Governor Polis, state health officials discuss COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan


Governor Jared Polis discussed Colorado’s plan to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine during his press conference on Wednesday, December 9, 2020.

The Governor was joined by Brigadier General Scott Sherman, Dir. of Joint Staff, Colorado National Guard; Scott Bookman, COVID-19 Incident Commander, CDPHE; and Joni Reynolds, Gunnison Public Health Director.

• For more on the vaccine plan visit
• For frequently asked questions visit
• ASL feed available from KUSA:
• Press release here


  1. Hey, make me pissed off where the interpreter vlogs video??? I m deaf I always watch Jared Polis video information news about COVID-19 but The Interpreter not there make me pissed off PLEASE NEXT TIME SHOU;D BE INTERPRTER BE THERE

  2. Nazis haven’t been able to make a vaccine for the coronavirus – the common cold – ever – so this is a fucking depopulation event as usual! You will all be held accountable for your evil ways!

  3. Don’t forget to type up a form that drs sign that says they will be responsible for any adverse effects as big pharma can’t be held accountable! Hold dr and nurses accountable! Someone is going to pay for you fucking people up and it’s now time to hold drs and nurses and who the fuck ever is giving vaccines!

  4. Decades ago the FDA lost credibility when it lined it’s halls with big pharma scientist who had an agenda. Today we see that agenda clearly, one of GREED, depopulation and the globalist agenda of control. It is unfortunate that the Rockefeller influence over medicine continues as they started the medical schools in the US and destroyed the use of natural medicine. Your big pharma meds, conveniently containing Petroleum, thanks to the creative Rockefellers, IS KILLING THE BODY. Decades of infomercials on TV show how US medicines kill so it is difficult to have ANY faith in US medicine, AMA or the FDA!

    Making a comment on the vaccines cannot be a shallow comment with no substance as this is such an important subject and one that includes our rights, so I have provided links below from world doctors, their discussions on HCQ and corruption as well as Ivermctin being used to cure CV19. It is unclear except for greed, why the CDC, NIH and FDA are intentionally working to hide information on cures for CV19 and instead push rushed vaccines that are using PEOPLE AS GUINEA PIGS AND THE FDA, and scientist are not telling truth of this current vaccine and it’s injury.

    Below, drs speak out on cures, unsafe & unproven vaccines and politicized medicine. Judy Mikovitz tells the truth on vaccines and mouse and monkey virus’ in our blood supply from vaccines, as well as Anthony Fauci’s corruption in stealing patents. Mr Fauci has investments in all these vaccines and will be making a massive amount of money. His potential profits are causing his mouth to lie and make fake science a reality in upside down world that we live in. He is a criminal as well as NIH and CDC. All should be charged with crimes against humanity.

    Below you will also see the Rockefeller Scenario planning doc, Crimson Contagion Exercise by HHS and Event 201. It is VERY CLEAR, from reading and hearing all these sources, that this entire event was planned and now with Klaus Schwabb from the WEF coming out and saying this is a great opportunity for the “Great Reset”, it is quiet clear this IS planned for the globalist agenda.

    It is also clear that the PCR test, according to videos of the designer speaking about it, that this test WAS NEVER MADE TO TEST ANYTHING, but to make more of something, to test it. YOU ARE USING A FAKE TESTING SYSTEM TO SHUT DOWN THE US FOR THE UN AGENDA! Vaccines injure or kill! THERE ARE NO SAFE BIO WEAPON VACCINES!

    Our bodies, Our choice!

    Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine) – mirror



    Plandemic Documentary: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19

    Plandemic 2 | INDOCTORNATION (Download Link in Description)


    Scenarios for the Future of Technologyand International Development

    HHS =Crimson Contagion Exercise

    Event 201

    Four Volunteers Who Took Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Developed Bell’s Palsy – FDA Denies the Temporary Facial Paralysis Caused by the Shot

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    An Anonymous Nurse Speaks Out: The RT-PCR Test is Totally Unreliable, It Does not Detect the Virus.

    What’s Not Being Said About the Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine. “Human Guinea Pigs”?

    UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa

    Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Sudan


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