#COVID19 LIVE Q&A with Dr Ryan, Dr Van Kerkhove, Dr del Rio & Dr Kraft – #AskWHO of 13 January 2021


#AskWHO series: This was the live discussion about the COVID-19 pandemic of 13 January 2021 with Dr Mike Ryan, WHO Executive Director, Health Emergencies Programme,
Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO Technical Lead for COVID-19,
Dr. Carlos del Rio, Executive Associate Dean of Emory University School of Medicine,
Dr. Colleen Kraft, Associate Chief Medical Officer at Emory University Hospital.


  1. If we following the rules as a slave and take vaccine then no need to die ah ??????? Why people are going to die????? They follow the rules but why they die ???? Human knowledge never ever know to cure any diseases but they lie foolish people believe it! Please realize yourself in your mind what is the truth! What is human knowledge limite! Next moment what Will happen do you know that! One day everyone must be die any human knowledge medical system can not save anyone if you die doctor can not make you alive! Doctors also have to die then they how to cure you??? Please realize the truth yourself in your mind

  2. As an epidemiologist and public health professional, I thank all those at the World Health Organization. We need the research and recommendations that you all provide. Also the comments from Dr. Carlos del Rio are correct, as in the United States it is unfortunate that we have not had national leadership and support from public health experts. We are however fortunate for our local and state public health departments for what the have provided to local communities and the general public. Thank you and keep safe!

  3. Elderly people who die easily are like getting a single-gene genetic disease. This single-gene genetic disease has been passed on before death. There is no solution for COVID19!

  4. WHO misled the world in the very beginning. We all remember that. It can’t praise people by showing some female instead of Tedros.

  5. Hotcool = nice smart teacher in Red – see ya = thank you
    Hotcool = during my studies in the TX.USA [1990-1998]-I had the privilege to help GG and her friends great WW2 veterans –they are very strong and nice people – who would give their life for the good = in honor of my friends and their families = Yee-Ha USA = thank you
    Hotcool = I wish you all a blissful happy 2021= further more I hope the evidence of vaccine cure is NOT related to placebo effects or any other mass hysterias = please be consciously smart safe [ face-masks – condoms – vitamins and Etc.]. = =thank you
    hotcool = Hotcool = Buddhist Arya Sinhala ( lion people of Sri Lanka the land of Buddhist-tooth-Tuskers [king elephants] )= greeting = AYUBOVAN – Wish all for long life + rebirth = Siinhala language = word for Jewish culture “yudevvan- යුදෙව්වන්” = thank you Hotcool = boxing =2 player trying to knock each other unconscious –spectators enjoying the fight = peace please=booom-no earth= no ww3= be safe-smart=thank you Hotcool =if history says that Jewish people & ++ had a violent past – -if Israel has a voting system at percent -which is a totally new leadership system = it would be smart to accommodate and live with Palestine people = which may reduce internal & external combustions = peace no ww3 = thank you Hotcool = if Jesus is born again = please do not let anyone kill him = learn what he has to say = thank you Hotcool= in sri lanka we [I] give homage to a god name Skanda kumara – deity protector of Buddhism – appears as a god with six faces and twelve hands etc.= thank you Hotcool= the voters national flag of Sri Lanka have 2 stripes one green and the other orange in order to give respect to the smart golden-oldies who lovingly called our island [ the Serendib = ?!/!?] = the golden-oldies of the desert the travelers [ merchants +++] of the silk road had saying – If you want to see god –visit the desert ?!/!? = they used the dry & heated desert sand to cooking & etc.= they also knew that Bering the carcasses in this hot dry desert sand will prevent them from rotting but gradually decompose the to the nature ?!/!?= but in wet lands like ours to situation is quite gruesome- the rotting bodies are become a feast for the cannibalistic little creatures [ most of my childhood was spent in a house near a common cemetery = it would be sadistic let viruses like covid 19 feast and mutate in the bodies of the loved ones = do the justice for your loved ones – just kill the beast covid 19= thank you Hotcool = have you ever wondered = why they killed a man named Jesus ?/? = if Jesus is born again- lease do not let anyone kill him – try to learn what he have to say -or any other nice smarty= peace please= thank you Hotcool=Since the day I met Mr. Arthur C. Clark – I wondered the –negative correlational coefficient between social-dumming-down and AI-control =?!/!?= Correlation is not Causation =[exp. Sci-Fi Short Film: “REWIND” | DUST ]=please be smart safe =thank you Hotcool = most probably time will tell – if not = thank you Hotcool =I spent some time to understand the normalcy of life before and during the killer virus . study in UK and Africa have suggested this killer can mutate to go with the environment = thank you Hotcool= few minute before the tsunami of 26 Dec 2004 – the sea water has been dragged towards the deep AND SEA BED OT THE SHORE-LINE HAS GOT ACCESSIBLE – there are lot of images depicting people fighting to claim owner ship to this new beech land – and most of them had fallen victim to the attacking forces of the tsunami waves =also evidence of animals who ran away [ sensing the danger -?/?]- surviving the deadly tsunami waves = learn to practice thinking twice before the ?!/!?[ jumping into a well]=ha!? Ha!? Ha!? Or NOT ?!/!? = thank you HOTCOOL = DIFFERENT WAYS OF LOOKING AT LIFE+ DEATH – IS THERE REBIRTH OR IS LIFE A RECYCLE [ forgetting – Dr. Jung] =+! ?/?!+= please say no to quick-death learn to enjoy life the hard-way= thank you Hotcool = more than 99.9999% of humans will not go to moon or mars = be safe = thank you Hotcool = learn to love life with compassion – ha!? Ha!? Ha!?= the good- the bad – the beauty – the ugly –the sweet –the sour –the savor – the saver And etc.= extreme attachments to numbers [money], words, photos and machines & whatever = may lose one hold on reality and happiness [ lonely ness and despair and distrust- like an alien language ]= moderation –the middle path is the key to happiness – Buddha =face mask and condoms please// =thank you Dr. Hotcool= I found pure dark crystal angle –one of his wings w/ere broken – glued and took it to temple got it [him] blessings from a good Buddha-dharma & monks- I keep him close by for good-luck = namo all buddhaya – peace =thank you Hotcool = the smart business means – do not kill the goose that lays golden egg daily= ?!/!? = thank you Hotcool = great monkey king or smart hanuman = peace= thank you Hotcool= in Sri Lanka we [I] give homage to a god name Skanda kumara – deity protector of Buddhism – appears as a god with six faces and twelve hands etc.= thank you hotcool = USA army’s great accomplishments – the history of [ making ] the Buddhist flag [col. Henry Steele Olcott ++ 28 May 1885-Sri Lanka] = thank you Hotcool = Buddhist Arya Sinhala ( lion people of Sri Lanka the land of Buddhist-tooth-Tuskers [king elephants] )= greeting = AYUBOVAN – Wish all for long life + rebirth [happy flow of samsara towards the bliss of nirvana ]= have you ever seen holy ghost fights in the religions section in any library ?/?= just like flowers Life [+human] blossom & wither away= What will happen to “Me & Mine” when “I” die =Om Buddha= may compassionate scientific good working life help life on earth= good luck fellow-smart-humanoids = peace=thank youHotcool =I thank All the brave people who preserved Sri Lankans freedom & the right to vote= thank you Hotcool = om nano amitabhaya – Buddha- dhamma –sanga Hari Rama –Veera Vibeeshana –Hari Krishna =peace= thank you
    I wish you all good well-being [positive psychology-APA] and peace [ no ww3]
    Thank you for teaching me
    Faithfull student
    Gihan panditha

  6. These middle people from WHO have no idea what the real agenda at the top is. Many actually think the lockdowns and vaccines are for the good of the people. Unbelievable. Others know it, just don’t want to loose their precious jobs. And an even smaller group closer to the top is well aware of what the end game is. You are the most disgusting worms and you will not get away with this. One day all of you that participate in this massive scheme of deceotion will be sitting in a court of law and will rot in jail for life for crimes against humanity.


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