WHO’s Science in 5 on COVID-19: Developing WHO’s public health advice


Science in 5 series – episode #29

In this week’s episode, WHO’s Dr. John Grove explains how WHO brings the best evidence together to develop health guidance for the world.


  1. They have no authority over me… Do as I say not as I do… that’s their science…. why is it they are constantly changing their so called data and science and not using all the evidence and peer reviewed data that’s there and has been for decades!? New era “living approach” science must have changed cuz it it only works with money now…. those who are not paid for are speaking up and out but getting shot down as anti science cuz they care about human life and what is happening. If the WHO and their ilk cared about life and health they would put a stop to the mass vaccinations due to all the harm, permanent injuries, miscarriages, deaths, and suffering. But they like that… everytime Gates gets in front of the camera you can see the smile and pleasure he has when things like the economy is described or talked about.. if you can’t see him perk up at these times when suffering is described then you are blind!

  2. you claim to be constantly updating your data for public health advice but you do not give the full data on your current health pandemic

  3. The gernan person making nothing the criminal person is maingau and mainkau and doktor sibel huni. And Kardiologie Frau heiler

  4. Coronavirus, since 2003 a threat, and WHO shall have noticed so many works from Chinese doctors mainly… nothing new indeed. I just guess how come it reached this, and still going.
    Desperate times calls for desperate measures. Crazy ideas like lock people down 15 days and apply alcohol 70% on every single square centimeter of the planet… are not so crazy now. Lock them, lock me, otherwise it will keep doing.


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