Home News & Politics 01/20/21: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki News & PoliticsThe White House 01/20/21: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki By KETO FM - January 21, 2021 19 515938 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp The White House Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:Like Loading... RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Colorado Governor City and County of Denver and Addis Ababa City Administration signing ceremony Colorado Governor Mayor Michael Hancock declares state of emergency as migrants continue to arrive in Denver KETO FM News Heads of Delegation US-Africa Summit Family Photo | Where is Abiy? KETO 93.9 FM KETO YouTube የቀጥታ ስርጭት Video Power Africa | USAID has supported | Senegal | How about Tigray? KETO 93.9 FM KETO YouTube የቀጥታ ስርጭት Video Abiy | at White House State Dinner | KETO 93.9 FM KETO YouTube የቀጥታ ስርጭት Video የአሜሪካን መንግስት ለአብይ አህመድ የተናገሩት KETO 93.9 FM 19 COMMENTS Nah. Not buying it. We want Kayleigh McEnany! Reply She thinks a question about the paint for Air force One is a good question. Kayleigh would have thought differently. What a joke! Reply The comments seem like a lot of Trump fans still bitter that Trump lost. LOL. Cry more Trumpers, your kinds are never the majority of US public, period. Reply 👎👎👎👎👎🖕 Reply 4am. 2K likes 12K dislikes. Waiting for the dominion flip any moment now. Reply My last comment before canceling my youtube Reply Racism is back. Inequality is hear to stay. Hitler’s side kick right here. Reply I hope Crayola got Biden’s shipment to the White House in time, he’ll be drawing some pictures before bedtime. Reply THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED. Reply A fucking clown Reply 6.2 to 31000 downers. Occulties day 1122 ktemplers love it. Reply Fraud!!!! Reply Lying 🤥 Press!!! Reply Beijing’s puppet is now installed in the White House. There’s going to be no more America First. Reply “Transparency and truth”??? Don’t make me throw up Reply DIRTY … STEAL … LIAR … Reply 31.533 dislike Reply Haha YouTube deleting dislikes and comments pathetic . So much for free speech . We all know you cheated Joe . Reply Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Reply LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here You have entered an incorrect email address! Please enter your email address here Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
She thinks a question about the paint for Air force One is a good question. Kayleigh would have thought differently. What a joke! Reply
The comments seem like a lot of Trump fans still bitter that Trump lost. LOL. Cry more Trumpers, your kinds are never the majority of US public, period. Reply
I hope Crayola got Biden’s shipment to the White House in time, he’ll be drawing some pictures before bedtime. Reply
Beijing’s puppet is now installed in the White House. There’s going to be no more America First. Reply
Haha YouTube deleting dislikes and comments pathetic . So much for free speech . We all know you cheated Joe . Reply
Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Kayleigh! Reply
Nah. Not buying it.
We want Kayleigh McEnany!
She thinks a question about the paint for Air force One is a good question. Kayleigh would have thought differently. What a joke!
The comments seem like a lot of Trump fans still bitter that Trump lost. LOL. Cry more Trumpers, your kinds are never the majority of US public, period.
4am. 2K likes 12K dislikes. Waiting for the dominion flip any moment now.
My last comment before canceling my youtube
Racism is back. Inequality is hear to stay. Hitler’s side kick right here.
I hope Crayola got Biden’s shipment to the White House in time, he’ll be drawing some pictures before bedtime.
A fucking clown
6.2 to 31000 downers. Occulties day 1122 ktemplers love it.
Lying 🤥 Press!!!
Beijing’s puppet is now installed in the White House.
There’s going to be no more America First.
“Transparency and truth”??? Don’t make me throw up
31.533 dislike
Haha YouTube deleting dislikes and comments pathetic . So much for free speech . We all know you cheated Joe .