WHO Director-General’s opening remarks at the World Health Summit, Berlin.


25 October 2020
WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on why the world must learn the lessons of today so that we are prepared for the threats of tomorrow, and move from ad-hoc solutions to long-term planning. A strong health system is a resilient health system.


  1. This criminal organization should be all locked away. This guy speaking is a cross dresser and heavy drinker. What he’s not is a doctor!
    Check out;
    High impact tv
    For more truth on this before they remove this channel as well.
    We have free speech here in America along with freedom of press. But all sites will remove any opinions going against the main stream & silence your comment. This is about control, taking away ones rights & our changing of money to digital.
    Soon, you’ll see.

  2. Leaders of the world must put their differences aside, they must work out an effective solution to stop the infection rate of Covid-19 becoming skyrocketed. The world leaders must respect and support the decision made by WHO to save lives and world. The scientists must uphold the discipline actions and moral values in scientific research for the development of effective vaccine and production for the beneficial of people in the world. The longterm strategy planned by WHO must fully respected to prevent the possibility of same crisis in future.

  3. Have you heard of ‘the flu’ Mr Tedros ? Have you heard of hydroxychloroquine Mr Tedros ? Probably none of the above as all you can think of frothing at your mouth are vaccines and more vaccines.

  4. This pseudo intellectual is not a doctor, as you can see that they forced a leader to be a “minority” and not for merits, the pandemic of this is a consequence of this.

  5. Shame and forgiveness process of my own soul and conscience embodiment is lifted by words via policy of any Earthly endeavor = social ….physical… mental philosophy of defined nouns… past ,present for this future. Eyes on..hands on is a noun known as proof of burden. Mr Director General..we both have pondered and procrastinated far too long is Shame and forgiveness we share ..untill you prove a thing instead of words and stats and death rate based on death certificate audit globally is what the global mass media conglomerate encouraging English facts and allegations is the only pandemic brewing sir… let’s play prove it… I’m the only lineage of Greek Italian Hebrew I’ve ever met… lost now more ways than one …is fair to say… my wisdom of self preservation beyond my soul and personal journey is clear… voluntary is not negotiable… no reward or fame is cure for all souls requiem to free the future of forever forevermore… is your choice .. I await the terms you must have many? Saving the world define to me irrefutably pandemics in a mayhem media frenzy via English,is words of impeccable power endures longer, or better late than never is on me for never having conversation consideration just once…correct… shame and forgiveness regardless defined. 🙌🙏


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