Breastfeeding during COVID-19


Women with #COVID19 can breastfeed.
They should:
🤱🏼Wash hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand rub frequently
🤱🏻Wear a medical mask during any contact with the baby
🤱🏾Sneeze or cough into a tissue
🤱Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces touched

Mothers with symptoms of COVID-19 are advised to wear a medical mask, but even if this is not possible, breastfeeding should be continued.

Babies should be fed nothing but breast milk for their first 6 months, after which they should continue breastfeeding and eating other nutritious and safe foods until 2 years of age or beyond.

Breast milk saves children’s lives as it provides antibodies that give babies a healthy boost and protects them against many childhood illnesses.

More information:


  1. What is the type of hand washing that is indicated to the population, which must be complied with?

    ¿Cuál es tipo de lavado de manos que se le esta indicando a la población, que debe cumplir?

  2. Liers wy you dont say that billgate did the virus and we will not acept your vaccines of poison from bill gates for killing the population. Murderes. You are all killers. We have hydroxicloroquina . But your vaccines in your own blood we want to see.

  3. Lie lies and more lies, covid 18 doesn’t even exist. Us mortality rate 0.2%, too many lies, the criminals days are numbered

  4. this is best video guide? but remember, you know you all..capabilities this virus can infection paramedics “professional”.. better clean up the anything BEFORE YOUR TOUCH , its mean no contact your hand or your body. Even your hair.. hard day.. may God help us.. not WHO.. , but your self and Jesus Lord’s..


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