08/19/2020: President Trump Holds a News Conference


The White House


  1. Funny how all his so-called political supporters will distance themselves or minimize their responsability once the election is over. It will be hilarious to watch.

  2. Dear Mr. President, your voice alone and leadership is soothing and thank you. Your leadership is exactly what a strong man like you is needed at this time in #AMERICA. #Usmc

  3. Kayleigh McEnany The FAKE NEWS ASSASSIN
    Kayleigh McEnany NOT Put Up With CNN Jim Acosta’s Douchebaggery
    Kay STOPS Instagram Bare Ass Naked Poser CNN Chris Cuomo Pimping His Sin Spin
    Kayleigh SEND MOVING Smooth Criminal Biden To Kamalaloot To Join The Crookery
    Kayleigh CUT Jewels Off No Balls CNN EUNUCH News For NOT Showing Her WH Video
    Kayleigh TKO’s Chicago Mayor Lightweight Lightfoot Beetlejuice Flat On The Mat
    Kayleigh MCenany Holds One Minute Of Silence For Carin
    Kayleigh EXPOSED Pass The Baloney CNN Chris Cuomo LYING About His Quarantine
    Kayleigh McEnany SENDS San Fran Gran Nan Pelosi Going Back To San Francisco
    Kayleigh McEnany BANS CNN Brianna Keilar And Her Turd Satchel From Press Room
    Kayleigh McEnany Puts Presstitute CNN Kaitlan Collins In Her Place
    Kayleigh McEnany ENDS Mind Numb Idiot CNN Chris Cuomo LIES NOT Taking Quinine
    Kayleigh McEnany Hands Out CNN Jim Acosta His DAILY SPANKING
    Kayleigh REPO Quinine From CNN I Beat Virus With Chicken Soup Chris Cuomo
    Kayleigh MCenany ENDS Bottom Feeder CNN Don Lemon His Plantation Politics
    Kayleigh MADE CNN Brooke Baldwin Eat Humble Pie And Not Allow Her To Nibble On It
    Kayleigh Hit ILHAN OMAR With An Ugly Stck Than Gave Her Walking Papers
    Kayleigh MCenany Sends Petulant Child CNN Brian Stelter Back To Romper Room
    Kayleigh SEND Bozo Biden On His High Horse With Hollow Harris Back To Kamalaloot
    Kayleigh STOP LEAKY Faucet Fauci Leaks To CNN Spaghetti Bender Chris Cuomo
    Kayleigh MCenany Answers DUMMY Biden Question Whos On First, TRUMP’s On First
    Kayleigh HEARS OUT Douchebag CNN Jim Acosta No One’s Bying My Wittle Book
    Kayleigh McEnany Put To End To CNN “CONO” Ana Navarro’s Asswholeisam
    Kayleigh Asked BY Joe RELIC Biden For Some TIC TOC He Thought It Was Breath Mint
    Kay BAN STEROIDS From CNN Dork Just Worked Out You Know How It Is Chris Cuomo
    Kayleigh DONT Let Dummy Joe Leave The Basement, He’ll Likely Not Find His Way Back
    Kay Closed Chickenmouse CNN Anderson Cooper 360* Daisy Chain Show, Just Saying
    Kay Said Don Lemon Heard Trump Using His Dog Whistle So He Came Running
    Kay Gave Beating To Shit Show CNN Jeff Zeleny Now Head Tilt Wee Bit To Right
    Kay Cancel CNN Anderson Load Taker Cooper Full Circle Jerk Show For Lewd Behavior
    Kayleigh ENDS CNN No More White Men Brianna Keiler Spreading Asswholeisam
    Kayleigh McEnany FREED Angela Latisha Rye From CNN Continued Mind Enslavement
    Kay Tossed Out CNN Beat Off Anderson Cooper Playing Hide The Dork In Press Room
    Kay Trampled Underfoot Kapusta Head Biden Result 2 Noggin Operations More Pending
    Kayleigh McEnany SHUTS DOWN Looters, Lives Don’t Matter
    Kayleigh McEnany TINY SKINY BLONDE Takes NO SHIT From NO ONE
    Kayleigh McEnany GETS’EM, TAGS’EM, BAGS’EM, Than Down The Tubes They Go
    Kayleigh MCenany Now THAT’S a Press Secretary, Eh
    Kayleigh BAN Bambino Dictatorino CNN Chris Cuomo Imbecillo No Press Room, Ciao !
    Kayleigh McEnany Gives News Trashster CNN Jake Tapper A Ticket To Realville
    Kayleigh MADE Cry CNN Jeff Zucker And His League Of Morons The Day Collusion Died
    Kayleigh McEnany Rides TRUMP TRAIN Right Over CNN My Sources Say Gloria Borger
    Kayleigh MAKES CNN Brianna Keeler Eat Truth Sandwiches And Makes Her Swallow
    Kayleigh McEnany She FIX CNN Brian Stelter’s Buffoonery But Good
    Kay GAVE ABC John Carl a Beating Now Can’t Find His Ass With Both Of His Hands
    Kayleigh GAVE CLOSE Shave To Basement Biden No More Bragging “I Got Hairy Legs”
    Kayleigh McEnany Folds ABC Jonathan Karl Like a Bridge Table
    Kayleigh McEnany Makes CNN Jeff Zucker And His Ilk Move To Collusionville
    Kayleigh McEnany FINED CNN Ana Navarro For Warring Her Drool Bucket
    Kayleigh MAKES Behave Like You’er Three CNN Brian Stetler Stand In Corner Face Wall
    Kayleigh FEEDS Sources Say CNN Gloria Borger Shit On a Stick And Makes Her Like It
    Kayleigh McEnany Shut Down White House Leakers To CNN Sources Say Dana Bash
    Kayleigh STOPS The Vomit Machine CNN Thief Donna Brazile Stealing Debate Emails
    Kayleigh OUT With WINDBAG CNN John King For Flatulence Enough To Kill Fake News
    Kayleigh McEnany’s TRUMP TRAIN Flattens CNN Dumbelina Erin Burnett Again
    Kay GAVE Such Slap To CNN Douchebag Jim Acosta She Put Him In Trump Dimension
    Kayleigh MCenany SENT Fishing CNN Femenazi Katlan Collins Up Shit’s Creek
    Kayleigh HOOKED UP CNN Brasnaps SE Cupp With Plastic Surgeon Size Up The C Cup
    Kayleigh THROWS OUT Presstitute CNN Abby Philips For Asking Stupid Questions 
    Kayleigh SHOCKED Wolf Blitzer His Presstitute Thrown Out Hasn’t Been Same Since
    Kayleigh McEnany Chews Up, Spits Out NBC Kristen Welker DAILY
    Kayleigh McEnany Beats NBC Peter Alexander Like a Drum
    Kayleigh McEnany Handles CNN Anderson Cooper By The Ears
    Kayleigh McEnany Force Feed Russia Collusion Empty Burger To CNN Van Jones
    Kayleigh McEnany Pulls Joseppi Strings On Marionette PBS Yamiche Alcindor
    Kayleigh McEnany Makes DIET I’m Smart Too, Fat Fuck CNN Christine Quinn
    Kayleigh MCenany Rope a Dope CNN Open Sewer Jake Tapper Perfect KO
    Kay BAN CNN Passaround Gloria Borger No Comearound Getaround In The Press Room
    Kayleigh FEED CNN Looser April Ryan Shit Sandwich Makes Her Smile As She Chews
    Kayleigh MADE CNN No More White People Symone Sanders Go Whiten Up a Bit
    Kayleigh Took OFF The Air CNN Fake Brooke Baldwin For Her Willy Nilly News
    Kay WAS Asked By Zombie Joe Biden Get Me HIS Shoes So I Too Can Walk a Mile In’em
    Kay NOTICE Missing Midget CNN Fareed Zacharia But Hobbit Was Taken To Isenguard
    Kayleigh McEnany Ends CNN Lackie Jake Tapper Parroting At Nausium
    Kayleigh McEnany Disarm Dummy Biden From Rusty Razors From Rain Barell And Chain
    Kayleigh McEnany Makes Empty Suit CNN Don Lemon Go On a Date With Another Man
    Kay BANS FATSO CNN April Ryan, Jeff Zucker Said NO She Ain’t Heavy She’s My Friend
    Kayleigh So NICE Goes To CNN And Waters Jeff Zucker’s Presstitutes Twice a Week
    Kayleigh SAID Seen Joe Soiled His Chonis With Skidmarks Than Used It As Mask
    Kay MAKES CNN Wife Dumped John King Date Getaround CNN Dana Bash His XWife
    Kayleigh ENDS CNN No More White People Angela Rye Spreading Black Lives Only
    Kayleigh SENT Basketcase Biden To Hardware Store Get Her 20 Feet Of Shoreline
    Kayleigh Stops CNN Douchebag Jim Acosta Bulldozing Her Gives Him a Beat Down
    Kayleigh ENDS CNN White’s Pay Cash For Slavery Angela Rye’s Plantation Politics
    Kayleigh FAKE NEWS Contest CNN Kaitlan Collins Won, Prize: Turd Log No Condiments
    Kayleigh McEnany Threw Out CNN Smelly Soy Boy Brian Stetler For a Diaper Change
    Kayleigh Joe Is In Kamalaloot Where Rocking Horse People Eat Marshmallow Pies
    Kayleigh In Kamalaloot Is Where Joe Seen Stoned Hunter With Kaleidoscope Eyes
    Kayleigh Kamalaloot Newspaper Taxi Appeared On Shore Waiting To Take Joe Away
    Kayleigh Joe Climbed In The Back With His Head In The Clouds Than He Was Gone
    Kayleigh McEnany She’s The BEST, No She Is The BESTUSS Ever
    Kayleigh McEnany She’s a LION TAMER, No She’s a LION SLAYER
    Kayleigh McEnany White House Press Core Like Herding Cats, She DOES IT
    Kayleigh McEnany Handles White House Press, Does It NO PROBLEM
    Kayleigh McEnany She KEEPS ON TRUMP’N
    Kayleigh McEnany And She Loves DOMINO’S PIZZA Too, Eh.
    Kayleigh McEnany Is One Special Lady, Thanks For Being There For The President
    Donald J. Trump  No Weapon Formed Against Him Shall Prosper (Isaiah 54:17)
    Donald J. Trump  You Will Refute Every Tongue That Accuses You (Isaiah 54:17)  
    Foghorn Leghorn: Don, Kayleigh, KEEP ON TRUMP’N 2016 Through 2020 To 2024, Eh.

  4. _President Trump has rescued America from the abyss, and his face _*_belongs_*_ on Mount Rushmore._ #TrumpOnMtRushmore

  5. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Vote Trump🇺🇸Vote Truth🇺🇸There are more Hillbillies-Pineys-Cow folk-Mountain folk-Oil folk…than Biden has ever seen.

  6. See, America is doing great ! Close to 3 million covid-19 test positive ! Over 175 000 dead Americans ! Economy in million pieces but super, fantastic ! Well , injoy than, you doing great !

  7. Can anyone help me improve what is written below before I put it on the CNN and others  YouTube channels?

    Most Democrats are good people they what what is good for America, they are against any forms of racism ect, they watch or read the 85%? of media in America that is against Donald Trump, who are always putting him down no matter what he does.  Of course after watching or reading any of this media anyone would come away with only one impression and that is that Donald Trump is doing a bad job so let’s vote him out of office, if this media disliked Mother Teresa they could make even her look bad and most people veiwing this information would believe what is being reported. If you would only watch what Donald Trump is actually doing, watch any of the videos on ‘The White House’ YouTube website and you will see for yourself what the President is doing and saying, videos that aren’t edited to make him look like here’s useless,  stupid etc, just watch these and you will realise that you already have the President in office that you would want there, go on just watch one of  them and you will be very surprised.  Please don’t let this 85%? of media get there way by convincing you that the President is doing a bad job. The President is not the person that this media is making him out to be, luckily we have ‘The White House’ YouTube channel, if we did not then no one would see the things he’s doing and all we would have to go on would be the 85%? of media that hates him, and of course he would have no chance of staying President which most Democrats would not want if they only veiwed one of these videos.  You will come to realise that this 85%? Of media are actually enemies of America.  Please listen to what the President says, not what someone else tells you what he has said.

  8. In Jo Bisens recent speak, can anyone understand why he is talking good of a man that held a black pregnant women at gunpoint when he and others forsed their way into her home, I thought that is what I heard.
    I’m talking about George Floyd of course.

  9. Up to 30 something with dylisis should start living somewhere else bc they can do things i know someone that is very spoiled and mother owns house and still collect rent from her she still the same bc shes not getting proper treatments shes getting worse bc its the same repatative. Doings and sayings in her life. This kinds if stuff also need to be looked at i think all dylisis should hsve there prorgams just for them to live it at the age if 30 and up

  10. Her mother works and shes her care taker but she she knows what shes doing but she doesn’t care her world is fantasy land and make believes shes very imature for her age but she knows what shes doing shes ask Medicaid for money and food ect is that a way to do that bc its very horrible for her to do that

  11. Wealthy people shouldnt be treated mental health type of away we have a friend that wealth took him way to far tom his his name and he dont understand nothing but wealth he cuts us off when we speak he’s in so much in lala land that has no idea that he thinks very naive he works in a oil company of his own but he believes that he’s working with real companies and that he’s thks big shot that he can do whatever he wants but ok hes a good and friend but hes over his head with it.

  12. His company is enquity match we think its bogus hes already looking were gold is at and all he loves it but we all think he just lost in wealth not sayimg he cant get. His dreams coming true or anything like that just tommy doesn’t understand nothing to naive and gets upset over a lot of things he doesnt understand what really is in reality people take advantage of him and he doesnt see that he dont listen. He flirts with girks at restaurants they get very ocoward with it but tommy assume they are this and that ask everyome there life stories lol he likes to cutt us of alot when speaking we love tommy but just the things he does it doesnt sink in his head hopefully that wealth doesnt keep controling him and his lifecand life style

  13. god blessssed the white house and the united states god president donald j.trump administrations and all around the worlds god blessed to our planet earth

  14. My local stations don’t report on any of this in fact they don’t inform or show that President Trump is doing Daily Press briefings again.

  15. ‘…These Dem run cities with the chaos and crime dont get it..Either they dont get it, or its something nobody else understands…’

  16. All western politicians today are supporters of Ronald Reagan. All western politicians today are the faction of Ronald Reagan.
    Ronald Reagan is far-right.
    Japan and U.S.Department of Defense (DOD) fostered Ronald Reagan.

  17. 5%の消費税を2回も上げて860兆円のGDPを400兆円まで下げたのに最も成功した首相?
    ほぉ 中国人を300万人も日本に入れて企業を中国に移し
    安倍首相は もっとも中国人の為にやった首相だ
    だから尊敬してるんだろ 中国人がほめるのは
    中韓朝露人に敵対されてこそ 最も日米英に褒められる首相だ

  18. YouTube Google による妨害で報告上がらず

    日本政府と海上保安庁は絶対に許さない姿勢だが すぐに沈めるよう許可が欲しい

  19. God and your country Mexico is with you and many other countries don’t💝💖👍✋👊👏 let the one world order people ruin businesses in all world God is with you you will win if God will 💝💖👍✋👊👏

  20. REPUBLICANS have sat on their hands after Democrats passed the HEROES ACT over 100 days ago. MOSCOW MITCH will do nothing for Americans in economic despair due to Donald the John’s failure to mitigate the virus. Not the best time for the anti-science, criminally complicit GOP, who in 2017 passed $2.5 TRILLION wherein 85% went directly to TOP1%. How’s that for supporting America’s workers? TIRED OF GETTING TRICKLED DOWN ON YET?

  21. SHALOM! I told you they were messing with the numbers of views. Today 08/23/2020 had 65k views watching live in less than 20min. The people love you Mr. President but most are in fear to speak up because of threats by the left. It’s a shame people have to hide that they love President Trump especially if they live in a Democratic run city. TRUMP 2020..PENCE…2020.

  22. lawyer, JuHyon Pak, in Korea completed of puzzle False Vote on 15 April.
    He figured out and got all figures every locations internal and

  23. Governor Newsom 4 prison! For his human rights atrocities against the American people and the Christian church. He’s threatening to imprison every Christian who attends a church for 1 year plus fines for every occurrence of attending. Furthermore he is already fining and creating restraining orders against pastors who hold service. This is a massive human rights violation and an outright rebellion by the Californian government of our religious liberties under constitution. Governor Newsom 4 Prison!

  24. Please MR TRUMP can you get the money out to the people of this country and can you please get Nancy pelosi to do her job and your party but I know the Democrats are trying to take the money from the people of this country we the people really need the money now

  25. And we don’t need to Bailout these city with taxes payer money because that is what the Democrats want to do and that is definitely wrong the people should come first before anything else

  26. Thanks president for saving money please ask if Obama can pay what he give to other countries cash. We need for food university.


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