamala Harris receives the Covid-19 vaccine at a public event!
    Questions! Is this some kind of manipulation? Why are they trying to promote a vaccine that is not even a year old? If it takes years to develop a vaccine. How come they haven’t developed vaccines for more lethal viruses?
    What kind of experiment are they trying to impose on humans? Frankly I don’t like this! Something is wrong! If you wake up! … All you can do is wake up others. 🤔🤔
    It’s about promoting the sheep follower to their puppet leader⚠️☠️⚠️
    Wake up!!! ‼️
    Seek spiritual discernment‼️
    What they are doing is very evil ‼️
    ‼️Dr. Fauci and some other ‼️corrupted‼️ government and leaders ‼️like George Soros are part and owners ‼️of the‼️ pharmaceutical ‼️‼️industry!!!‼️ ( Like Pfizer…. George Soros is a shareholder of Pfizer) ‼️‼️‼️‼️
    ‼️Manipulation ‼️ Control ‼️ ‼️Depopulation ‼️
    it’s a worldwide war between the corrupt government against humanity ‼️
    This year George Soros got super rich!‼️
    It’s not about your health ‼️ it’s about the richest getting Rich and the poorest getting poor ‼️

  16. China spreads virus to World with negative attitude & selfish expansion of others land, wrong attitude.
    But India, Sanathan bharath gives vaccine to the World with positive attitude. This is called sanathan Bharath culture. Bharath matha ki Jay, Jay hind.

  17. You are murdering people and getting away with it. It is time for God’s Creations to wake up. They are killing you and making you pay for it.

  18. I enjoy particularly coming here to see the comments by the losers – blaming, shirking off own responsibility and accountability. You have examples of democratic countries who have managed things well, like Aussie, NZ… where w. low ## deaths/million; you have the chance to compare autocratic countries that have done poorly, N.K? Russia?

  19. and China is suppressing any and all research into the origins of the virus, looks like China has something to hide

  20. At this stage I would trust North Korea’s methods rather than WHO. At least North Korea managed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 with zero cases. Other countries should take notes from them and follow suit. If they really are dedicated to get rid of the virus once and for all, then everyone should be tested and people giving positive results needs to be dealt with quickly without hesitation.

  21. How people still see this as an organisation is beyond belief. Corrupt to the bone. All of them. I don’t even know how I found myself here.

  22. Pcr test inventor Kary Mullis conveniently dying in 2019, said the tests did not track any virus. Nor has any virus been isolated according to postulates ( ko c h ) . How will all you who invented this whole lie escape judgement? matthew 10:28

  23. The new strain of COVID 19 could hit more countries across Europe Asia & Africa & North America & Latin America to contain & delay

  24. Who wrote your speech? The Chinese government? Can’t talk without help? Poke into your own pocket and not into ours. The epidemic could have been avoided if you had done your job ….

  25. I don’t think you’re saying this… Even in the early days of the virus, he deceived the world, saying it wasn’t a big deal. The Secretary-General is not responsible for anything.

  26. If you want to know the truth 🚨🚨🚨then Better proceed to comment section 🚨🚨🚨

  27. We dont want or need you in our countries, insert your globalist supremacy where it fits WHO.

  28. What a joke. Should resign to keep what shred of usefulness the WHO has left. He isn’t even a physician, a doctorate in philosophy.


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