A Message from President Donald J. Trump



  1. 1. America(under Trump) attacks North Korea’s military parade.
    2. Rome nukes New York City and it’s blamed on Russia and China. America declares war on Russia and China.
    3. Russia and China nukes all of America’s airbases(there’s about one in every city) and sinks half their naval fleet.
    4. Iran pushes west.
    5. Rome nukes London and Paris.
    6. Iran pushes north and south.
    7. Rome nukes Moscow and Beijing.
    8. Iran pushes at Rome.
    9. Rome nukes Iran.
    10. Israel pushes at Rome and prevails.
    11. Pope Francis gets sympathy from the nations of the north and causes them to surround and destroy Jerusalem.
    12. God destroys all the statues in Rome.
    13. The nations of the north surround and destroy Rome while at the same time God destroy’s Rome with fire and brimstone from heaven; and Pope Francis falls with it.
    14. The last king rises to power and issues the mark of the beast.
    15. God destroys all grass(herbs and vegetables) and fruit bearing trees, cows and chickens quickly become extinct. So there’s no food except for fish and swine.
    16. A third of the sea turns to blood.
    17. A third of the fountains of fresh water go bitter.
    18. A third of the day is shortened. (24 hours to 16 hours)
    19. All the oceans turns to blood.
    20. All the rivers and lakes turn to blood.
    21. The sun gets extremely hot(7 times normal).
    22. The sun goes out, and the moon turns to blood.
    23. Saints get executed.
    24. The great earthquake.
    25. Remnant gets executed.
    26. The rest of the people left(which are those who has taken the mark of the beast) gather for Armageddon.
    27. Christ resurrects his people and returns to Armageddon to destroy whoever’s left.

  2. What a despicable coward Trump has revealed himself to be …. gaslit his base about election fraud …. incited them to march on the capitol …. and now throws them under the bus.

  3. now test the loyalty for the greater more grand battle cause
    restore rights for those present and voted who went thru more challenges than
    those who were said to be absent yet still said to have voted .

    in bahasa malaysia
    ‘ sekarang uji setia bertarung capai matlamat lagi utama

    pulih hak pengundi yang hadir mengundi dan lalu cabaran lebih
    pengundi yang tidak hadir tapi masih dikata mengundi ‘

    avoid hi risk russian roulette vaccine
    elak risiko tinggi russian roulette vaksin
    . . . mr joe Sat JAN 9 2021 5 09pm

  4. May God bless us all, as promised for Heaven on Earth. Looks like the wheat and the tares in action,

    God is waiting for us to turn away from sin and wake up to His Love for Twofold Peace via a quiet conscience with God, and self for Peace with others for Healing All Nations and removing the pain and suffering sin brings for Heaven on Earth as God has promised through The Whole Spirit of Love anointed, namely Jesus Christ. Get it yet?

    Passover 2020 FROM fear to Love, Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made whole in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Peace to All Nations in accord with God’s promise to wipe away every tear and to remove pain and suffering from man and woman to make them kind in His Love, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Peace to All Nations in accord with God’s promise for Heaven on Earth . https://youtu.be/UzHCzOQJfOISinners are already in Hell. Hell is confusion of mind, body and no spirit of Love but anxiety, stress, guilt, shame,  cortisols – adrenaline is the lie, adrenaline is the way out of danger from fear and stress and super charges the body and shuts down the frontal cortex of the brain. The frontal lobe is where emotional processing, compassion, empathy, understanding  and healing occurs. If someone is unreasonable they are in stress, not Love. They are in guilt not Love, you know the ones who can’t say sorry and turn everything round and blame you, the abusers mindset, the psychopath mindset, the sociopath mindset, narcissism, capatilism, pornography, affairs, lies, betrayals, control, fighting, gaslighting, abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse,  no Love, no care, no grace.   Sin is anti to Christ’s Love made whole in us, in our body which is The Temple for God’s Love to dwell in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace: Jerusalem, The Holy City, Israel for Heaven on Earth. The name of God means ‘He who causes Love to become Anointed Whole and One in us’ God is Love and proves He is what He is: Love. We are only One, whole and complete with God’s moral Love made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, Amen.

    Please no days left of this wicked system of stress and fear and war and killing and famine and sickness and money god and death as well as death of God’s Spirit of true Love, moral Love in selfish manmean. We need man to be  kind in God’s Love for mankind, gentlemen, honourable men who we can respect. We can’t survive in survival, in adrenalin and cortisol bloods from the sympathetic fear response,  we need to reside in our
    parasympathetic nervous system Where we have full brain reason and consciousness, mindfulness with empathy and compassion – Love of God, others and self in accord with God’s moral Love. Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made whole in us for Healing for All Nations and Twofold Peace for Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen,  Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, Twofold Peace to All Nations in accord with God’s promise to wipe away every tear and to remove pain and suffering from man and woman to make them kind in His Love Amen, Ameen, Shalom,  Namaste,  Twofold Peace to All Nations…🕊💖🕊

    Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. This is the cry I hear


    Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ who is coming quickly for Healing for All Nations.

    Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made from God’s Love made whole in us. Amen. Ameen. Maranatha. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing  to All Nations…

    Maranatha. Parousia.  Come Lord Jesus Christ Come 🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖

    We wlll all be changed ‘just as in the  twinkling of an eye’  – because the change  is a nervous system change from stress and fear to Love.  Love is always  positive. Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made whole in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ,  Amen,  Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, Twofold Peace to All Nations in accord with God’s promise to wipe away every tear and to remove pain and suffering from man and woman to make them kind in His Love,  Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, Twofold Peace to All Nations, there is no division with God’s Love,  we are all One with and in God’s Love made whole in us through the Whole Spirit anointed, namely Jesus Christ, Amen.

    Blessings, Jesus Christ is returning Quickly.

    Check out this sun, the fulness at 3 mins 50 seconds.


    Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. This the cry I hear


    Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ who is coming quickly for Healing for All Nations.

    Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made from God’s Love made whole in us. Amen. Ameen. Maranatha. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing  to All Nations…

    Maranatha. Parousia.  Come Lord Jesus Christ Come 🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖

    Peace One Day


    Building Bridges One Love


    The End


    Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made whole in us for Healing for All Nations for Twofold Peace and Heaven on Earth as promised in Revelation. Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Peace  to All through the spirit of Love made whole in us. Thanks be to God who is Love. 🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖

    Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Peace for All Nations for Heaven on Earth…🕊💖🕊

    A New Heaven Revelation 21 https://youtu.be/GmK4VHpJwjk

    Time to unite in God’s Love made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love and #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone but an endorphin blood made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ for The Holy Spirit to dwell in our body, The Temple for God’s Love to dwell through Jesus Christ, Amen. Thanks be to God, Amen. 🕊💖🕊

  5. May God help us and God’s Laws for Love to prevail be observed for health, healing and well being. There is no other way as Love is a positive consciousness. Value and support mothers to be able to be with their babies and children in order for All family members to thrive and of course husbands to honour and value their wife and family and home. Immorality is ruling breaking homes and families and all falling short of Love becoming anxious and depressed. This is not how God wants us to live.
    God’s #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone. Stress hormones cause confusion and doubt, stress, anxiety, fear, paranoia, detachment form self, confusion in mind and body, a cutting off to self, a lack of self esteem and confidence, a lack of connection thereby no trust, security faith nor peace. Confusion in mind and body never attaining to spirit. Without God’s Spirit we are dead according to James 2:26, just as faith without works is dead.
    The main human right we need to stand up for is mothers and babies/children to be together. The stresses start with separation too young. Mothers and their babies and children need the adoring love of each other. This is how God has made the family for attaining to His glorious Love for all our happiness, Peace, safety and security for Faith and ultimately Christ, the law leads to Christ. Yet how the law is burdensome, corrupt and over priced. Houses are overpriced and women exhausted with work and children and homes to look after. Most people are over stresses and exhausted these days resulting in cortisols ruling. Stress is the main cause of diseases. God’s #Loveisnotacortisol
    God’s Peace is for everyday

    Do you know God’s Love through Jesus Christ stabilised our hormones?

    Do you know the 3 Kings of Health and Healing are

    Gold – the least tarnishable and the most positively charged element. This is how we need to be with a positive mindset of faith with grace. This is what God’s Love teaches us via The Golden Rule to attain to God’s Love which is always Positive. Good, the golden halo of the saints who attain to God’s Love and all their endocrine glands are harmonised by producing endorphins resonating with Love and Light for colour, vibrancy health and well being.
    Yes the technicolor dreamcoat that Joseph wore, the coat, tent, outer garments of God.

    Genesis 2:17 ‘ do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad for inso doing you will positively die.’ To positively die is to loose faith certainty and Peace. To positively die means we become negative and fearful, anxious, faithless.

    Frankincense- the most calming oil turning stress and fear back to Love, faith and confidence.

    Myrrh – the most antiseptic and oil to promote healing.

    God’s Love is the only way to naturally again to the Love hormones in us.

    The end is the beginning of The Word endorphin, God’s Love in our blood.

    The end is the beginning of The Word endorphin, Christ’s Blood made whole and One in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace for Jerusalem, Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ for The Promised Land to come. #Loveisnotacortisol

    Jesus Christ is returning quickly, there is no other way… #Parousia #NewJerusalem #Zion #HeavenonEarth


  6. By any means necessary was the left liberal motto. The speech Trump made that put the global elite’s politicians into hyperdrive to stop him. 2020 World Economic Forum, POTUS Donald J. Trump: @ju1k

  7. You had so many opportunities, years of opportunities. We thought we had finally someone cleaning in there. This is sad. Sad to recognize that you are just one of them, and nothing, absolutely nothing has happened against them. Shame on you. You were a kind of last hope.

  8. Sieht aus wie CGI …
    Achtet mal genau auf das Rednerpult und den Körper vor dem Hintergrund,
    und vor allem auf den Kopf und den Hemdkragen !

  9. SON of the REPUBLIC President Donald J. Trump ?



    My TWIN brother and I ( I can prove this in a REAL COURT of LAW ) ” ARE ” the END TIMES BIBLICAL ” TWO WITNESSES ” … WE ARE THE AUTHENTIC REAL DEAL ( ZACHARIAH @ the TWO anointed ones : Original Hebrew The TWO anointed ” SONS of OIL ” ……



    I ” HAVE ” GOD’S REGENT SIGNET AUTHORITY .. caretakers HIS property, God’s Estate, his ” SHEEPFOLD ” with the AUTHORITY of the POWER of ATTORNEY over : RUSSIA and The REPUBLIC of the UNITED STATES and other countries as God Adds to HIS sheepfold : REVELATION 12:6 ….. God’s place that he prepares for HIS SHEEP.

    DECLARE MARSHAL LAW NOW AND ONLY SUSPEND the U.S. CONSTITUTION for the Government and the elections …..

    FOR ” WE THE PEOPLE ” …. THE BILL of RIGHTS and the U.S. CONSTITUTION is still in effect, suspend everything else until the election fraud can be addressed through out the nation and hold new elections in those 5 states : PA, MI, AZ, GA, in April ( APRIL 15’th 2021 ).

    DECLARE MARSHAL LAW NOW AND ACTIVATE the Presidential Executive Order that you signed.


    Mr. President ? … Some of your advisors sold you out, and the sold the American people out.

    You have 10 more days to save this nation from the communist and China.



  10. 普遍的価値のある、合衆国憲法の下に誠実な行動をしている、大統領とアメリカ人達を私は、とても尊敬しています。

  11. I am the cause of a violent riot (effect) that threatened democracy and the safety of fellow americans (5+ being killed)…”my focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly, and seemless transition of power”. He sounds like a defeated post-war-nazi who’s trying to avoid discussing the violence he caused; which I’m assuming is to try to avoid prosecution.

  12. Psalm 5:4-12

    4 For you are not a God who is pleased with wickedness;
    with you, evil people are not welcome.
    5 The arrogant cannot stand
    in your presence.
    You hate all who do wrong;
    6 you destroy those who tell lies.
    The bloodthirsty and deceitful
    you, Lord, detest.
    7 But I, by your great love,
    can come into your house;
    in reverence I bow down
    toward your holy temple.
    8 Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness
    because of my enemies—
    make your way straight before me.
    9 Not a word from their mouth can be trusted;
    their heart is filled with malice.
    Their throat is an open grave;
    with their tongues they tell lies.
    10 Declare them guilty, O God!
    Let their intrigues be their downfall.
    Banish them for their many sins,
    for they have rebelled against you.
    11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
    let them ever sing for joy.
    Spread your protection over them,
    that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
    12 Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous;
    you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

  13. Mr. President, I pray this message finds you well! May I beg you for one thing only; to please disclose to me if the “RONA” is real or a hoax.

    I beg for this information because my three sons have had to remote-learn throughout this pandemic.

    If it happens to be a hoax, may I respectfully demand either a salary or cost per pupil for each of my children. MY CHILDREN ATE EVERYTHING. THEY CRAZY. THEY TALK TOO MUCH AND ONE OF THEM SMELL LIKE AN ONION. I was forced to become more domestic over a public lie and I’m about to roll up to this school district and let them know I better get some PERA compensation or something.

    Whereas my sons were required to have basic adequate instruction before the “RONA”, I’m sending them back to school with extensive knowledge and training in computer science, software development, economics and world history. And since you and I both can agree that the school district will send them right back home because my kids comprehend their educational rights, I just want to make sure I’m being paid as a qualified educator for 8th/6th and Kindergarten grade students.

    Sincerly Yours,
    The Santa Stalker

  14. *youtube.com/watch?v=mB8A4s3fwIg&feature=youtu.be* – If you have a moment — *Relax, Watch, then Reflect.* What does it mean too you?

  15. Mr Trump, I have a terrible feeling you had a hand in the lack of National Guard at the Capitol, as you enjoyed seeing the staff suffering. If you had not spread lies about the election we would have seen a peaceful transition, instead of a violent attack on democracy.

  16. *COMPLIMENTS* to a Bullish season Lol!! Most people don’t understand the Concept of *”Buying the Dip”*. Buying the Dip is all about Buying digital Assets when their prices are down and selling off when the price rise. Holding is Profitable, although Trading is far more Profitable. I was able to grasp the Knowledge of Trading Crypto Assets early enough, but I was still Limited due to my lack of Technical Understanding on how to Analyze the Digital Market, all that changed when I Encountered *Dr Catherine Ruth’s* Services.
    Although, I have been into Numerous Services but *Dr Catherine* stands out with Experience and Expertise playing in her Favor. I must confess it wasn’t an easy task to learning the Routes to trading but with the Guidance and Assistance of *Dr Catherine* it was much more easy to understand and right now I proudly boast of turning my *$9000* into *$87000* in less than One month and I’m still earning passively and steadily increasing my Portfolio, You can reach *Dr Catherine* personally on WhatsApp and Email for proper Guidance on your Journey to Financial Freedom!
    Remember, a Bullish market is Reversed Bearish Market.
    *+1 (818) 330‑3639*

  17. *COMPLIMENTS* to a Bullish season Lol!! Most people don’t understand the Concept of *”Buying the Dip”*. Buying the Dip is all about Buying digital Assets when their prices are down and selling off when the price rise. Holding is Profitable, although Trading is far more Profitable. I was able to grasp the Knowledge of Trading Crypto Assets early enough, but I was still Limited due to my lack of Technical Understanding on how to Analyze the Digital Market, all that changed when I Encountered *Dr Catherine Ruth’s* Services.
    Although, I have been into Numerous Services but *Dr Catherine* stands out with Experience and Expertise playing in her Favor. I must confess it wasn’t an easy task to learning the Routes to trading but with the Guidance and Assistance of *Dr Catherine* it was much more easy to understand and right now I proudly boast of turning my *$9000* into *$87000* in less than One month and I’m still earning passively and steadily increasing my Portfolio, You can reach *Dr Catherine* personally on WhatsApp and Email for proper Guidance on your Journey to Financial Freedom!
    Remember, a Bullish market is Reversed Bearish Market.
    *+1 (818) 330‑3639*

  18. شايف يامعلم دونالد ♔🖒
    انت لعبت غلط وبتخسر خسارة فادحة👌
    بس احنا🇪🇬☝ حنكسبك 👌

  19. شايف يامعلم دونالد ♔🖒
    انت لعبت غلط وبتخسر خسارة فادحة👌
    بس احنا🇪🇬☝ حنكسبك 👌

  20. These people are known terrorist and been caght targeting people. Also the white house is allowing the judge of Cicero to do so as well David buffet Jr and his crew are targeting people in the town of Cicero and are known to target married couples and their children along with the employees at the hospital and their families as these people are dangerous people and been caght

  21. These people are known terrorist and been caght targeting people. Also the white house is allowing the judge of Cicero to do so as well David buffet Jr and his crew are targeting people in the town of Cicero and are known to target married couples and their children along with the employees at the hospital and their families as these people are dangerous people and been caght




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