WHO Director-General message on Universal Health Coverage Day


It’s Universal Health Coverage Day!
Health For All promotes and protects our:
✅ livelihoods
🛒 businesses
📈 economies
👩‍🎓 education
⚖️ gender equality
🕊️ peace
♻️ sustainability
🌴 the environment
& more.


  1. Universal health coverage for and improvement of the living conditions of our Planet’s population MUST be accompanied by measures to keep down obesity (currently epidemic in the populations of the developed countries). When I was young, when people started “putting on weight” their friends, family, workmates, etc. would comment. Their doctors would comment … on the fact that they were “not looking after their health”. FAT people who started to “throw their weight around” would be “put in their place”. Back in the 60s in the UK less than 2% of the population were obese … in 1993 it was 14% … now its 29%. The UK is now the 2nd FATTEST nation in Europe (only Malta has more FAT people). I am slim and athletic (at the age of 78) but have to have dialysis 3 days a week for kidney failure. MOST of the people in the Unit where I get my treatment are FAT … their obesity CAUSED their kidneys to fail. They have other health problems caused by their obesity. A wise woman recently said: “Can’t you see there’s something wrong …all these hospitals you’re having to build?” Look what happened to Nauru when their country became “wealthy” … and could afford the best of health care … obesity there is now 71.7% … at one point they had the highest per capita income in the world. Their FATNESS made them stupid and the money drained away .. now they’re “poor” and need support from other countries. In my ideal world FAT people would not be allowed to have ANY authority over others … until they loose their excess weight. Our present Prime Minster should be replaced by someone who is “fit and healthy” … our present PM is not. I also would suggest an age limit of 60 for politicians. People born before 1960 come from a different age … and for most of them it shows in their thinking (this is the opinion of someone who is 78 … a high percentage of people from my generation are “lacking clarity of thought”. Uganda’s current President definitely is (I have Udandan friends ..supporters of Bobi Wine)

  2. The world must take initiative to fully protect the environment from all kinds of destruction. This is an only way to cease all the crisis in future .

  3. You will stand before God one day and have to explain yourself, and explain all this sorcery. Tedros, repent today. Jesus is above all things and He can see what you and all your affiliates are doing in the dark. Jesus is the only way. The Shiva that stands behind you and all other gods will have to bow down to the One and Only God.

  4. Sir, what all i say is anger. Organisation runs if it adresses people who go rong. When i m rong, i m interpreted by opposite interpretations by phase all the time being opposite to depressed. How to survive? I think i shud be given a chance to speak. Ur instincts r opposite sir. It wud take long time. This job wont be fad for me. Its reason to survive. Dont interpret me. U have to know lows for that. As fn of bliss n not ur interprets enforced at lows. All people around me act matured knowing stuff n drawing rong conclusions. Deprsn is no one crime. If u give me chance to speak. Pls dont ignore me. I m nuke interpretor at lows

  5. When will the public health emergency across the world That the UK & The USA
    Have got the Vaccine in the 2 countries hopefully the rest of Europe will have the vaccine &
    Africa & Asia will have the vaccine in there countries The vaccine that is done by Pfizer in Belgium the can the WHO do a briefing for countries to get the vaccines in the countries to
    Start vaccination so that the countries can get back to normal life


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